
Feed your baby a grape and make her regret it for the rest of her life

Feed your baby a grape and make her regret it for the rest of her life

Original | Pregnancy

Abstract: Do not feed indiscriminately, will first aid, in order to protect the child!

According to statistics, more than 3,000 children are choked to death every year.

But even though so many accidents continue to occur, sounding a wake-up call for parents, these accidents still show no signs of decreasing, both at home and abroad.

Yesterday brushed a piece of news, in early September, there was a death of a young child in Japan, a 4-year-old child in the kindergarten eating grapes was choked to death, in an instant, grapes became the focus of news attention.

Subsequently, Japanese child accident prevention expert Yumi Oka shared a grape video on Twitter, reminding all parents that feeding infants and young children to eat grapes is a very dangerous thing.

Feed your baby a grape and make her regret it for the rest of her life

In Yumi's Twitter comments, a mother named Sato shared an encounter she personally experienced, because of a grape, her 1-year-old son had to be paralyzed in a wheelchair for the rest of his life, and she is still living in regret and self-blame, she wants to divorce, she wants to die...

Feed your baby a grape and make her regret it for the rest of her life

At the time of the incident, Sato was preparing dinner in the kitchen and her husband was taking a bath in the bathroom, during which she took a frozen grape from the refrigerator for her son to eat.

Sato said: "I also gave him frozen grapes the day before, so I gave him one that day." ”

Feed your baby a grape and make her regret it for the rest of her life

But just when she returned to the kitchen to cook, she heard her son's vomiting outside, she and her husband rushed over to check the situation, and the child was choked by grapes.....

"I tried a lot of ways to induce vomiting, and I couldn't dig the grapes directly into my mouth with my hand."

"My fingers tried to reach in, but I was bitten by my son, biting the skin and flesh, and bleeding a hand."

Feed your baby a grape and make her regret it for the rest of her life

The grapes could not be removed, and the child was quickly choked to the point of unconsciousness, and the Sato couple continued to perform heart compressions on the child during this time until the ambulance arrived.

When the ambulance crew arrived, they tried to unclog the child's airway, removed the grapes stuck in the trachea, and finally the child was rushed to the hospital for rescue.

Feed your baby a grape and make her regret it for the rest of her life

But because the brain is hypoxic for 20 minutes, causing hypoxic brain damage, it has caused permanent irreversible damage... Since then, the child can no longer move, and even how much function of the brain is normal is not clear.

Feed your baby a grape and make her regret it for the rest of her life

Mother Sato is very remorseful for this, washing her face with tears every day, she feels that it is her own negligence, ruining the child's life, if not random feeding, will be the correct first aid, perhaps the result will be different.

This experience, the family never mentioned to anyone, until Sato saw the kindergarten choking incident, she made up her mind to tell her own experience, hoping that the tragedy of their family would wake up the other parents. (News source: Neon Japan 11-04)

Although we have stressed many times that feeding children indiscriminately is really equivalent to "poisoning", there are still many parents who do not have a long heart.

Two days ago, a news of a #young child being hit by a raisin-stuck throat flight attendant kneeling first aid# rushed to the hot search.

Feed your baby a grape and make her regret it for the rest of her life

A young child of several months old, who was choked on the plane eating raisins, suddenly convulsed and pale, and his family was helpless and shouted urgently.

But there were no medical staff on the plane at that time, there was no one, at this time, the flight attendant who was serving a meal on the side took the child and immediately gave the child first aid in the Heimlik method.

Feed your baby a grape and make her regret it for the rest of her life

Because the child was too young, she could only kneel to rescue, and finally, with the joint efforts of the flight attendants and the caring passengers on the spot, the child spat out the milk and raisins she had just eaten, turning the crisis into safety.

The flight attendant said afterwards: A child is related to at least 3 families, if the child is gone, the three families really do not know what will happen, since I have learned first aid, I must save him.

Fortunately, there is an angel coming, the child only picked up a life, if no one understands first aid, the consequences are really dare not think.

But not all kids have such good luck........

On September 1, a 9-month-old baby boy in Henan, because the family fed a small cookie was choked, when sent to the hospital, the child has been blue and gray, breathing, heartbeat has all stopped, although after rescue, the child recovered the heartbeat, but because of the delay for too long, the child finally did not save back ....

Feed your baby a grape and make her regret it for the rest of her life

On June 9, 7-year-old Yang Yang was choked by a steamed bun at school dinner, and when he was sent to the hospital, Yang Yang had stopped breathing and could not be saved....

A 10-month-old baby in Shenzhen, the parents fed a whole grape, the result of the child was choked, after being sent to the hospital for rescue ineffective death...

Remind all parents: the child is too small, any hard objects (food) must not be fed to the child, do not wait for accidents, regrets.

Babies under 3 years of age, the chewing function is not perfect, coupled with the narrow esophagus, trachea, esophagus adjacent, it is easy to be choked or choked by food.

But proper feeding can reduce the risk of your child being choked, and the right first aid can also save your child's life in a critical moment.

In the news that the young child was choked on the knees of the flight attendant two days ago, many netizens issued a reminder:

(1) Raisins, peanuts, fudge, jelly, these things that are easy to get stuck in children, it is best to eat them when they grow up.

(2) Parents should be cautious about the eating of young children, and it is best to understand and master the knowledge of first aid.

(3) The Red Cross will be free training for public first responders, parents must go to learn when they have time, the teacher is very good, airway foreign body obstruction, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, trauma bandaging are all learned together.

(4) Heimlich first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation first aid, these knowledge in the basic skills of popularization, can save a lot of people every year.

Feed your baby a grape and make her regret it for the rest of her life
Feed your baby a grape and make her regret it for the rest of her life
Feed your baby a grape and make her regret it for the rest of her life
Feed your baby a grape and make her regret it for the rest of her life

All of the above, every parent should keep in mind, but also always ring the alarm bell: do not feed the child randomly, but also learn the necessary first aid knowledge.

Because once the child is choked, once the foreign body chokes and the child cannot breathe, the consequences are really terrible.

Hypoxia for 10 seconds – the child loses consciousness.

Lack of oxygen for 30 seconds – your child will have convulsions.

Lack of oxygen for more than 1 minute – your child will stop breathing.

More than 3 minutes – the child will cause edema of brain cells.

More than 6 minutes – your child's brain and other vital organs will be irreversibly damaged!

Such harm is unbearable for every child and family.

For foreign body choking, prevention is greater than everything, and parents must control the safety of their children's diet.

1, dangerous food should not be fed to children

(1) Grapes, cinnamon balls, cherry tomatoes, meat sausages, beans and other granular food, do not give the whole to the child to eat.

Feed your baby a grape and make her regret it for the rest of her life

(2) Nuts, peanuts, melon seeds, the highest risk of causing choking, at any time, do not feed the whole nut to children under 5 years old, to eat, grind into powder or small pieces.

(3) Do not give children under the age of three to eat jelly, and older children should also eat jelly under the supervision of adults, and if they can eat it, they will not eat it.

(4) Banana apples and other fruits, please also chop and stir into a puree for young children to eat, because a bite of banana, a piece of apple caused by suffocation news is not nothing.

(5) Unboned fish and meat, unseeded fruits, crisp and hard foods, such as candy, do not give to children to eat.

2. Do not do dangerous feeding behaviors

(1) Do not force feeding when the child is crying, feeding when crying can easily cause the child to inhale food into the trachea.

(2) Do not eat while walking, and children should not be distracted when eating.

(3) Don't make your child laugh when eating.

3. Do not carry out wrong rescue

Emphasis: Wrong rescue is equivalent to secondary injury, if the child is choked, do not do this.

(1) Do not use your hands to cut - unless the thing is not stuck deeply, the child can spit it out through vomiting, otherwise it is a waste of rescue time, and it may also push the shallow foreign body into the depths.

(2) Do not feed water - if the child is choked by food that is easy to swell, do not feed water, food will swell after absorbing water, it is easier to block the throat, and it will aggravate the suffocation situation.

(3) Do not pat the back - do not pat the back in the child's upright state, the incorrect way of patting the back will shake the foreign body, it is likely to make the foreign body block the trachea more tightly.

It is terrible for children to choke, but what is even more frightening is that when an accident occurs, parents have no way to do anything.

Whether it is a foreign body from the outside to the inside of the throat, or food returned to the organs causing suffocation, there is a golden 5 minutes, in which there is a 50% chance that the child can be pulled back from the "ghost door" with the Heimlich first aid method.

So, in order to avoid tragedy happening again ... All parents now! immediately! Right away! Come and learn Heimlich First Aid!! If the child is suddenly choked, parents must know the correct response and first aid:

First: observe first.

If the child is choked, can cough, can breathe, can cry, can talk, which means that the trachea is not blocked (at least the trachea is not completely blocked), then let the child cough, encourage the child to cough and cough out the foreign body.

Most of the time, foreign bodies can be discharged by coughing, if they cannot be discharged, go to the hospital at the first time, and try to comfort the child during this period.

Second: Airway obstruction should be given immediate first aid.

If the child can not cough, can not speak, can hardly breathe, the face and lips are blue, this is a foreign body blocking the airway, must be rescued immediately, to immediately carry out Heimlich first aid, the following methods, every parent must learn.

If a baby under one year of age chokes:

First, back slap

1. Get your baby with your back up and hold him flat with your forearm. Use the thighs as support and keep it tilted so that your baby's head is lower than his or her body.

2. Pat the base of your palm five times firmly between the shoulder blades on your baby's back. The interval between each session is about 1 second. This blow causes the airway to vibrate, using vibration and pressure in the airway to push out the barrier.

Feed your baby a grape and make her regret it for the rest of her life

3. If you can see this block, try moving it. But don't blindly stick your finger into his throat, because it may make the foreign body go deeper.

Feed your baby a grape and make her regret it for the rest of her life

Second, chest impact

After 3 to 5 back beats, the foreign body has not fallen out, and the child still cannot breathe smoothly, try the chest impact.

1. Let your child lie on his back facing up and support his head, lying on a hard ground or bed board. Give your child 5 chest punches.

2. Use two fingers, below the sternum, slightly below the line of your child's nipple, about the width of one finger, press and lift quickly, with just the middle of the force.

Feed your baby a grape and make her regret it for the rest of her life

This action causes a rapid thrust in the chest, like an artificial cough, that allows air to be squeezed out of your child's lungs, effectively pushing out the barrier.

Feed your baby a grape and make her regret it for the rest of her life

4. If your child is still not breathing, lift your tongue and jaw to see if you can see the barrier. If you can see the barrier compared, use your finger to cut it out.

5. If your child is unable to breathe on his own, CPR should be done.

If you have not removed the obstruction after 5 consecutive back slaps and chest shocks, call the ambulance 120. At the same time, continue to hold back slapping and chest punches until rescue arrives.

If the obstruction is cleared, but the child is breathing weak even.

It is best to take your child to the hospital for another review. There may be obstructions remaining in the esophagus so that your baby will not be hurt again. Also check for damage to other organs.

If a baby over one year old chokes:

1. For older toddlers, place your baby's face down on your lap so that the head is lower than the torso.

2. Pat the base of your palm five times firmly between the shoulder blades on your baby's back. The interval between each session is about 1 second.

This blow causes the airway to vibrate, using vibration and pressure in the airway to push out the barrier.

Feed your baby a grape and make her regret it for the rest of her life
Feed your baby a grape and make her regret it for the rest of her life

If the child is older, you can use the Heimlich First Aid Method to save the adult method:

Stand on your knees behind your child, wrap your arms around your child's waist, clench your fists in one hand, fist your eyes slightly above your navel, and grab your clenched fist with your other hand to quickly impact your child's abdomen inwards.

Repeat the impact until the foreign body rushes out and the child can breathe, cough, or speak.

Feed your baby a grape and make her regret it for the rest of her life

What parents should know is that the first aid method is not something that can be learned by reading it once, but it must be practiced! Get hands-on! Be hands-on!!!

Go to a professional institution, such as the local Red Cross, where you know how to give first aid and can save your child's life in the event of an accident.

Reference articles

Feed your baby a grape and make her regret it for the rest of her life