
Customize full-fit point masks for kids through 3D scanning

The model of customizing some products through 3D scanning has become more and more popular, such as various fixed stents in the medical field, prosthetics, as well as glasses and shoes in daily life. Kevin Ngo, an engineer in Silicon Valley, has started a custom mask project called Flo Mask to create a fully face-like mask for children ages 4 to 12 through 3D scanning and 3D printing.

Customize full-fit point masks for kids through 3D scanning

The project began in the summer of 2018, when a major forest fire broke out in California and many children had to wear masks. Kevin is also a father, and he found that many masks are not so suitable for children, so he thought about creating a mask that fits children's faces perfectly.

But after Kevin tried more than 10 schemes, the effect was not ideal, either the production cycle was too long, or the accuracy was not enough. So, he planned to try 3D scanning and 3D printing. He then got in touch with Artec, a Luxembourg-based 3D scanning company, to buy a portable 3D scanner.

To collect a three-dimensional dataset that reflected the diversity of the nose, Kevin scanned the faces of children of different races, Asians, Europeans, Africans, and white North Americans, in the San Francisco Bay Area.

"We use the lips as the center point and it takes about 20 seconds or so to scan a small half of the facial area. Then we generate the design of the mask based on the scan data and then 3D print it. Try it on for the children, and then make some small adjustments according to the trial situation. Kevin introduced.

To improve wearing comfort, Kevin chose flexible materials and jetting processes, so the 3D printed masks have a silicone-like texture. After more than a year of research and development, Flo masks were officially launched at the end of December 2020. As a result, there was a COVID-19 outbreak later. The Flo mask is just the value, its filter can block more than 99.8% of the virus, exceeding the Food and Drug Administration's breathability standard of 600%. At the same time, the elasticity can be adjusted by the strap to improve comfort, and the lips will not touch the mask when wearing.

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