
Irving returns to the team to regenerate variables! Nash reveals important information, and Durant is overjoyed

Recently, the news about Whether Irving can return to the team has gradually increased, and through a series of news, Irving's return seems to have a great possibility. First of all, according to the famous Shams, Irving has been training and is very eager to return to the team and play alongside his teammates. And his unvaccinated is not against vaccination, but questions the effectiveness of existing vaccines, which is an important reason why he has not been vaccinated. It is worth mentioning that just today, Irving posted the dynamics of his autographed boots on his personal social media, and Durant also said in an interview that he and Irving have talked about a lot of topics in recent days.

Irving returns to the team to regenerate variables! Nash reveals important information, and Durant is overjoyed

Irving's return to the team has a turnaround, which stems from the local Thanksgiving Day, and the communication between Owen and Duha is very frequent. When talking about Whether Irving can return, Durant said: "Irving is my brother, let's wait and see, I don't know what will happen." Overall, from the previous negative news to today's series of positive news, Irving's return seems to have begun to warm up, and from Durant's statement, it can be felt that he is definitely very optimistic about Irving's return. In the Nets, Durant and Irving have the best personal relationship, and if Irving wants to return to the team, Durant must know better than anyone.

Irving returns to the team to regenerate variables! Nash reveals important information, and Durant is overjoyed

The news is positive and the wind direction is correct, but after today's Nets victory over the Raptors, Nash revealed a very important news, which also indicates that Irving's return will be uncertain again. When talking about a series of news such as Irving's return to the team and becoming optimistic, Nets coach Nash said: "I have been in touch with Irving, but it has nothing to do with returning to the team, just talk about some life matters. We contacted last week and there was no intelligence that things were changing. I know he's training and I know he's eager to play, but I don't think the line between him and the team at the moment has changed anything from before this report. ”

Irving returns to the team to regenerate variables! Nash reveals important information, and Durant is overjoyed

Although all the other news combined seemed to indicate that Irving's return was becoming more optimistic, Nash said the crux of the matter. Nash's point is clear, even if Irving and the Nets are going in both directions, there is only one way Irving wants to return to the team, and that is to get vaccinated. No matter how much you want to return to the team, no matter how much you want to play with your teammates, as long as you don't get vaccinated, it's nonsense to say more. As the head coach of the Nets, Whether Irving has the intention of vaccination, Nash must be very clear, and his statement is enough to show that Irving has no hope of vaccination at present.

Irving returns to the team to regenerate variables! Nash reveals important information, and Durant is overjoyed

Vaccines are a chasm that must be crossed between Irving and the Nets, and without vaccination, there is no way to return to the team, and Durant can only rejoice. Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the Nets management changed its previous position and accepted Irving to play in a "part-time" form on the team. According to Local Policy in New York, although Irving can't play at home with the Nets, he can play everything with the team on the road. This situation can indeed satisfy Irving's ability to return to the team without vaccination, but it is clear that the Nets will not change their position. So for the Nets, Irving's return to the team should be left to him to solve, and everyone else should focus on the game.

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