
These behaviors of dogs are precisely the manifestations of high IQ

author:Gluttony Dog Food Encyclopedia
When raising dogs, we will see that they occasionally have some strange behavior, and the owner thinks: What is the dog doing? In fact, these behaviors of dogs are precisely the manifestations of high IQ!
These behaviors of dogs are precisely the manifestations of high IQ

Some people say that smart dogs don't get trapped by a cage.

They will try their best to escape from prison and escape to play,

So the dog will run out to play when the owner is not there,

Not only naughty, but also a manifestation of its cleverness,

In this way, the dog encounters danger, is caught, and will sneak out on its own, which is also beneficial to think like this.

These behaviors of dogs are precisely the manifestations of high IQ

Sometimes the hostess practices yoga at home, and the dog will follow along.

When you see that it wants to imitate, but the action is not done right,

It just makes me laugh.

In fact, the dog is doing funny actions to make you happy,

It may also be that the dog wants to seriously "practice yoga" in his heart, but it is not standard.

Either way, such dogs are very intelligent.

These behaviors of dogs are precisely the manifestations of high IQ

Dogs with high IQs, who understand that they are fake in the mirror,

Not only are they not afraid to look in the mirror, but they also pose a lot,

You'll see the dog stink in front of the mirror,

Don't you think it's funny?

Look in the mirror and don't be afraid, don't hide from the dog,

Definitely smart.

These behaviors of dogs are precisely the manifestations of high IQ

After the owner goes out to work, the dog can play at home by himself,

I don't break up houses and bite things, which is a manifestation of cleverness.

Because they know that sooner or later the owner will come home,

Also understand that if you mess around at home, the owner does not like it,

So I play with my own toys with peace of mind, and then wait for the owner to leave work.

Such a sensible dog is naturally very intelligent.

These behaviors of dogs are precisely the manifestations of high IQ

In rural areas, people like to keep free-range dogs,

Dogs also like to go out for a walk alone,

Every day when it's time to eat, I go home.

Such dogs are also smart, they will not cause trouble casually, and they can recognize the way home.

That's why I hang around every day.

You can also go to the neighbor's house to ask for a snack.

Even if the dog is very smart and knows how to go home, but if it is larger,

It is better for the owner to go out and walk the dog, it will be safer.

These behaviors of dogs are precisely the manifestations of high IQ

Dogs pee at home, or pull up on the dog, will find something to cover up,

This behavior may not be very acceptable to the owner,

But there's no denying that dogs are smart,

They know they've made a mistake, and the owner gets angry when they see it,

Just cover your ears like a bell so that you can act as if nothing happened.

If you want to reduce your dog's mistakes, it is best to train from an early age and let them pee at a designated location.

At first, snacks can be used to encourage the dog.

These behaviors of dogs are precisely the manifestations of high IQ
These behaviors of dogs are precisely the manifestations of high IQ
These behaviors of dogs are precisely the manifestations of high IQ
These behaviors of dogs are precisely the manifestations of high IQ
These behaviors of dogs are precisely the manifestations of high IQ
These behaviors of dogs are precisely the manifestations of high IQ