
Xuan Xuanzi said the daily horoscope: December 14, 2021 Luck Tips

Xuan Xuanzi said the daily horoscope: December 14, 2021 Luck Tips

Xuan Xuanzi said easy

Tue 14 Dec 11

Xin Ugly Year Gengzi Month Prophecy Day

On the day of the triad, sit on the fortune star.

In the winter month, the sunshine of the C fire is warm, the yen C fire official star is prosperous, the wealth star is dry and fit, and there is a wealth star when sitting down. It shows that today it is easy to get help from noble people, which is conducive to self-improvement. It is suitable for communication and visiting respected leaders, and can gather and celebrate, and manage and seek wealth.

The fire is thoroughly dry, and the kitchen and stove should not be repaired.

Tigers and pigs are prone to entanglement, and we must be wary.

Rats, dragons, and snakes are more advantageous.

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