
The Red Classic in Jinshi Calligraphy and Painting- Take the members of Xiling Printing Society as an example

author:Eight Fujian Art Appreciation

Text/Peng Xiaodong

Ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, literary and artistic creation has always followed a law: it rises with the times, changes by the situation, moves with the times, and resonates with the same frequency of the times. In May 1942, Chairman Mao pointed out the direction of literary and artistic creation in his "Speech at the Yan'an Forum on Literature and Art": "In the present world, all culture or literature and art belong to a certain class and a certain political line. Art for art, art that is supra-class, art that runs parallel or independent of politics, is in fact non-existent, "literature and art are subordinated to politics" and "serve millions of working people."

The Red Classic in Jinshi Calligraphy and Painting- Take the members of Xiling Printing Society as an example

"No Harm in the Country" Colored paper axis 65.5cm× 32cm Feng Zikai (1898-1975).

According to this creative instruction, artists in different fields such as Chinese painting, oil painting, printmaking, calligraphy, seal engraving, propaganda painting, etc., with revolutionary themes, social current affairs, motherland construction, Mao Zedong's poetry, etc., have devoted themselves to the creation of red-themed art, during which many huge works in the history of modern Chinese painting have been produced, and the members of the Xiling Printing Society are also the first groups to participate in the creation of such themes. For example, Qian Shutie, an early member of the Xiling Printing Society, who had a strong sense of family and country and a fearless spirit, created the "Map of the March to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea" in the early 1950s.

The Red Classic in Jinshi Calligraphy and Painting- Take the members of Xiling Printing Society as an example

"So Many Delicate Rivers and Mountains" Ink and Pencil on Paper Horizontal Batch 133.5cm× 33cm Sha Menghai (1900-1992)

At the time of the creation of the "Map of the March to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea," between the late stage of the Fourth Campaign to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea and the beginning of the Fifth Campaign, the Volunteer Army and the US Army repeatedly fought and fought fiercely in the area of Mount Kumgang and other areas. The "Map of the March to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea" is huge in scale, exceeding one meter in both lengths and widths. Qian Skinny Iron used traditional brush and ink to depict the scene of the volunteer army marching in the middle of Mount Kumgang with great vigor and vigor.

The Red Classic in Jinshi Calligraphy and Painting- Take the members of Xiling Printing Society as an example

"The People's Qi Is Strong" Xingshu Han Tianheng (Vice President of Xiling Printing Agency)

The century-old famous Xiling Printing Society is a microcosm of China's modern culture, and many of its members are the banner figures of culture and art, which has played an indispensable and important role in the inheritance and development of traditional Chinese culture and art. From modern changes to contemporary development, it has a long history, a collection of humanities, and the pulse of culture is endless, always shining. At the same time, it is always in harmony with the fate of the motherland, "its funds are raised by the members of the society, and its affairs are the preservation of the national essence" and "it is related to the public welfare and belongs to the private group".

The Red Classic in Jinshi Calligraphy and Painting- Take the members of Xiling Printing Society as an example

"The Journey of the Avenue, the World is just" Book chen Zhenlian (Vice President of Xiling Printing Agency)

In 1949, Ding Fuzhi tightly held Wang Fu'an's hand and said, "There are already cannons in Longhua (Shanghai). The four founders of the society, Wu Shiqian and Ye Weiming all died first, and the burden of the printing society was borne by you alone. Fortunately, liberation is near, and Indian social can be given to the Communist Party. Xu Zhi, a disciple of Wang Fu'an, recalled: "During the 49-50 years of the Liberation War, Master Fu'an had been concerned about the future placement of the Xiling Printing Society, and he repeatedly declared: 'The Indian social people's government is the most appropriate.'" "The foresight and great love spirit of the two founders of Xiling Printing Society have made the Printing Society have the vitality and brilliance it has now.

The Red Classic in Jinshi Calligraphy and Painting- Take the members of Xiling Printing Society as an example

Chairman Mao's "Sending the Plague God NO. 2" Seal Engraving Liu Jiangzuo (Executive Director of Xiling Printing Agency)

Such a patriotic feeling has always existed since the establishment of Xiling Printing Society, just as Liu Jiang, executive director of Xiling Printing Society, in "Carrying Forward the Spirit of Xiling Printing Society -- Commemorating the Ninety-fifth Anniversary of the Founding of Xiling Printing Society", summarized the spirit of Xiling Printing Society as follows: 1. The spirit of independent innovation; 2. The spirit of research in Printing Studies; 3. The spirit of patriotism; 4. The spirit of dedication; 5. The spirit of unity and progress. Specifically, we can also see from Ye Weiming's "Xiling Printing Society's Small Chronicle" that the printing society's collections from land, buildings, furniture and supplies, as well as seals, seals, calligraphy and paintings, etc., are all generous donations from members. The patriotic feelings of the members continue to this day, and they are also expressed in the artistic creation of the members, which can be seen as the internal cause of the members' creation of red themes.

The Red Classic in Jinshi Calligraphy and Painting- Take the members of Xiling Printing Society as an example

"Long Live the Motherland" Seal Engraving Li GangtianZuo (Vice President of Xiling Printing Agency)

According to the "Red Classics" (which refers to works created between 1949 and 1979 that use realism and revolutionary romanticism to reflect the historical themes of the Chinese revolution and the theme of socialist construction in New China, "it requires writers and artists to stand on the standpoint of the proletariat, observe and express life from the viewpoint of Marxism-Leninism, combine reality and ideals, revolutionary practice and historical trends, create a magnificent and moving artistic image, enthusiastically praise the new things of the revolution, and attack reactionary and decadent things", Also known as the "New Chinese Art Classics"), the author has roughly sorted out the following members who have created red themes: Wang Fu'an, Zhang Zongxiang, Shen Yinmo, Lu Weizhao, Sha Menghai, He Tianjian, Wu Hufan, Qian Shutie, Pan Tianshou, Feng Zikai, Fang Jiekan, Lai Chusheng, Fei Xinmei, Fu Baoshi, Dun Lifu, Zhao Puchu, Qian Junzao, Ye Qianyu, Yu Rentian, Lu Yushao, Tang Yun, Xie Zhiliu, Hu Tiesheng, Qi Gong, Chen Dayu, Lai Shaoqi, Wei Zixi, Song Wenzhi, Cheng Shifa, Li Zhenjian, Jiang Dongshu, yaming , Li Fuyu, Huang Yin, Zhou Changgu, etc.

The Red Classic in Jinshi Calligraphy and Painting- Take the members of Xiling Printing Society as an example

"Don't Forget the Initial Heart" Seal Carving Wu Yingzuo (Director of Xiling Printing Society)

These artists are all prominent artistic celebrities who have influenced them to this day. They were deeply influenced by the old ideas, grew up in the Republic of China at the end of the Qing Dynasty, grew up under the red flag, experienced the baptism of "learning from the West and gradually learning from the East", how to transform the inherent concept of artistic creation to meet the requirements of the new era, let the pen and ink with the times, and create new works with a strong sense of the times, reflecting the construction of the motherland and defending the motherland by the working people, which is both a challenge and an opportunity for them.

The Red Classic in Jinshi Calligraphy and Painting- Take the members of Xiling Printing Society as an example

"Overcome the Difficulties of the Times" Seal Carving Yang Jianzuo (Member of Xiling Printing Society)

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, in the face of the scene of heat and prosperity, they went deep into life, kept up with the pulse of the times, and established a legend for the mountains and rivers of the motherland. Specifically, in 1959, Ye Qianyu created "The Liberation of Peiping"; in 1959, Fu Baoshi and Guan Shanyue collaborated on "So Many Delicacies in Jiangshan"; in 1965, Wu Hufan wrote "Celebrating the Success of China's Atomic Bomb Explosion" to show the major achievements in China's national defense construction; Pan Tianshou painted "Enthusiastically Pay More Public Grain"; Lu Yushao created many fine works based on the construction of New China and Mao Zedong's poems, and consulted the "Complete Works of Lu Yushao" with as many as 135 pieces; in 1962, Han Deng'an created "Chairman Mao's Poetry Carved Stones" with Chairman Mao's poems. Although this collection is only 36 squares, it is a concentrated embodiment of Han Deng'an's life's work, and it has a great influence on the seal engraving circle at that time.

The Red Classic in Jinshi Calligraphy and Painting- Take the members of Xiling Printing Society as an example

"Splendid Picture of Jiashan Mountain" Yan Dahaizuo (Member of Xiling Printing Society)

Revolutionary pioneer Li Dazhao once said: Iron shoulders moral righteousness, and clever hands write articles. Such a sense of mission and responsibility was the best annotation for the members of the Xiling Printing Society at that time.

(The author is deputy director of Xiling Printing Society Art Museum and deputy secretary-general of Zhejiang Minjin Enlightened Painting Institute)

The Red Classic in Jinshi Calligraphy and Painting- Take the members of Xiling Printing Society as an example
The Red Classic in Jinshi Calligraphy and Painting- Take the members of Xiling Printing Society as an example
The Red Classic in Jinshi Calligraphy and Painting- Take the members of Xiling Printing Society as an example