
Xie Na's parents didn't come to help take care of the children? Her response has made many actresses ashamed

In the eyes of ordinary people, they will feel that each star is very dazzling, and the scenery, they can not only be loved by many fans, but also the material living standard is also very good, but the way of parenting that is talked about, many people will feel that the stars are not as good as them, but in fact, it is not so, and the stars will be diverse for the methods of raising children.

Xie Na's parents didn't come to help take care of the children? Her response has made many actresses ashamed

Speaking of Xie Na, I believe that many people are particularly familiar with her, Xie Na's appearance is not particularly beautiful, but she has made herself have a certain position in the hosting industry with her own efforts and natural humor. Not only has a successful career, but also gained a lot in love, and after meeting Zhang Jie, the two people then got married and then gave birth to a pair of daughters.

Xie Na's parents didn't come to help take care of the children? Her response has made many actresses ashamed

After their daughter was born, it is natural to need the constant companionship and love of their parents, not to mention that they gave birth to two children, although they have their own careers and their own dreams to pursue, but they did not quit the show business because they had children.

Instead, when they don't work and take time off, they go with their children so that their two daughters can better feel the love of their parents. Neither of them neglected their daughter's care because of their work.

Xie Na's parents didn't come to help take care of the children? Her response has made many actresses ashamed

In a variety show, when several star mothers were eating and chatting together, Xie Na said that she arranged her parents to travel, and then arranged her parents' itinerary properly, which was very filial piety, but at this time, another female star had a doubt and asked Xie Na: Do your parents help you with your children?

Xie Na's parents didn't come to help take care of the children? Her response has made many actresses ashamed

However, Xie Na replied: No parents look at the child, parents will come to see the child when they have time, and when the child is often taken care of, we still take turns to take care of it, if both people are busy, there will be a person who pushes off some of the work, so that the child will spend more time with the child.

I remember that once when Xie Na was recording a program, it was more than eight o'clock in the evening at the end, and then she booked a ticket at more than nine o'clock to rush home to accompany her children, or she was worried about her children.

Xie Na's parents didn't come to help take care of the children? Her response has made many actresses ashamed

I believe that many people will feel that rich people can say that they can buy a ticket and walk away, but Xie Na as a star also has a very great maternal love, compared to other female artists, for their own work, and throwing their children to their parents or nannies is much stronger, although on the surface children do not worry about eating and wearing, but they are not happy.

In the entertainment industry, especially mothers, everyone is very shining, but after they have children, they have to work hard to lose weight for their own careers, and then start working. I can't take care of the babies who are still feeding at home, although they are also to give the baby a better life, but also to fight for the dreams in their hearts, but they are indeed a little fierce.

Xie Na's parents didn't come to help take care of the children? Her response has made many actresses ashamed

Although she is very successful in her career, she also hosted a variety show "Wife's Romantic Trip" not long ago, and here many people know her, but no matter how much honor and fame she has, the child is still the most important in her heart.

Although there are now very good conditions to solve many problems, children can eat and drink without worry, and can also hire nannies to help take care of children, but what children need most is not material life, but also the love of parents.

Xie Na's parents didn't come to help take care of the children? Her response has made many actresses ashamed

If parents ignore their children's growth, what impact will it have on their children's lives?

1. Influence children's views on education

Because parents are the first teachers of children, when the children are more capable of imitation when they are young, they will first imitate our parents, so parents must pay more attention to their words and deeds. And don't just care about making money regardless of children, in the child's education should also pay more attention, if parents only care about making money, then children will also have some misunderstandings about money in the future, thinking that money is the most important thing in life.

Xie Na's parents didn't come to help take care of the children? Her response has made many actresses ashamed

2, lack of love

From the child if there is a lack of parental love, then it will lose a kind of strength, will become unconfident, and will be introverted when it grows up, which will have a certain impact on the child.

Xie Na's parents didn't come to help take care of the children? Her response has made many actresses ashamed

3. The parent-child relationship is not harmonious

Many parents will feel that they are biological children, so it does not matter, but as everyone knows, if there is disharmony between parents and children, then there will be more problems, resulting in children will not communicate with their parents when they grow up.

Xie Na's parents didn't come to help take care of the children? Her response has made many actresses ashamed


Every child is a baby loved by parents, but parents should pay more attention, no matter how much money can not be exchanged for the child's happiness and childhood, so only when the parents accompany the child's side, it will be the child's most needed, parents should accompany the child more, can make the child more secure, after growing up will be more loving.

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