

author:Circle around the circle

Zhang Taishou's wife was intelligent and beautiful, and she was very capable of running the family, but unfortunately she had been married for five years, and she had not been able to give birth to a man and a half woman.

In the old days, it was a great sin, but Zhang Taishou still loved his wife in every way, always saying: "Whether I have children or not is the creation of my Zhang family, and it has nothing to do with you as a woman." ”

But despite this, his wife still added a heart disease, and later she actually burped before and after dinner, and the pain in her chest and ribs was incomparable.

Zhang Taishou went around seeking medical treatment for his wife, but to no avail, and her illness became worse and worse every day.

On this day, Zhang Taishou saw a youfang Daoist at the mouth of the city who was treating people, and as long as the patient said which part of his body was in pain, he squeezed it casually and immediately got rid of the disease.

Zhang Taishou was overjoyed, and he couldn't care less about his identity, so he knelt down and prostrated his head toward the Daoist: "Immortal Family, quickly save my wife's life, I am the pawn house selling land, and I also want to give you the Taoist temple incense pilgrimage." ”

"How dare you, how dare you!" The Daoist lifted up Zhang Taishou and said, "I am just an idle man who lives in the world, how can He De dare to pretend to be a god?" However, since you are too guarded to see, then go to the house to see! ”

Zhang Taishou then invited the Daoist to his living room to take a seat, and then summoned his wife to come out to meet him.

The Daoist glanced at the lady, opened his mouth, and wanted to stop talking.

Zhang was too anxious: "Please ask Master to speak directly."

Only then did the Daoist speak, "Forgive the poor Dao, I'm afraid that my wife has a heart disease, and according to what the Poor Dao sees, she only has five years of Yang Shou." ”

Zhang Taishou heard the Daoist say that madame only had five years to live, how could he bear to watch her leave him? The couple immediately fell to their knees and pleaded.

The Daoist sighed and said to his wife, "You, you must be too jealous and suspicious when you usually treat people and things, and you can't tolerate others being more comfortable than you, even if some people are in a much worse situation than you, you will still feel that fate has treated you badly." Madam, it is not okay to live like this, and over time it will be depressed and hurt the liver. Now, this depressed breath has formed a hard lump in your chest! ”

When Madame heard this, her face was full of crimson and she murmured, "What Master said is extremely true, and the slave family also knows that they are jealous and suspicious, but they can't restrain themselves." Today, the slave family relies on the grace of the master, and no matter what, the master must save the slave family. She couldn't stop crying as she spoke, and repeatedly prostrated herself to the Daoist.

The Daoist thought for a moment and said, "Well, poor Dao will give you medicine to try." However, you must ensure that you will not be depressed by jealousy and suspicion within 100 days, otherwise you will die immediately, can you do it? ”

Madame naturally agreed to a hundred, so Zhang Taishou ordered the servants to clean up a house for the Daoists, and sent special people to serve them, and the Daoists personally cooked and watched over the Yahuan to fry the medicine for the lady and let the lady take it.

The first and second doses of medicine under the stomach, the lady does not feel anything, and so the third dose of medicine under the belly, the lady suddenly felt that the chest was open, the pain in the chest ribs was greatly reduced, And Zhang Taishou was surprised.

In addition to giving medicine to his wife every day, the Daoist people also taught her some scriptures in their free time, explained the principles of dealing with the world, and taught her how to be open-minded and confused.

After being clicked by the Daoist, the lady's heart was much brighter, thinking that she had nothing to do before, angry about a little sesame green bean, and almost gave her life, how bitter! Gradually, she became more easy-going.

The slaves looked at her and were happy in their hearts, saying that Madame was like a changed person, and there was no need to worry about her in the future.

In this way, three months have passed, and the lady's appearance is obviously very different from before, but the Daoist still insists on cooking herself every day, supervising yahuan to fry medicine for the lady, and letting the lady take the medicine, without the slightest slackening.

Seeing that the 100-day period that the Daoist had said earlier was coming, on this day, the Daoist suddenly said to Zhang Taishou and his wife: "There are important things in the mountains, and it is impossible to go back to the poor road once, although the round trip is only three days, the husband's sick and poor road cannot rest assured, seeing that the hundred days are full, we must not give up our previous achievements!" ”

Madame Lang replied, "Master just have to go with confidence, the slave family will definitely take the medicine on time, please ask Master to relax." ”

But the Daoist people were still not at ease, and instructed: "Please Madame, during the day, be sure to quietly recite the scriptures that the poor Dao has passed on to you, and rest your distracting thoughts." In addition....." He said here and took out three incense sticks and handed them to his wife, "This is specially prepared for the lady by poor Dao, please do not forget to burn the incense every night, the lady only needs to smell this fragrance, she can fall asleep quickly, and it will be until dawn all night."

After repeated dings, the Daoist is gone. But when he returned from the mountains three days later, he was horrified to see Madame.

Zhang Taishou felt very strange: "Lady Mingming is following your instructions from Master, taking medicine during the day, burning incense at night, and sleeping until the red sunrise, how..."

The Daoist shook his head repeatedly, "Alas, they are all poor Dao incompetent!" Poor Dao knows that Madame is jealous of Superman, why do you have to talk so many words, Madame is going to argue with Poor Dao! ”

Hearing the Daoist say this, the lady cried loudly, crying and begging: "Please Master save the slave family!" ”

It turned out that after the Daoist left, madame thought in her heart: Little thing, can the Daoist commit such a nagging? It's not that I want to remember his kindness all the time. It seems that there are no truly detached people in the world, and even the monks are playing tricks! Thinking like this, she couldn't sleep when she lay in bed at night, and "passed" the slaves in the palace through the sieve: a group of slaves who were in violation of the yin and yang were now praising me for becoming open-minded, doesn't that mean that I used to be narrow-minded and fierce? But didn't they also flatter me one by one? In this way, even what they are saying now cannot be believed. She thought of Zhang Taishou again: Is it because I usually take such care of me because I still have a little posture? If he is old in the future, or if he still can't give birth to a son in the end, will he still treat himself like this? Thinking about it a little deeper, did he not do something wrong with me in this way? There are more than three or two beautiful rings in the house, who can guarantee that he does not have a hidden side room outside?

However, after Madame had taken the Daoren's medicine for so many days, she immediately restrained these distracting thoughts in her head and warned herself: Even if this is the case, you must not be angry, and if you really want to die, they will be happy! So the lady desperately recited the scriptures that the Taoists usually taught, and as soon as she recited the scriptures, the anger in her heart disappeared, and she smelled the incense and gradually fell into a dream, dreaming that a bunch of yahuan in the palace were turning their heads and ears in the garden, talking about many of the differences between her as the master mother, and when she was annoyed, she turned around and retreated into the back house, but she ran into her husband who was holding the yahuan on the bed. She was suddenly furious, grabbed something around her and threw it over, a series of blows until she woke up, and when she saw that the mosquito net had long been torn out of shape .....

Zhang Taishou was stunned by his wife's confession.

The Daoist sighed at Zhang Taishou, "I originally wanted my wife to sleep in the incense, so I wouldn't have any more distracting thoughts, but I didn't know that her jealousy had reached the point where there was no cure, although the dream was false, but the qi was real!" It seems that not all diseases in the world can be cured by drugs. Poor road sorry for your many days of hospitality, ashamed, ashamed! The Daoist said, stumbling out of the door, and could not stop it. When the Daoists left, Zhang Taishou could only watch his wife wait for the day.....

Aphorisms Apocalypse:

"Jealousy is poison", remember that this phrase came from Shakespeare and was later repeatedly quoted on different occasions. It can be seen that it is a universal topic in real life. In fact, jealousy is not only an acute or chronic poison, but its harm is also two-way, because when it poisons others (the jealous), it poisons the jealous person himself. It is worth noting that in the vast world, there are colorful lands and hotbeds of jealousy, and from young people who are not deeply involved in the world to old people who have experienced hardships and hardships, it is not uncommon for people who are deeply suffering and harmed by jealousy. No one should take any chances in this regard.

A beautiful mind is one that is broad, cheerful, and ready to accommodate everything.

(Gu Wenxian) (Caption: An Yumin)