
Those amazing old photos with stories (5)

author:Hani coffee sauce

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44, A Harlem Debutante Ball

Surprisingly, social dances still exist, although they are now more modern. Back in the 1950s, it was common for wealthy families to host such events.

Those amazing old photos with stories (5)

This rare photograph shows an inaugural social ball in Harlem in 1950. The sad story behind it is that at that time, blacks and whites were separated and not allowed to mix. That's why there were only blacks at the ball.

45, the Allies won the war

We all know that the Allies won World War II, but it would be interesting to see how it really happened. The long and bloody war ended in 1945.

Those amazing old photos with stories (5)

The photograph, taken near the end of the war, shows an Allied half-track with a portrait of Hitler emblazoned to humiliate the Nazis.

46, abandoned Viking Tunnel

The Vikings were a very advanced group of people. They revolutionized navigation and warfare, and most believe they reached the Americas earlier than anyone else.

Those amazing old photos with stories (5)

We know very little about this tunnel in Höfn, Iceland, but all we do know is that it was built by the Vikings.

47, Abraham Lincoln and his son

Abraham Lincoln had four sons, but it is said that his favorite one was the youngest, Thomas." Thomas "Tad" Lincoln III.

Those amazing old photos with stories (5)

The little guy was allowed to run around the White House and often interrupted his father's meetings. When Lincoln was assassinated, Ted was most upset.

48, the first Wonder Woman

The younger generation knew Gal Gadot was wonder woman, but the original one was played by Lynda Carter, who was an icon at the time.

Those amazing old photos with stories (5)

Sadly, the behind-the-scenes experience wasn't that rosy for Carter. She recently revealed that she was abused by the producers during the filming of the series.

49, Pillar of Creation

This looks like a painting, but it's actually a photo taken by the Hubble Space Telescope in 1995. The telescope captured the Eagle Nebula, a region of star formation 6500 light-years away.

Those amazing old photos with stories (5)

It is made up of clouds of interstellar dust formed by winds blown by nearby stars. This stunning photo is known as the "Pillar of Creation".

50, Molotov's man

Susan Meiselas is determined to photograph every corner of Nicaragua. In 1979, Susan was a young photographer whose work depicted the living conditions of the people of Nicaragua: extreme poverty and inequality.

Those amazing old photos with stories (5)

Susan visited many places and met with revolutionaries from the Sandinista revolutionary movement. This photograph captured Pablo de Jesus "Bareta" Araúz attacking a National Guard stronghold with incendiary bombs.

51, The Fallen Man

All the photos of 9/11 are heartbreaking, but this picture of the fallen man is particularly scary. This is one of the few photos that actually captures someone dying.

Those amazing old photos with stories (5)

A few days after the attack, several newspapers published the photo, sparking a backlash from readers. The man's identity remains unclear.

52, coffin ban

Sometimes, people need a very vivid image to understand what's really going on in the world. By 2004, 700 U.S. soldiers had been killed in Iraq, which was no secret, but it wasn't until this photo of the return of the U.S. soldier's body back home was released that people began to notice it.

Those amazing old photos with stories (5)

The photo also sparked a discussion about whether the deceased could be photographed. The photo was banned for years until the Pentagon lifted the ban in 2009.

53, the gorilla of the Congo

Senkwekwe is a silverback mountain gorilla that lives in Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. He and other gorillas were shot dead in a violent clash that swept through the park.

Those amazing old photos with stories (5)

Local residents and park rangers respectfully carried his body out of the forest, reminding many of the human body. Senkwekwe is one of the many victims of the Central African conflict.

54, the situation of the room

The Situation Room is a place where sensitive information enters and exits the White House. This photograph is arguably the most famous photograph taken in this room, as it captures a pivotal moment in American history.

Those amazing old photos with stories (5)

Photographer Peter Souza took this photo for U.S. President Barack Obama and his team, who witnessed U.S. forces raid bin Laden's residence in Pakistan and kill him.

55, albinism children

Bifra, Africa (a region of Nigeria), which suffered disastrous consequences in the struggle for freedom, was a long road to independence. Don McCullin is a British photographer who captured these horrific moments.

Those amazing old photos with stories (5)

McCullin photographed a 9-year-old albino child who was about to starve to death. After seeing pictures of hunger and disease, the public became aware of the chaos and the government quickly stood up.

To be continued...

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