
The Japan Polytechnic Frontier Academic Weekly | a new story | Japan News

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What are the interesting news in Japan's polytechnic academia from November 29 to December 5, 2021? Let's take a look!


Author: Masato Yai, ITmedia

The Japan Polytechnic Frontier Academic Weekly | a new story | Japan News

Software specific operation screen

The Japan Polytechnic Frontier Academic Weekly | a new story | Japan News


On December 1, Jins released "VTUNER" (iOS), an app that allows users of JINS MEME, the company's glasses with built-in sensors, to control 3D avatars in real time. This time, our reporters had a sneak peek at this "tech-inspired" tool. We are given the impression that this development, while imperfect, has enormous potential.

A JINS MEME is a wearable device that collects data on the wearer's eye movements, blinking, and posture. To this end, JINS MEME is equipped with electromotive force sensors that convert head tilt and eye movements into data, which are then applied to a 3D model in the program for operation and simulation. The app can also create YouTube videos, insert text messages, and play videos through facial expressions and body movements.

The biggest feature of VTUNER is that it is lightweight and portable. All you need is a smartphone and JINS MEME to record as you go. There are few cases where you need to shoot while walking, but it is not excluded that VTUNER will develop more interesting possibilities in the future, and new expressions and projects will be born.


Author: Tateki Matsuura, ITmedia

The Japan Polytechnic Frontier Academic Weekly | a new story | Japan News

Schematic diagram of laser-based pest control

The National Institute of Agricultural Biological Sciences (NIAS), which is engaged in research and development in the agricultural and food industries, announced on November 29 that it has developed a tool to detect the location of flying pests with a camera and predict their flight patterns. By predicting the location of pests, the researchers hope to develop a new pest control system that uses lasers to shoot and eliminate pests.

The team used multiple cameras to capture images of the flight of Hassaumis, the most common pest in agriculture, at a rate of 55 times per second. The trajectory of the pest is measured as three-dimensional data and modeled in this way. After combining the simulated flight pattern with the position measured in real time, the researchers found a 0.03-second stall before the camera detected the pest, so the device could predict the position of the pest 0.03 seconds in advance with an accuracy of up to 1.4 centimeters.

Currently, pests destroy about 15.6 per cent of the world's total food production each year, making pest control a key factor in stabilizing food production. However, some species have become resistant to pesticides, so researchers are accelerating the search for pest control techniques that replace chemical pesticides.


Author: Gigazine

The Japan Polytechnic Frontier Academic Weekly | a new story | Japan News

Twitch will use machine learning to detect those who are "disobedient."

In order to further purify Twitch's network environment and harassment incidents, Twitch has launched a new suspicious user detection system, which uses machine learning to detect harassers and cheating tool users so that it can correctly distinguish between banned users and illegal users.

Twitch's new monitoring system will focus on users who divergent racist or harassing comments. By detecting these, machine learning models compare this information with account data from channels of banned streamers through user behavior and account characteristics to determine the likelihood that the user is the same person as those who have been blocked.

Twitch says the user monitoring system is turned on by default, but users can adjust or turn off the tool as needed. Alison Huffman, Twitch's director of community health products, said: "This tool is based on long-standing feedback from a wide range of users. We need a better way to deal with those who don't listen. ”


Author: Atsuro Hamada Tokyo Medical University

The Japan Polytechnic Frontier Academic Weekly | a new story | Japan News

On November 29, 2021, the Tokyo Nikkei Equity Average fell sharply

On 26 November 2021, the World Health Organization (WHO) designated a variant of a new coronavirus that is spreading in South Africa and other countries as the most risk-level variant of Concern (VOC) and named it "Omicron". The news of the outbreak of "Omikeron" had a major social impact, and stock markets around the world plummeted.

In South Africa, the delta virus epidemic peaked in July, but by October the Delta virus had largely subsided. In November, however, the number of infections in Gauteng Province, where South Africa's capital, Pretoria, is located, surged again, thanks to the "Omicron" virus. It shows more than 30 mutations on spike proteins on the surface of the virus. And some of these variants affect the infectivity of the virus and the effectiveness of the vaccine.

In fact, the virus was first detected in its neighboring botswana on 11 November. Since then, the number of cases in South Africa has risen, and cases of infection from Africa have been detected in both Europe and Asia. On 30 November, a man from Japan from South Africa's neighboring Namibia was found infected with the virus. "Omiljung" has a certain degree of cunning in technology, and since some surveillance equipment does not have the ability to detect the virus, it is possible that this variant has spread widely in the African region.


Author: NHK

The Japan Polytechnic Frontier Academic Weekly | a new story | Japan News

JAXA held an online briefing

On December 1, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) held an online briefing explaining the application requirements for selecting new Japanese astronauts and answering questions from the public to encourage them to apply. Jaxa publicly selected new Japanese astronauts for the first time in 13 years. At the press conference, the person in charge said that the next selected astronaut may land on the moon, and called on everyone to enthusiastically sign up, saying that the review requirements such as educational background have been greatly relaxed.

The person in charge also explained that due to the large number of applicants, the selection process will be divided into five stages for screening. If an applicant residing abroad is unable to return due to the COVID-19 pandemic, JAXA hopes to use the relevant overseas offices to conduct some of the exams.

In addition, he urged applicants to be cautious about fundraising requirements, as any irregularities in fraud could be considered illegal and JAXA has the right to be disqualified. In answering other questions, the person in charge explained that although there is no age limit, the applicant will be judged according to the required medical standards. English and General exams will be held in May next year, and the dates of the subsequent selection rounds will be announced to those who move on to the next stage.


Author: ITmedia

The Japan Polytechnic Frontier Academic Weekly | a new story | Japan News

Twitter trend after 9:30 a.m. on December 3

At 6:37 a.m. on December 3, an earthquake of just under magnitude 5 struck Japan's Yamanashi Prefecture and caused a lively discussion on social media – linking it to the volcanic activity of Mount Fuji. However, in a clarification later issued by the Japan Meteorological Agency, it was found that there was no direct relationship between the two.

On the morning of the 3rd, words related to the earthquake occupied the hot search headlines on Twitter. Because Mt. Fuji is located in the Five Lakes region of Fuji, many people are worried about the relationship between the earthquake and the volcanic activity of Mt. Fuji, and some people have even posted a hypothetical map of the ash fall from the eruption of Mt. Fuji, and some people have posted evidence that the depth of the earthquake's source is the same as the depth of the magma pool of Mt. Fuji.

Weather News, which provides real-time earthquake information on YouTube, advises people to remain rational, "Even if earthquakes are frequently a hot topic on social networking sites, people should get the right information from reliable sources when earthquakes occur." ”


The Japan Polytechnic Frontier Academic Weekly | a new story | Japan News

A giant Gundam located at the foot of Mt. Yokohama

SUNRISE announced on November 29 that the "Mobile Mega Gundam" created around Mirai Port in Yokohama has been selected by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan to be included in the STEAM Library of the "Exploratory Learning Program" for elementary and junior high school students.

This learning program is specifically based on the company's experience in making Mobile Gundam. Students will build partial models of the Gundam through everyday objects, learning about the difficulty of making and moving an object 18 meters high and its associated techniques.

The Mobile Gundam project began in 2014, when inspiration was solicited from the world to get giant robots moving. Through a series of trials and experiments, SUNRISE spent about six years developing the giant robot. As SUNRISE says, their goal is not just to create giant models in the sense that people understand, but also to prove the important correlation between dreams and creating reality.


Author: Guo zhong xing, BuzzFeed Japan

The Japan Polytechnic Frontier Academic Weekly | a new story | Japan News

Take off the broccoli

This broccoli looks like it's about to take off! When the Japanese chef and Thai sculptor Gaku posted a photo of the broccoli he created on Twitter, it was immediately met with a warm response from Twitter netizens. It's not just the chef's daughter who expressed her amazement at the broccoli, netizens commented, "The whole country is expressing incredulity about this broccoli that took off." ”

According to the Japan Thai Sculpture Association, Thai carving is a "traditional Thai culture that carves flowers and other patterns on vegetables and fruits." ”

BuzzFeed interviewed gaku how did he come up with the idea of carving broccoli into the shape of an eagle? He replied that I had stumbled upon vegetables at the grocery store and thought it would be fun to make something out of them, so I started thinking about how to burst inspiration from them. I tried to leave buds on the tips of the wings and the paws of the legs and maintain a broccoli-like shape. This is a work from a year ago, my daughter praised it as a "remarkable" work, and he proudly said that I never got tired of making interesting carvings, they are so meticulous and beautiful, and the ideas are so interesting!


The Japan Polytechnic Frontier Academic Weekly | a new story | Japan News

A picture from the Promobot project

American robotics company Promobot announced that it is looking for one of the most expensive faces in the world — "kind and friendly" — to model the humanoid robot it is developing. Anyone over the age of 25 can apply, regardless of gender, and the company will pay the winner $200,000.

The company explained that customers who asked for this particular need planned to place the robot in crowded places such as hotels and malls. Once the model is selected, the company will create a 3D model of the adopter's face and body, and will also record more than 100 hours of audio material to replicate the sound.

For the indefinite use of the acquired appearance and voice data, the Company will pay $200,000 as compensation to the recruits. Ownership of the license will be held by the client company planning the project, and the robot developed will begin working in 2023. The company thanked the public for their interest in the project and said that for those who failed to apply, "there will be more projects in the future." There will be more projects in the future, please look forward to it."


By BuzzFeed Japan

The Japan Polytechnic Frontier Academic Weekly | a new story | Japan News

Meow sauce from Twitter

Recently, cute cat sauce has frequently appeared in the Twitter topic trend and caused extensive discussion among Japanese netizens. Among them, the topic of "cats are liquids" has received widespread attention. "What an amazing liquid!" People have popped out the moment their cats turn into liquid on the Internet, and once again scraped the group benefits of cloud cats.

In fact, the saying that the cat is a liquid is due to the fact that it can drill into a variety of containers, as if it were open and hanging, and can change the shape of its body according to the shape of the container. When the cat enters the narrow container, it will relax its muscles and shrink its body shape, matching its own rich hair, so it gives people the illusion of a liquid.

Some Japanese netizens used their own cat sauce to conduct experiments, during the experiment he gradually reduced the height of the door slit, cats and cats can always easily drill through, the door slit down to eight centimeters is the limit of cat cat into liquid! And this height is less than half the palm of an adult's hand.

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