
How are your teeth removed step by step?

Always think it doesn't matter if you have a small black hole on your teeth?

Let's see how your teeth are corroded by this little black hole

How are your teeth removed step by step?

Shallow caries

At this time, there is only a little black spot on the surface of the tooth, which looks inconspicuous and does not have any feeling.

Most people will not care, thinking that as long as there is no feeling, there is no problem with the teeth, and they do not know that the black hole is calm on the surface of the teeth, but it is evil inside the teeth.

Caries is a disease in which chronic progressive destruction of tooth hard tissue is caused by multifactorial bacterial factors.

In the shallow carious stage, the carious cavity will continue to erode the surface of the tooth, and it is necessary to carry out timely drug treatment or filling treatment, otherwise the carious cavity will penetrate the surface of the tooth and reach the dentin layer.

Middle caries

At this time, the lesion has been destroyed to the shallow layer of dentin, and the teeth have formed caries holes, which are sensitive to sweet and sour foods, and need to be treated with drugs or filling treatment quickly.

But some people still don't care too much, just think that the teeth are somewhat sensitive, not very painful, and let the caries continue to develop.

How are your teeth removed step by step?

Deep caries

When teeth develop into deep caries, the lesions have been destroyed to the deeper layers of the dentin, and the teeth have deep carious cavities that cause pain when temperature irritation, chemical stimulation, and food enter the cavities.

When you feel pain in your teeth, it means that your teeth have decayed to the point of approaching the pulp.

At this time, if you do the filling treatment in time, you will still have time to save the pulp.

Acute pulpitis

When the lesion invades the pulp tissue, producing an inflammatory exudate, thus forming a pulp cavity hypertension, causing severe pain, at this time, pulp drainage is the most effective way to relieve the pain of acute pulpitis.

Acute apical periapical inflammation

Acute periapical infection of the teeth can cause interstitial infections, which can be life-threatening in severe cases. At this time, it is necessary to go to a regular stomatological hospital for treatment of the affected tooth, cooperate with drug treatment, and if necessary, do abscess incision and drainage.

Residual crown zanne

The stumps of the crown can be preserved. As far as the current medical technology is concerned, the column crown repair after root canal treatment can well retain the residual crown residue.

How are your teeth removed step by step?

The presence of a stumps can slow down the resorption of the alveolar bone, maintain the height of the alveolar bone, and preserve the integrity of the dentition.

However, not all stumps and crowns must be retained and need to be decided after the judgment of a doctor.

Tooth extraction

When the tooth reaches the point where it is completely impossible to retain, it can only be pulled out.

How are your teeth removed step by step?

If you don't have teeth, what can you do later?

There are also three types of dental implants: dental implants, movable dentures and porcelain bridges.

Each of these three methods has its own characteristics:

The service life of dental implants can reach 30 to 40 years, the best use effect, the best aesthetics, comfort, and of course, the price is also the most expensive.

The service life of the movable denture is about 3 to 10 years, but it is not very convenient to take off and wear, in addition to cleaning every day, it is necessary to regularly find a dentist for adjustment.

The service life of porcelain teeth is about 10 to 15 years, and the aesthetic comfort is also better, but it is necessary to grind the adjacent teeth small, which will cause minor damage to natural teeth.

How are your teeth removed step by step?

But no matter which way of dental implantation, it is not as good as their real teeth. Therefore, prevention is better than treatment, and it is best to contain the small black dot at the beginning of its head.

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