
Top 10 Best Selling Green Trees! Inventory of the best-selling green tree species

author:It must be complete

It is often asked what are the best-selling green seedlings? What varieties of green trees are best sold? Seeing this, Xiaobian can only say that the demand for fine seedlings in gardens is strong, especially the full-crown transplanted seedlings with good posture and beautiful plant type, no matter how the market changes, the status of fine seedlings is not moving, and today I will take stock of the best-selling green tree species with you.

Luan tree

Luan tree shape is tall and beautiful, spring young leaves are mostly red, summer yellow flowers full of trees, into the autumn leaves color becomes yellow, the fruit purple red, shaped like a lantern, should be a shade tree, street trees and landscape trees, wind, dust pollution, sulfur dioxide, ozone have a strong resistance. It is one of the best-selling green trees. Luan trees with a chest diameter of 5-8 cm in central China are about 30-100 yuan / plant, and luan trees with a chest diameter of 5-8 cm in southwest China are 60-100 yuan / plant; Luan tree seedlings with chest diameter of 4 cm and 7 cm and more consistent specifications are the most demanded and the market is the most optimistic.

Top 10 Best Selling Green Trees! Inventory of the best-selling green tree species

Red leaf heather

The red leaf heather is colorful, the leaves and branches are fiery red, giving people a warm and beautiful feeling, some people describe it like this: early spring red leaves, early summer white flowers, autumn fruit, winter leaves evergreen; this is also a major reason why red leaf heather is widely used in landscaping. The varieties of red leaf heather with more applications in landscaping are: red robin, red lip, strong, rubins, flame red. Red leaf heather is one of the largest selling tree species in the country in 2020, with a price of about 1.5-2.5 yuan per plant.

Yuanbao Maple

Yuanbao maple is named because the shape of the wing fruit resembles the ancient Chinese "golden ingot yuanbao", the canopy is large, the shade is thick, the tree posture is beautiful, the leaf shape is beautiful, the young leaves are red, and the autumn leaves turn orange yellow or red, which is an important autumn leaf species in the north. Yuanbao maple is often used as a shade tree and a side tree, and is elegantly planted on the embankment, lakeside, meadow, and near the building.

At the same time, Yuanbao maple is a multi-purpose resource tree species, edible, medicinal and other obvious value, the leaves are rich in chlorogenic acid, flavonoids, can be made Yuanbao maple leaf tea; Yuanbao maple seed oil is rich in fatty acids, its seed oil has been approved by the relevant state departments as a new resource food; trunk wood texture is fine and beautiful, is an important material for making furniture. It is widely used in ecological afforestation, woody oilseed economic forest, garden landscape, and is listed as a key tree species for the construction and development of national reserve forests and woody oilseeds.

The best-selling Yuanbao maple is a seedling with a chest diameter of 5-7 cm and a good crown shape and upright straight, which has been a popular green tree species on the market for many years; while the sales of small-size Yuanbao maple are not very high.


Acacia can be used as a street tree, waterfront green tree, factory green tree scenic landscape tree, landscape tree and ecological protection tree, etc., can also be processed into drugs, with strengthening, calming, calming, beauty effect, is the treatment of neurasthenia.

The best-selling acacia seedlings with a chest diameter of more than 10 cm, the price is higher, generally 180 yuan -300 yuan per plant; the chest diameter of 4cm, 5cm, 6cm, 7cm, 8cm acacia seedlings, the price is 15 yuan, 30 yuan, 50 yuan, 70 yuan, 100 yuan or so, sales are slightly lower.

Top 10 Best Selling Green Trees! Inventory of the best-selling green tree species


Plane tree leaves are large shade, canopy is widespread, strong germination ability, pruning resistance, anti-smoke, few pests and diseases, is an excellent street tree species, once known as "the king of the world's sidewalk trees", is also a good shade and factory and mine greening tree species, and is currently one of the largest number of tree species in urban road greening applications in suitable areas.

Among them, small-sized small-sized small-ball fast-growing seedlings and large-sized seedlings with a chest diameter of more than 7cm sell faster and have a higher price; while seedlings with a chest diameter of 2-8cm can be sold for about 3 yuan to 120 yuan; those with a chest diameter of 10-15cm are one of the best-selling green seedlings, which is higher than the price of other common deciduous large trees with the same specifications, at about 180 yuan to 260 yuan.

National locust

National locust tree has the characteristics of semi-shade resistance, mild salinity resistance, barrenness resistance, anti-soot, strong resistance to sulfur dioxide, chlorine, hydrogen chloride, and the canopy is wide, the branches and leaves are luxuriant, the life is long, and it adapts to the urban environment, it is a good street tree and courtyard tree, and because of its strong ability to resist smoke and poison, it is also a very good choice of green tree species in the factory area and mining area.

Nowadays, many projects require "three shares of six branches and twelve branches" of the national locust, the price of 20 centimeters of ordinary national locust seedlings is about 2000, and the canopy can be sold to 3800 if it reaches the standard of "three shares and six branches and twelve branches", and on this basis, the price of higher quality seedlings can be doubled. The 5-8cm chinese locust with a chest diameter is one of the tree species with a large amount of seedlings in North China in 2020, about 30-150 yuan / plant.

lacebark pine

Whitebark pine from the appearance, growth conditions, greening purification function, cost, etc., are common tree species on the list of landscaping in northern China, generally fully mature whitebark pine per plant price is more than 4,000 yuan, is one of the best-selling green seedlings.

Top 10 Best Selling Green Trees! Inventory of the best-selling green tree species

tree of heaven

Ailanthus leafy, spring young leaves purple red, autumn full of red wing fruit, quite beautiful, in India, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, the United States and other often as a street tree, is one of the most promising green trees. Ailanthus trunk is straight and tall, young leaves purple red in spring, red fruits in autumn, is a good ornamental tree and street tree, can be planted alone, clustered or mixed with other tree species, suitable for factories, mining areas and other greening. The best-selling Ailanthus is the seedling with a chest diameter of more than 5 cm, the same nature index, and the most concentrated number.

weeping willow

Weeping willow is a commonly used sidewalk tree in landscaping, which is low cost and is loved by greenery everywhere. Weeping willow seedlings with a chest diameter of about 5cm and 8cm, due to a large number of applications in riverbank shelter forests and street trees, garden greening, are in extremely high demand and are one of the best-selling green seedlings; while medium-sized seedlings such as chest diameter 3cm, 4cm, 5cm seedlings, the market performance is slightly inferior, and small sizes are the most likely to be unmarketable.


Ash can play a big role in landscaping and will not be eliminated. Ash trees are famous for the release of ash insects to produce ash, this variety of seedlings have strong adaptability, tolerance to thin drought, can also grow in mild saline and alkali land, and have obvious dryness, long green period, beautiful tree shape, small branches, rich and slender branches, narrow and smooth leaves, fast growth and other characteristics, is the main demand for urban afforestation and greening. Small-sized seedlings sell lower; ash seedlings with a chest diameter of 7-10 cm are small but best-selling, with an average price of about 650 yuan and an average price of about 15 cm chest diameter of about 1500 yuan.

Due to the fluctuation of market prices, the above seedling prices and quotations are for reference only.