
Whoever said that he would not wear a red suit would come to learn Song Qian's style, have the temperament and patience to learn

Who said that you will not wear a red suit, let's learn Song Qian's look, classic temperament, fashion has texture, collocation is not complicated, but it gives people the feeling of the top good-looking kind, red suit with slim design is also very suitable

Whoever said that he would not wear a red suit would come to learn Song Qian's style, have the temperament and patience to learn

The suit can be designed with a thicker and heavier, as the inner layer how to concave shape, the inner layer is simple, you can use simple elements, the white turtleneck knit shirt can also be used as the inner layer, and the simple round neck style is also suitable, as an inner layer and red formation auxiliary

Whoever said that he would not wear a red suit would come to learn Song Qian's style, have the temperament and patience to learn

Naturally which color system can be very good-looking, white turtleneck knitwear + red suit, slim design is the most suitable, because it can form a slim body, followed by the choice of refreshing tone jeans, jeans refreshing + red

It is also a very good collision, red is the highlight of this body look, Song Qian's overall wear, hairstyle is more plus, the way of embellishment is also very OK with some accessories, followed by the use of a little careful machine collocation

Whoever said that he would not wear a red suit would come to learn Song Qian's style, have the temperament and patience to learn

Pants can be slightly rolled up the legs of the pants, with a more playful and good-looking, but also have a sense of space, jeans and red suits, to the spring is also quite suitable collocation, this body error rate is relatively low, you can try it

Whoever said that he would not wear a red suit would come to learn Song Qian's style, have the temperament and patience to learn

Other shapes can also be changed, I don't know which red series you still like, with a little classic look, to present different color systems, in addition to red everyone likes which styles, may wish to nag together

Disclaimer: Picture editor Jiang Xiaoyu, text: bj Jun original content editor M Jun review, content without permission please do not reprint, plagiarism will be investigated

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