
Love has to be spoken out loud

author:Front Ting backyard

Original Qian Weijing Qianting backyard

Love has to be spoken out loud

The author wrote the words at the front

Once I chatted with my daughter, I inadvertently involved the emotional problems of the old drifters, the problems of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, language problems, and communication problems (because my daughter is a life coach, we often talk about these topics). This is an emotional trait that a generation has a personality, has characteristics, is not good at expression, and will not be easily changed in a specific political and living environment.

Love is an innate emotion in human beings. Love the country, love the family, love the parents, love the children, love life, love brothers and sisters, love friends..... Great love has no boundaries, and every love is caused by our good nature and is the embodiment of happiness and happiness.

From childhood to adulthood, the careful care of parents, every illness, the concerned eyes of parents; every time they go to school, their parents tirelessly ding;every award, the parents' appreciative eyes and joyful expressions; every time they travel far, their parents are in love with the figure that has not been able to stare at the immovable figure for a long time; every time they go home, they seem to be excited after a long absence..... These are expressions of love.

They worked at sunrise and rested at sunset, running and working for the livelihood of their families, and tasted the hardships of life. They do their best to earn money, do their duty for their parents, and for their children. Their generation, who respects their parents and loves their children and grandchildren, never says I love you. They're not good at communicating, they're not good at expressing, they bury all their emotions, all their love, in their hearts.

Our generation has been taught to love the motherland, the people, and their parents. Love wholeheartedly, love selflessly, love selflessly. So other loves, such as love and fraternity, are avoided (because there is a difference between men and women). In the words of the time, it was the product of feudalism, capital, and repair, a typical petty bourgeoisie. In that era, the love between classmates, between men and women, was unattainable. No one is in love openly, try to avoid contact between male and female classmates, it is not allowed to fall in love at school, the light will be criticized, and the heavy will be punished and criticized (our school has two pairs, one is a class criticism fight, one is a double open).

Free love is just a vision of young people. The repressed emotions of our generation have accompanied us throughout our lives. To our parents, we never said I love you, nor did we ever say to our partners, it was a lack of love. It goes from not daring to think of not wanting, from indifference to silence, not knowing what love is, and never knowing the charm of the phrase "I love you".

An old couple on the gold medal mediation, who have lived together for more than 40 years, have never said a word I love you (such a thing is very common). The host's words are like an empowerment, so that all people suddenly wake up: what you are missing is the most beautiful language in the relationship between husband and wife, the most effective communication. After the adjustment, the husband's sentence "Wife I love you" made the couple turn into a jade bunting, and the wife could not cry and returned to good.

Since coming to my daughter's house, the life breath of this generation has obviously infected us and changed our hearts. There are many tedious things in family life, but they make them so happy. Every day from five to nine, busy and busy, but never forget the child's learning and parent-child activity arrangements. No matter the time morning and evening, half an hour of reading every day can not move, every day when I go home, I greet each other, baby I love you, wife I love you! Husband I love you! Mom, I like you so much! Daddy, you're so smart! These words are long hanging on the lips. At the beginning, I really felt good and numb! Love all day, love, love, time is long, especially children: Grandma I like you so much! I felt so comfortable in an instant, and slowly, slowly, I felt the charm of this sentence.

When it is sunny, it can make the sky clearer, and when it is cloudy, it can turn cloudy to sunny in an instant;

It is the catalyst of contradiction, which can be turned into small things;

It can reconcile people's mentality, resolve contradictions, and make opposites unified;

It is the power of language, the glue of life.

This is really: good words are warm in three springs, and bad words are cold in the bones.

Use more in the family, use good words of praise, words of encouragement, words of lyricism, must be the great fortune of this family.

When we are young, people are defensive of each other, more is suspicion, less praise. Today, in this open era, we may as well learn from young people, and if there is love, we must say it: to the most beloved parents, who are more than 60 years late, "Mom and Dad, I love you", whether you are in heaven or on earth, I will always love you!

Say to my wife and children that I love you, and with you I will slowly change myself and enjoy this belated happiness;

Say I love you to my brothers and sisters, and with you know the preciousness of brotherhood;

Say to your close friends and old classmates that I love you, and with your support and encouragement, I have achieved today's me.

To all those who love me, I love people: I love you! I wish you eternal happiness and health!