
Scientists explain the explanation

author:The post-90s are all running three

According to the Shenzhen News Network, the world is full of wonders! In life, we will encounter some very strange things, and some even scientists can not explain, the following inventory of some strange events that science can not explain, see how much do you know?

Topic: Ghost Stories of Psychic Events

1. The "Zombie Boy" in Kaixian County, Chongqing

Shu Xiao would often suddenly faint, stiffen his hands and feet, grin his teeth, and make a low roar, shouting to drink blood, like a zombie. Shu Xiao's "blood sucking" incident caused a great sensation. The medical community is looking forward to unraveling the mystery of children's "blood sucking". When Shu Xiao fell ill, once he saw the blood, he greedily licked it. What is the disease that makes a child love to suck blood when he is sick?

【Introduction】The world is full of wonders! In life, we will encounter some very strange things, and some even scientists can not explain, the following inventory of some strange events that science can not explain, see how much do you know?

2. In the vast Pacific Ocean, there is a very strange island. Sometimes the islands split themselves into two islets, and sometimes they automatically form one island. The time of separation and closure is irregular, ranging from 1 to 2 days to 3 to 4 days. When separated, the two parts are separated by about 4 meters, and when they merge, they become a whole

6. [The mysterious "time tunnel"] On July 2, 1955, Flight 914 took off from New York to Florida, suddenly disappeared on the way, and it was thought that the plane fell into the sea, but after 35 years, Flight 914 suddenly appeared in Venezuela, and when these people returned to their homes in the United States, they were surprised, the children and relatives were old, and they were still as young as they were then. Is there really a time tunnel?

8. A man named Prade. Jani's Indian man recently claimed that for 68 years, he had not eaten, drunk, or defecated. Jani was once under observation at a hospital in western India, and his magic puzzled the hospital's 400 doctors. The doctor said that although he did not eat or drink, he did form urine, but it was absorbed by his bladder wall, and it is impossible to give a scientific explanation for this.

9. A mysterious metal sphere descends over Namibia, Africa, which weighs about 6 kilograms and has a diameter of 35 centimeters, with a rough and uneven surface that looks like two semicircles welded together. When it landed, it smashed a 30 cm deep and 33 cm wide pit, and then bounced 18 meters away. Some kind of precision metal fabrication. The sphere does not appear to be in any danger, it is not an explosive device, and it is hollow inside.

10. The only female pharaoh mysteriously disappeared in Egypt, wearing a false beard, wearing men's clothing, wearing a wide-breasted robe, holding a scepter in her hand, and incomparably majestic, this is the only female pharaoh in Egypt, Hatshepsut. She ruled Egypt for 22 years. But suddenly one day there was her and hers

11. In 1949, Taiwan sensationalized the world to borrow the corpse to return the soul, when the newspaper once published such a sensational global bizarre story Wu Lin reckless waist old man in the Republic of China 48 years was judged by doctors to die of exhaustion did not expect to suddenly wake up after 3 days and 3 nights At that moment she changed from a 40-year-old Wu Lin to another 17-year-old Kinmen girl Zhu Xiuhua was too bizarre.

13. The 12-year-old kitten in the family of Zhang Lianzhi, a villager in Shangcun, Guangling County, Shanxi, has a cub, and what makes Zhang Lianzhi's family puzzled is that Mimi gave birth to 3 kittens, one of which looks like a puppy. The Zhang family said that although it looks like a dog, it does not like to play with other dogs, and it is still very close to its mother cat and cat siblings.

14. A 40-year-old kindergarten female teacher in Indonesia, known by the media as the "wire woman" Nusida suffered from a rare disease, from the time of college, the body began to grow wire, and even sometimes the wire grew to 10 centimeters overnight! Nusida has been searching for the cause and cure for this strange disease, but no one can give her a definitive answer. The cause has not been explained.

15. NASA released a photo of the cone nebula taken by hubble, which many claimed was an image of Jesus.

In a barley field in the De weezis region of Wiltshire, England, a 400-foot(121.9-meter) long phoenix-shaped crop circle has emerged. An expert on crop circles believes that the phoenix is mythical, representing rebirth and the arrival of a new era in many countries, and this circle may coincide with Mayan prophecy.

17. A strange blue aperture suddenly appeared over the northern region of Norway. The mysterious aperture is swirling, shooting a blue-green beam of light from the center of the vortex. This strange phenomenon has sparked speculation about UFOs, auroras, and missile tests. It was later confirmed that it was caused by missiles launched by Russian nuclear submarines in the White Sea. This image was taken by photographer Jane Peter Jorgensen while he was on his way to the factory.

18. In Mayhuin, Massachusetts, Mary-Joe-Cody one day suddenly discovers that a portrait of Jesus appears at the bottom of the iron in her home. She was impressed by the discovery, believing that "life will be good." Kodi is ready to save this iron and buy a new one for everyday use.

20. In a temple in Tongren County, Qinghai Province, China, two clear footprints were found on a wooden board. Locals believe that the pair of footprints was left by a devout worshipper who prayed reverently here for decades.

22. Recently, some netizens found that there is a strange image of "supernatural" on Google Street View (Google Map) near Walensee in Switzerland, and if you look up from the highway, you will find two mysterious objects in the sky, and many people have speculated that if this is not a problem with the camera, it may be the "apparition" of Jesus Christ.

23. The clouds of the sky in the seaside town of Sussex present the image of Jesus Christ on the cross.

24. Hundreds of florida people gathered in Clearwater Bay to witness the Virgin Mary appear on a glass screen.

25. In a barley field in the Kingston Combis area of Oxfordshire, England, a jellyfish-shaped crop circle appeared. The circle is about 600 feet long. According to an expert on crop circles, this jellyfish-shaped crop circle is a "code map" of pi, symbolizing the first 10 numbers of pi.

27. In South Wales, England, a grocery store owner found a special pattern on a pie that looked a lot like the bust of the famous British comedian Tommy Cooper, which is Cooper's hometown.

Topic: Supernatural Events

Editor's note: The world is so big and strange, of course, the above is only a part of the strange events, there are many places where different strange things are happening, these may be