
After his death, 320 female officers followed him, and the truth is infuriating

During World War II, the most frightening thing was the German Nazi Fuehrer Hitler, who later in the war massacred nearly 6 million Jews. And when the Soviets were about to be slaughtered, the Soviet army annihilated the elite German troops in the defense of Stalingrad, making the war situation turn upside down in an instant, otherwise the current world pattern would be completely different.

After his death, 320 female officers followed him, and the truth is infuriating

On April 12, 1945, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt died, and Hitler seemed to be at dawn. Half a month later, Soviet troops besieged Berlin, and at the same time, Hitler's ally Mussolini was executed and even brutalized by an angry crowd. Hiram was also negotiating peace with Britain and the United States. With this news, Hitler slumped in his chair, knowing that the failure had passed and that his time had passed. So he married his lover Eva on April 28, before the arrival of the Soviet army. After the Soviets began to capture the Reichstag, Hitler realized that the overturn had been completely destroyed, so he shot himself in the basement, while his lover Eva took potassium cyanide to commit suicide. Regarding the death method of these two people, there are many opinions in history, but we will not dwell on them.

After his death, 320 female officers followed him, and the truth is infuriating

After the Soviets completely occupied the Reichstag, a thorough search was opened in front of the basement to search for Hitler's whereabouts, but the scene in the basement was like hell. Among them, there are not only the bodies of Hitler and Eva, but also many other officers. They were all Hitler's most loyal followers. With Hitler's death, their spiritual world collapsed completely. After their deaths, these people began the last of their lives, and a large number of officers, after drinking heavily, shot or chose to take potassium cyanide to commit suicide, including the bodies of a small number of children. They all took potassium cyanide at the instigation of adults and ended their beautiful lives.

After his death, 320 female officers followed him, and the truth is infuriating

On the second basement floor, the Soviet army saw the gate hidden, immediately pushed open, first a group of untidy officers, some even wearing only shorts, their method of death is not drunk, shooting themselves or taking poison to commit suicide. When the Soviets walked to other bunkers, the scene was roughly the same, and hundreds of senior Nazi officers committed suicide by drinking bullets after completing their lives of entertainment. There were also 320 female officers in SS uniforms. These people were loyal followers of Hitler's ideas, and they were a pathological pursuit of Hitler. Take responsibility and life more seriously. Never backing up hitler was their life creed.

After his death, 320 female officers followed him, and the truth is infuriating

Therefore, after Hitler's suicide, the number of people who followed Hitler's suicide in a month reached more than 60,000. More than 70,000 people were killed because they did not surrender. So many people followed him, on the one hand, they were impressed by Hitler's personality and charm, and on the other hand, they were brainwashed by Nazi ideas, shaping Hitler into a god-like image.

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