
History of Yin Benji

author:Recite the scriptures

【Note】 Yin was originally called Shang. The Shang were also an ancient tribe the Ancestor Qi was enfeoffed with the Shang at about the same time as Xia Yu. By the 17th century BC or the 16th century BC, the Shang clan gradually became stronger, the Shang Tang launched the War to Destroy xia, the Xia died, and the Shang Dynasty was officially established, with the capital at Yu Bo, becoming the second slave dynasty in China's history. Around the 13th century BC, the Shang king Pan Geng moved the capital to Yin, and thereafter, until the fall of the Shang Dynasty, a total of more than 270 years, generally known as Yin. The entire Shang Dynasty, later or Shang Yin, or Yin Shang.

The Yin Benji systematically records the history of the Shang Dynasty, depicting a grand picture of the rise of the Shang clan and the establishment of the Shang Dynasty from its establishment to its demise.

During the reign of the Yin Dynasty for about six hundred years, there were several rises and downs, the rise of Chengtang, the rise of Pan Geng, Wu Ding, and the demise of Lu, which were some of the most important events that played a key role in the history of the Yin Dynasty. Sima Qian enthusiastically praised the political achievements of Cheng Tang, Pan Geng, Wu Ding, and other sages who feared heaven, practiced moral government, and sought benefits for the people; he also ruthlessly belittled Yin's self-sufficiency, refusal to give advice, absurdity, persecution of the virtuous, and cruelty to the people. The history of a dynasty has gone through seventeen generations and thirty-one kings, and Sima Qian only grasps these typical joints and pours ink and color, while the others pass by, making the whole text reflect the virtual reality and be a little more detailed.

In terms of portraying characters, Sima Qian grasped several typical examples that can highlight the personality of the characters, narrated and described them, which not only reflected the truth of history, but also made the character image full and vivid. For example, Cheng Tang Zhu Net, Tai Jia Si Guo, Wu Ding De Said, etc., vividly expressed the generous form of the cultivation of virtue and government of all sages. Especially for the description of Lu, almost entirely in the tone of narration, one by one to list the historical facts, coupled with the contrast between King Wen of Zhou and King Wu of Zhou, the image of a tyrant jumped on the paper and became a typical tyrant that has been passed down through the ages.

Yin's ancestor was Xiè (陳è, Xie), and his mother was jiandi, a daughter of the Sōng (松) clan and a second concubine of Emperor Kù (, Ku). Jian Di and the other three went to the river to take a bath, and when they saw a swallow drop an egg, Jian Di chose to swallow it, so she became pregnant and gave birth to The Contract. After Qi grew up and helped Yu Zhishui to make meritorious contributions, Emperor Shun then ordered Qi to say: "Now that the common people are not close to each other, and the relationship between father and son, monarchs, husbands and wives, eldest and younger, and friends is not smooth, you go to serve as a situ and seriously implement the five lun education." The implementation of the five lun education should be based on the principle of generosity. "The deed was sealed in the land of commerce and given the surname of Zi. Qi arose in the era of Tang Yao, Yu Shun, and Xia Yu, and did many things for the people, and his deeds were remarkable, and the people were thus able to stabilize.

After Qi's death, his son Zhaoming succeeded to the throne. After Zhaoming's death, his son Xiangtu succeeded to the throne. After Xiang Tu's death, his son Changruo succeeded to the throne. After Changruo's death, his son Cao Yuan (曹圉) (yǔ) succeeded to the throne. After Cao Yuan's death, his son succeeded to the throne. After his death, his son Zhen succeeded to the throne. After Zhen's death, his son Wei succeeded to the throne. After Wei's death, his son Ding succeeded to the throne. After the death of Bao Ding, his son Bao Yi succeeded to the throne. After the death of Bao B, his son Returned to the throne. After his death, his son Lord Ren succeeded to the throne. After the death of the lord, his son Lord Yan succeeded to the throne. After the death of the Lord, his son Tianyi succeeded to the throne. This is the soup.

From Qi to Chengtang, he has moved the capital eight times. At the time of Chengtang, he settled in Yu, in order to follow the former emperor and return to his hometown. Cheng Tang wrote the "Emperor's Curse" to report to Emperor Zhao on the relocation of the capital.

Cheng Tang served as Fang Bo (the head of one of the princes) in the Xia Dynasty and had the right to recruit neighboring princes. Ge Bo did not sacrifice ghosts and gods, and Cheng Tang first recruited him. Cheng Tang said: "I have said something like this: People can see their own appearance by taking a picture of the water, and looking at the people can know whether the country is well governed or not." Yi Yin said, "Wise! Only when good words are heard will morality progress. Govern the country, nurture the people, and appoint anyone who has virtue and does good deeds as officials of the imperial court. Work hard, try harder! Cheng Tang said to Ge Bo, "If you cannot obey the Mandate of Heaven, I will punish you severely, and I will not forgive you." So he wrote "Tang Zheng", which recorded the situation of Zheng Ge.

Yi Yin's name is Ah Heng. Ah Heng wanted to see Cheng Tang but was bitter that there was no way out, so he went to the male servant who was a dowry for you Xin, carrying a rice pot cutting board to see Cheng Tang, and took the opportunity to talk about the taste of cooking to cheng tang and persuade him to practice the royal way. Some people also say that Yi Yin was a hermit with talent and morality who refused to be an official, and Cheng Tang had sent someone to meet him, and after five trips, he agreed to come and obey, and told Cheng Tang what the ancient emperors and nine types of monarchs had done. Cheng Tang then cited him and entrusted him with the administration of state affairs. Yi Yin once left Shang Tang to go to Xia Jie, and because he saw that Xia Jie had no way and hated it very much, he returned to ShangDu Bo. When he entered the city from the North Gate, he met Shang Tang's virtuous daughter (rǔ, Ru) dove and the female room, so he wrote "Female Dove" and "Female Room", describing his mood when he left Xia Jie and returned to Shangdu.

One day Cheng Tang went out on a safari, and saw the countryside with a net on all sides, and the person who opened the net prayed and said, "May the people who come from heaven, come down from the earth, and come from all sides enter my net!" Cheng Tang listened and said, "Well, this will wipe out all the beasts!" So he removed the net from three sides, and asked the person who opened the net to pray: "Those who want to go to the left will go to the left, and those who want to flee to the right will flee to the right." If you don't obey the order, go into my internet café. When the princes heard this, they all said, "Tang Zhen is really benevolent to the extreme, and even the beasts have been favored by him." ”

At this time, Xia Jie was tyrannical and unscrupulous, and the princes Kun Wu also rose up to rebel, so Shang Tang raised an army and led the princes, followed by Yi Yin. Shang Tang personally commanded with a large axe, first to fight Kun Wu, and then to fight Xia Jie. Shang Tang said, "Come, all of you, come here, listen carefully to my words: it is not that I personally dare to raise an army and make trouble, but because Xia Jie has committed many crimes." Although I have heard some complaining words from you, Xia Jie is guilty, and I am afraid of heaven and dare not go on a crusade. Now that Xia Jie has committed so many crimes, it is Heaven that has commanded me to punish him. Now all of you are saying, 'Our king does not show mercy to us, and he abandons our agricultural affairs, but he goes to fight and fight.' You may also ask, 'Xia Jie is guilty, but what about his crime?' 'The great servitude of the Xia dynasty exhausted the people's strength of the Xia kingdom; and the heavy exploitation plundered the wealth of the Xia kingdom. The people of the Xia Kingdom were all slacking off and not cooperating with him. They say 'when this sun is gone, I'd rather perish with you'! The virtue of the Summer King has reached such a point, and now I must go on a crusade against him! I hope that you will come with me to carry out the punishment from heaven, and I will reward you heavily. Don't doubt it, I will never say nothing. If you disobey my oath, I will punish you, with no forgiveness!" Shang Tang told these words to the commander and wrote down the "Tang Oath". At that time, Shang Tang once said, "I am very brave and martial", so he was known as the King of Wu.

Xia Jie was defeated in the old land of the Youluo clan and fled to Wu Tiao, and the Xia army collapsed completely. Shang Tang took advantage of the victory to pursue, attacked the three (zōng, Zong) loyal to Xia Jie, and captured their treasures, and Yi Bo and Zhongbo Erchen wrote the "DianBao", because this was the fixed treasure of the state. After Shang Tang destroyed Xia, he wanted to replace Xia's sheshen , but the sheshen was the son of the ancient Gonggong clan, Shulong, who could level the water and soil, and no one could compare with him, so he didn't change it, so he wrote "Xia She", explaining that Xia She's irreplaceable truth. Yi Yin announced the results of this great war to the princes, and from then on, all the princes obeyed the orders, and Shang Tang ascended to the throne of the Son of Heaven and pacified the world.

When Cheng Tang Banshi returned to the dynasty and passed through the Tai Scroll, Zhong (huǐ, repentance) made the edict of the imperial court. Tang abolished Xia's decree and returned to the capital of the country to order the princes. The Tang Dynasty records that" "In March, King Yin personally went to the eastern suburbs and announced to the princes: 'You cannot but make meritorious contributions for the people, and you must strive to do your things well. Otherwise, I will punish you severely, and then don't blame me. He also said, "In the past, Yu and Gao Tao worked outside for a long time and established meritorious deeds for the people, so that the people could live and work in peace and contentment." At that time, they managed the Yangtze River in the east, the Ji River in the north, the Yellow River in the west, and the Huai River in the south. Hou Ji taught the people to sow grain, and the people knew how to plant all kinds of crops. These three ancients all contributed to the people, so their descendants were able to build a nation. There was another situation: Once upon a time, when Xuanyu and his ministers rioted among the people, God did not bless them, and this has happened in history. The teachings of the first kings cannot but be done diligently! He also said, 'If any of you do anything contrary to morality, then do not allow him to return to his country and become a prince, and then do not resent me.' Tang admonished the princes with these words. At this time, Yi Yin also wrote "Xian You Yi De", which explained that all monarchs and subjects should have pure one virtues; And Ji Shan wrote "Ming Ju", which talked about the laws that the people should obey.

After shang tang came to power, the revised calendar changed the yin month of the summer calendar to the ugly month as the head of the year, and changed the color of the utensils and costumes, advocating white, and holding pilgrimage meetings during the day.

After Shang Tang's death, because the crown prince Tai Ding failed to take the throne and died early, he made Tai Ding's brother Wai Bing emperor, which was The Outer Bing Emperor. Wai C reigned for three years, died, and Li Wai C's younger brother Zhongren became emperor, which was the Zhongren Emperor. Zhongren reigned for four years and died, and Yi Yin proclaimed Taijia, the son of Taiding, as emperor. Taijia is the eldest grandson of Cheng Tang, that is, Emperor Taijia. In the first year of Taijia, Yi Yin wrote "Yi Xun", "Wanton Life", and "After The Death" for the purpose of advising Tai Jia.

Three years after Emperor Taijia came to power, he was tyrannical, violated the laws of King Tang, and corrupted Deye, so Yi Yin exiled him to Tong Palace, the burial place of Tang. For the next three years, Yi Yin took over administrative affairs, presided over state affairs, and met with the princes.

Taijia lived in the Tong Palace for three years, repented of his remorse, and regained his goodness, so Yi Yin welcomed him back to the imperial court and returned the power to him. From then on, Emperor Taijia cultivated morality, and all the princes came to obey, and the people were also at peace. Yi Yin was very appreciative of Emperor Taijia, so he wrote three articles of "Taijia Training", praising Emperor Taijia and calling him Emperor Taizong.

After Emperor Taizong's death, his son Wodin took the throne. When Wodin came to power, Yi Yin died. After Burying Yi Yin in Bodi, in order to use Yi Yin's deeds to train future generations, he made "Wodin".

Wodin died, and his younger brother Tai Geng took the throne, which was the Tai Geng Emperor. When Tai Geng died, his son Xiao Jia took the throne; When Emperor Xiao Jia died, his younger brother Yong had taken the throne, and this was Emperor Yong. By this time, the yin dynasty's state power had weakened, and some princes did not come to see the court.

Yong had died, and his younger brother Tai Peng had taken the throne. This is the Emperor Tai Peng. Tai Peng appointed Yi Zhi (chì, 治) as his minister. At that time, there was a strange phenomenon of mulberry trees and chǔ (chu) trees living in the imperial hall in the capital of the country, and they grew thick overnight. Emperor Tai peng was very frightened, so he went to ask Yi Zhi about it. Yi Zhi said to Emperor Taiwu, "I once heard that demons cannot defeat virtuous people, could it be some mistake in your politics?" I hope that you will further cultivate your virtues. Tai Peng obeyed Izuku's advice, and the strange tree died and disappeared. Yi Zhi told Wu Xian these words. Wu Xian had achievements in governing the government, and wrote "Xian Ai (Yì, Righteousness)" and "Tai Peng", which recorded the merits of Wu Xian in governing the dynasty and praised Emperor Tai Peng's subordinates. Emperor Taiwu praised Yi Zhi in the Taimiao Temple, saying that he could not be treated like other subordinates. Yi Zhiqian did not comply and wrote the Original Destiny in order to reinterpret the fate of Tai Peng. In this way, Yin's state prospered again, and the princes came to submit again. Therefore, emperor Tai peng was called Emperor Zhongzong.

Emperor Zhongzong died and was succeeded by his son Zhongding. Emperor Zhongding moved the capital to Yu Falcon (áo boil). Later, Heqi (dàn, Dan) Jia dingdu Yuxiang, Zu Yi moved to Xing. Emperor Zhongding died, and his younger brother Wairen took the throne, which was Emperor Wairen. These were once recorded in the Zhongding, but they are now in ruins. After the death of Emperor Wairen, his younger brother He qijia took the throne, which was the heqijia emperor. At the time of the Hejia Dynasty, the yin dynasty weakened again.

He Qijia died, and his son Zu Yi took the throne. After Emperor Zu yi ascended the throne, Yin flourished again, and Wu Xian was given a heavy post.

Zu Yi died, and his son Emperor Zuxin took the throne. Emperor Zuxin died, and his younger brother Wojia took the throne, which was Wojiadi. Wo Jia died, and Zu Ding, the son of Zu Xin, the brother of Li Wo Jia, was zu Ding, who was the Zu Ding Emperor. Zu Ding died, and Nan Geng, the son of his younger brother Wo Jia, was the Nan Geng Emperor. Emperor Nan Geng died, and Emperor Lizu Ding's son Yang Jia, this is Yang Jia Emperor. During the reign of Emperor Yangjia, Yin's state weakened.

Since Emperor Zhongding, the eldest son system has been abolished in favor of the brothers and their sons, who sometimes fought with each other for the throne, causing chaos for nine consecutive generations, so that none of the princes came back to see each other.

Emperor Yangjia died and was succeeded by his younger brother Pan Geng. When Pan Geng ascended the throne, the Yin Dynasty was already in the capital of Yandi Dingdu north of the Yellow River, Pan Geng crossed the Yellow River, and the capital of Bo Dingdu south of the Yellow River returned to Cheng Tang's former residence. Because this is the fifth migration from Tang to Pangeng, there has been no fixed capital, so the people of the Yin Dynasty are complaining one by one and do not want to suffer from migration. When Pan Geng saw this, he told the princes and ministers, saying, "Once upon a time, King Chengtang and your ancestors pacified the world together, and the laws and guidelines they handed down should be followed." If we give up these things and don't try to carry them out, how can we achieve virtue? In this way, he finally crossed the Yellow River, moved south to Bo, repaired the Forbidden City of Chengtang, and obeyed chengtang's government decrees. After that, the people gradually stabilized, and the power of the Yin Dynasty once again flourished. Because Pan Geng followed the virtues of Cheng Tang, the princes also came to see him.

Emperor Pan geng died, and his younger brother Xiao Xin took the throne, which was Emperor Xiao Xin. During Xiao Xin's reign, Yin weakened again. The people missed Pan Geng, so they wrote three articles of "Pan Geng". After the death of Emperor Xiaoxin, his younger brother Xiao Yi took the throne, which was Emperor Xiao Yi.

Emperor Xiaoyi died, and his son Wuding took the throne. After Emperor Wuding ascended the throne, he wanted to revive the Yin Dynasty, but he never found a competent auxiliary minister. As a result, Wu Ding did not express political opinions for three years, and the political affairs were decided by Tsukasa, and he carefully observed the country's atmosphere. One night he dreamed of a saint named Guè (榫), who was said to be a saint. During the day he observed the courtiers and officials in the image he had seen in his dreams, and none of them looked like the saint. So he sent hundreds of officials to the people to look around, and finally found it in Fu Xian. At this time, saying that he was serving his criminal service, and that he was building a road in Fu Xian, the hundred officials brought the words to Wu Ding to see, and Wu Ding said that it was this person. After finding the saying, Wu Ding talked to him and found that he was really a sage, so he used him as the minister of state, and the Yin state was well governed. Therefore, the name Fu Mian was used as the surname of Fu Wei, and he was called Fu Shuo.

Once Wu Ding sacrificed into soup, and the next day, a pheasant flew to the top of the ear and chirped, and Wu Ding was frightened and uneasy. Zu Ji said, "The great king need not worry, he should first do a good job in government affairs." Zu Ji further enlightened Wu Ding, saying: "Heaven monitors the people with an eye on their morality. The longevity given by God to people is long and short, and it is not that God intends to make people's life expectancy premature, and lose their lives in the middle. Some people do not follow morality, do not admit sin, and wait until the heavens have sent down an order to correct their virtues, and then they remember to say , "What to do." Alas, you, The Great King, inherit the throne, and strive to do a good job of the people, there is nothing that is not in accordance with the will of God, and you must continue to sacrifice according to the conventions, and do not hold all kinds of ceremonies according to the evil ways that should be abandoned! Wu Ding listened to Zu Ji's advice and practiced moral government, and the whole country was happy, and the yin dynasty's national power flourished again.

Emperor Wuding died, and his son Emperor Zugeng took the throne. Zu Ji admired Wu Ding for practicing virtue because of the appearance of a pheasant symbolizing auspiciousness, and built a temple for him, called Gaozong, and wrote the "Róng (Rong) Day" and the "Teachings of Gaozong".

Emperor Zu Geng died, and his younger brother Zu Jia took the throne, which was Emperor Jia. Emperor Jia was promiscuous, and the Yin Dynasty declined again.

Emperor Jia died, and his son Liu Xin took the throne. Liu Xin died, and his younger brother Gengding took the throne, which was Emperor Gengding. When Gengding died and his son Wu Yi took the throne, Yin Du moved from Bo to the north of the Yellow River.

Wu Yi was tyrannical and ruthless, and once made a puppet man, calling it a god, playing chess with it to win or lose, and letting others play for it. If the gods lose, insult it. He also made a leather sac bag filled with blood, and shot it up to the sky, saying that it was "shooting the sky". Once Wu Yi went hunting between the Yellow River and the Wei River, and suddenly there was thunder in the sky, and Wu Yi was killed by lightning. After Wu Yi's death, his son Emperor Taiding ascended the throne. Emperor Taiding died, his son Emperor Yi took the throne, and when Emperor Yi ascended the throne, the Yin Dynasty declined even more.

Emperor Yi's eldest son was called Wei Zi Qi. Kai's mother was of a low status, so Kai could not inherit the throne. Emperor Yi's younger son was named Xin, and Xin's mother was Queen Zheng, so Xin was made the heir. After the death of Emperor Yi, Xin succeeded to the throne, which was Emperor Xin, and the whole world called him "纣", because "纣" in the law means cruelty and damage to goodness.

Talented, eloquent, quick-moving, receptive, and strong, he can fight beasts with bare hands. His wisdom was enough to refuse the advice of his subordinates, and his words were enough to cover up his mistakes. He boasted before his ministers with his talents, and exalted himself everywhere with his prestige, believing that all the people in the world were inferior to him. He was fond of drinking, debauchery, and pampering women. He was particularly fond of himself, and everything was at his disposal. He asked the musician Juan to make new folk music for him, Kitasato dance music, and weak songs. He increased taxes, piled up the money in the Lutai Treasury, and filled the grain in the granary of Juqiao. He collected dogs, horses and novel playthings from many sources, filled the palace room, and expanded the garden terrace of the sand dunes, catching a large number of wild beasts and birds and placing them inside. He was arrogant and disrespectful to ghosts and gods. He brought in a large number of plays, gathered in the sand dunes, used wine as a pool of water, hung meat as a wood, let men and women naked, chased each other, drank and had fun, and stayed up all night.

He was so absurd that the people resented him, and some of the princes betrayed him. So he increased the punishment and set up torture called a cannon grid, where people crawled on oil-coated copper pillars, lit a charcoal fire below, and fell into the charcoal fire if they could not climb. He appointed Xi Bochang, Jiuhou (九侯), and Ehou (鄂侯) as the three dukes. Jiuhou had a beautiful daughter who was dedicated to Qiu, who did not like lasciviousness, and was furious and killed her, and at the same time, Jiuhou was also tortured to hǎi (海) and chopped into meat sauce. Ehou urged and argued fiercely, and as a result, Ehou was also tortured with a breast (fǔ, axe) and made into jerky. Xi Bochang heard this and sighed darkly. When Chonghou Hu learned of this, he went to report to Xiang, and Xibo was imprisoned in yǒu (yǒu, there was). Hóng (宏) Anderson, a servant of Xi Bo, and others found beautiful women and good horses to offer to Xi, who released Xi Bo. After Xi Bo came out of prison, he sacrificed a piece of land west of Luoshui to Him and requested that the torture of the cannon grid be abolished. He agreed, and gave him a bow and arrow and a great axe to enable him to conquer the other princes, so that he would become the chief of the princes of the western region, that is, Siber. Fei Zhong was appointed to manage state affairs. Fei Zhong was good at being a gentleman and greedy for money, so the Yin people did not come close. Evil lai was also appointed to slander, and evil was good at slander, and he liked to gossip, so the princes became more and more alienated.

Siber returned to China, secretly cultivated virtue, and promoted good governance, and many princes betrayed him and came to submit to Xibo. Seeber's power became stronger, and he gradually lost his power. Prince Bigan persuaded Him, but He did not listen. Shang Rong was a man of talent, and the people loved him, but he was deposed. When Xi Bo attacked the starving country and destroyed it, Zu Yi, the minister of Yi, resented the Zhou kingdom and was very afraid, so he ran to the country and reported: "Heaven has cut off the fortune of our Yin kingdom. Whether it is the prediction of a person who can know the auspiciousness of heaven or the divination with a large turtle, there is no good omen. I think it is not that the first king did not help our descendants, but that the great king you were so adulterous and tyrannical that you cut yourself off from heaven, so that the heavenly genius abandoned us and made us unable to eat, and you neither understood the providence nor followed the common law. Now there is no one in our country who does not want the yin kingdom to perish early, and they say, 'Why hasn't the heavens shown you welling?' Why hasn't the order to destroy the silk come yet? 'King, what do you want to do now?' He said, "When I was born to be a monarch, didn't I obey the mandate of heaven?" After Zuyi returned home, he said: "There is no law to persuade you!" "After Xi Bochang's death, King Wu of Zhou led an army on an eastern expedition, and when he arrived at Mengjin, the princes betrayed Yin And came to meet king Wu with eight hundred kingdoms. The princes said, "It's time for revenge!" King Wu of Zhou said, "You don't understand the Mandate of Heaven. So I went back to China.

It is even more promiscuous and endless. Wei Zi had advised him many times, but he did not listen, so Wei Zi consulted with Taishi and Shaoshi, and then fled the Yin Kingdom. But Bigan said, "To be a courtier to others, you can't help but fight to the death." "Just exhort. Furious, he said, "I heard that the heart of a saint has seven holes. So he cut open Bikan's chest and dug out his heart to watch. Miko was very frightened when she saw this, so she pretended to be crazy and went to be a slave to others. When she found out, she imprisoned Miko. The Taishi and Shaoshi of the Yin Kingdom took the sacrificial instruments and musical instruments and fled to the Zhou Kingdom in a hurry. King Wu of Zhou saw that the time had come, so he led the princes to attack Yin. He sent an army to resist in Makino. On the day of the fifth koshi in the first month of February of the Zhou calendar, the army of Lu was defeated, and Emperor Huancang fled into the inner city, boarded Lutai, put on his precious jade clothes, and ran into the fire to set himself on fire and died. King Wu of Zhou arrived, cut off his head, and hung it on a white flagpole for public display. King Wu of Zhou executed Dai Ji again, released Ji Zi, repaired Bi Gan's tomb, and honored Shang Rong's alley. Feng's son, Wu Genglu(武庚禄), asked him to continue Yin's sacrifice and ordered him to carry out Pan Geng's moral government, and Yin's people were very happy. Therefore, King Wu of Zhou became the Son of Heaven. Because later generations belittled the title of emperor, they were called kings. Feng Yin's descendants were princes and subordinate to Zhou.

After the death of King Wu of Zhou, Wu Geng, Uncle Guan and Uncle Cai jointly rebelled, and King Cheng of Zhou ordered Zhou Gongdan to kill them and seal weizi in the Song kingdom to continue Yin's descendants.

Tai Shi Gong said: I compiled the deeds of the deeds based on the "Shang Song" in the "Book of Poetry", and since chengtang, many historical materials have been collected from the "Book of Shang" and the "Book of Poetry". Qi is a sub-surname, and his descendants are divided into various countries, and they take the country as their surname, including Yin, Lai, Song, Kongtong, Zhi, Beiyin, Muyi and so on. Confucius once said that yin people's cars were very good, and that era advocated white.