
Can Shan Huan Huan Boateng coexist? Dalian lacks a one-shot center! Jose sword pointed to two consecutive wins

"We made a great start and it helped us a lot. Especially in terms of spirit, everyone is highly concentrated, and although the scene is not smooth, we are the same as the opponent in terms of the intensity of the game. —Jose

It should be said that Dalian Renren's 1-0 victory over Henan Songshan Longmen brought a surprise to Dalian fans. Before the match, the match was called a relegation group "not bad money" game. Among the relegation teams in the Chinese Super League, only Dalian Renren Club and Henan Songshan Longmen do not owe wages, and many other relegation teams cannot open the pot. Moreover, henan only ranked second under Shenhua in the relegation group, while Dalian only scored a pitiful 7 points in the first stage.

Can Shan Huan Huan Boateng coexist? Dalian lacks a one-shot center! Jose sword pointed to two consecutive wins

The return of Sweden's double forest has indeed improved both offensive and defensive ends, and Dalian's local players have also had a "main backbone". Larson has been out of the game for a long time, and obviously has not yet recovered his best competitive form, but it is enough to face the relegation team! Danielson is indeed a needle in the haystack, and the main centre-back of the Swedish national team has made great sacrifices to help the club relegate. Dong Yanfeng has risen! If Fengte brought out Wang Yaopeng that year, Great Dan brought out Dong Yanfeng.

Can Shan Huan Huan Boateng coexist? Dalian lacks a one-shot center! Jose sword pointed to two consecutive wins

Judging from the game scene and technical statistics, Dalian people are more convincing to win. Perhaps it is the Henan Songshan Longmen coach Antonio who is too "dish" and did not lead the team to play at the standard it deserves. Fortunately, the team won enough relegation points in the first stage, otherwise, Henan fans would also worry about the team's relegation problem. Wouldn't you have played without Ivo? Dalian people midfielders are also non-nuclear! Zhao Xuri had some difficulty playing the whole field, and Wu Wei's defense was stronger than the attack, at most a "big shovel".

Can Shan Huan Huan Boateng coexist? Dalian lacks a one-shot center! Jose sword pointed to two consecutive wins

Can Shan Huanhuan and Boateng coexist? Dalian lacks a one-shot center! A victory is gratifying, and many young players in Dalian are also improving. However, from the first round alone, Boateng is still in a sluggish state, and the relegation group game is a hard battle for Dalian, and Jose's coaching team will adjust according to the specific situation and different opponents. If Jose continues to trust Boateng, can Shan Huanhuan play at the same time as Boateng? Switch to 422?

Can Shan Huan Huan Boateng coexist? Dalian lacks a one-shot center! Jose sword pointed to two consecutive wins
Can Shan Huan Huan Boateng coexist? Dalian lacks a one-shot center! Jose sword pointed to two consecutive wins

Dalian's goal was a free-kick from Larsson that hit Kalanga to break the line, and Jose thought there was a certain element of luck. Of course, the team's one-point and two-point attempts are very good. After Lin Liangming was injured, Dalian people lacked a scoring point in the front court. Many Dalian fans miss Dakui and even think that if Dakui is there, the campaign may be 2-0 or 3-0. Shan Huanhuan's performance in the first stage was indeed unsatisfactory, but Larson returned to the team, or should practice Shan Huanhuan.

Can Shan Huan Huan Boateng coexist? Dalian lacks a one-shot center! Jose sword pointed to two consecutive wins
Can Shan Huan Huan Boateng coexist? Dalian lacks a one-shot center! Jose sword pointed to two consecutive wins

Wang Zhen'ao and Tao Qianglong are making progress, Dong Yanfeng is also becoming more and more mature, and Wang Xianjun, Huang Jiahui, Zhu Jiaxuan, Shan Huanhuan and others also need to be promoted. At 15:30 on December 15, Dalian people faced Chongqing Liangjiang Athletic in the second round, considering the outflow of multiple main players on the other side, the overall strength declined, Jose will lead the team to win two consecutive victories! Chongqing Liangjiang Athletic faced the Jinmen Tigers in the first round, Feng Jindou shot straight to the dead corner to open the record, And Vinović's free-kick full moon curved knife won the debut goal to join the Jinmen Tigers, and the two sides drew 1-1.

Can Shan Huan Huan Boateng coexist? Dalian lacks a one-shot center! Jose sword pointed to two consecutive wins

Fans and friends, regarding the Dalian people's front line, who do you want Boateng and Shan Huanhuan to start? Or do you want them to coexist and form a combination of one high and one fast?

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