
Thunder Fury – Dark Attack

author:A wind and snow night return a

Yuxi, an ordinary and beautiful river, has no majestic majesty or surging momentum. For thousands of years, it has only flowed slowly from east to west, feeding the lives on both sides of the strait. At night, Yuxi was even more silent, and only the sound of gushing water and the low chirping of insects on both sides of the river could be heard. At midnight, at the junction of water and sky, several small black dots appeared, slowly becoming larger from far and near. With the faint moonlight, it was six bamboo rafts, two in the front, two in the back, and three in the middle. On each raft stood five or six big men, dressed in night clothes, carrying machetes on the left side of their bodies, longbows hanging from their right, spears in their hands, and boxes full of bows and arrows on their backs. Everyone looked solemn and alert. On the bamboo raft in the middle of the stars arching like a moon, a person's body is long and his face is white. A black cloak, blown up by the wind from time to time, inside the cloak is a pure white long dress, a green frost sword on the left side of the body, noble and handsome, majestic, standing at the front of the bamboo raft. The crowd on the same felling guard was on the side. Several bamboo rafts descended the wind and sped by. On the west side of QiongluLing, Yuxi suddenly turned north, circled around Qiongluling for half a circle, and continued to the east on the east side of Qiongluling. At the north of the Yuxi Bend, the people abandoned the logging and landed on foot, and walked south. The area is overgrown with trees, overgrown with weeds and thorns, making it extremely difficult to walk. About three quarters of an hour, after walking two kilometers, I saw the fire in front of me, like a galaxy. In the fierce wind, a large banner hunted in mid-air, and the word Xiahou on the banner was dancing with teeth and claws, and the east and west were spread. Obviously, this was Xiahou Guo's military camp. The crowd stared with bated breath and slowly approached.

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