
Who is the strongest of the four goddesses of "Little Flower Fairy"? Lily Goddess is at the bottom, and the other three are too strong

"Little Flower Fairy" is a good children's anime, whether it is the plot or the style of painting, it is deeply loved by everyone, but the heat has not been high. This anime mainly tells the story of the earth girl Cheyenne, because of the mother Lily Goddess, became the destined flower fairy magic messenger, in order to protect the Continent of Rabelle, with the partners to collect the flower fairy elf king, against the story of the dark demon god, from the story line can be seen, this is a very loving positive energy anime.

Who is the strongest of the four goddesses of "Little Flower Fairy"? Lily Goddess is at the bottom, and the other three are too strong

So far, there are many characters who have appeared in "Little Flower Fairy", including many powerful ones, but there are not many strong people who can be called goddesses, only the goddess of Pupuhua, the goddess of Yaga, the goddess of Lily and the goddess of Angel. So which of the four goddesses is the strongest? Angel's children are not the first, and the goddess Lily is at the bottom.

4. Lily Goddess

Who is the strongest of the four goddesses of "Little Flower Fairy"? Lily Goddess is at the bottom, and the other three are too strong

Goddess Lily is the mother of the protagonist Cheyenne, the patron saint of the flower fairy of the continent of La Belle, who came to Earth in search of new flower seeds to fight against the Dark Demon God, and fell in love with Cheyenne's father, Professor Namu, and gave birth to Cheyenne. Goddess Lily was a very great woman, and when the continent of La belle faced a catastrophe, she did not hesitate to return and sacrificed herself, transforming into the nourishment of the Sky Tree, successfully resisting the invasion of the dark demon gods.

Although Lily Goddess is great and strong, she can only be at the bottom because the other three are too strong.

3. The goddess of Jakarta

Who is the strongest of the four goddesses of "Little Flower Fairy"? Lily Goddess is at the bottom, and the other three are too strong

The Yaga goddess, like the Flower God of Pupu, is the daughter of the ancient flower god, and because she is treated differently, she is resentful and jealous of her sister The Pupra Flower God, and eventually falls into the darkness under the lure of the Dark Demon God and becomes the pawn of the Dark Demon God. Caught in darkness, the goddess of Jakarta was blessed with the power of darkness, and her strength became stronger, even rivaling the goddess of the Pupu Flower. However, in this way, she would be subject to the Dark Demon God and would not be able to get true freedom.

2. Pupu flower god

Who is the strongest of the four goddesses of "Little Flower Fairy"? Lily Goddess is at the bottom, and the other three are too strong

The flower god Pupu is the eldest daughter of the ancient flower god, and she is kind and loving. Unlike the Jakarta goddess, the goddess Pupuhua loves everything in the continent of Label, and she can give everything, including her life, to protect the continent of Rabel. Under the invasion of the Dark Demon God, the Pupu Flower God finally paid the price of his life in order to protect the Continent of La belle, and she was remembered by everyone. Although the Pupu Flower God was defeated by the Dark Demon God, this could not deny her great strength.

1. Angel children god

Who is the strongest of the four goddesses of "Little Flower Fairy"? Lily Goddess is at the bottom, and the other three are too strong

Angel's children's goddess is the grown-up Cheyenne, Cheyenne inherited the talent of her mother, the goddess Lily, not only that, she is better than blue out of blue, and in the process of collecting the Flower Fairy Elf King, her strength has become more and more powerful. Even the Dark Demon God had a headache for The Angel Children, and in the end, the Angel Children God successfully defeated the Dark Demon God. However, strictly speaking, the most powerful is not the Angel Child God, but the blackened Angel, because the real defeat of the Dark Demon God is actually the blackened Angel Child God.

From this point of view, Angel's children's gods are not the first, and the blackened Angel is the strongest. What do you think? Feel free to leave a message in the comments section.

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