
The boy asked the female teacher for brown sugar to soak in water, and the teacher asked her continuously, and the boy said: This is the first time in her life

The boy asked the female teacher for brown sugar to soak in water, the female teacher asked questions continuously, the boy instantly blushed, said a word, let the office teacher laugh and lie down, and the male teacher called himself ashamed.

More and more single dogs are eager to get rid of the single but can not get off the single, they complain that the current girls are difficult to wait, in fact, many times, this is just a problem of emotional intelligence, even the little boy knows that action is better than heartbeat.

The boy asked the female teacher for brown sugar to soak in water, and the teacher asked her continuously, and the boy said: This is the first time in her life

Recently, a boy in Baoji, Shaanxi Province, suddenly ran into the teacher's office and asked the female teacher for brown sugar to soak in water. The female teacher wondered what brown sugar water the boys drank, so she asked a series of questions: "Who?" For whom? You have to say it before I give! ”

The boy blushed when asked by the teacher, and said shyly: "Teacher, you see what you said, I am very shy." The female teacher asked again: "Then why did you make her brown sugar water?" "The boy had to say it in order to get brown sugar," I was at the same table. ”

The female teacher smiled and gave him brown sugar and teased: "You are really the first warm man in the universe and the first warm male table in the universe." Grow up. As the boy left with the thermos, he smiled and said, "This is the first time in her life." ”

This sentence suddenly made several teachers in the office laugh, and the male teacher laughed directly, feeling that he was really ashamed of himself. The back wave of the Yangtze River pushes the front wave, the front wave is directly photographed on the beach, and the single dogs do not work hard anymore, and really can only continue to be single.

The boy asked the female teacher for brown sugar to soak in water, and the teacher asked her continuously, and the boy said: This is the first time in her life

As can be seen from the video, the relationship between teachers and students in the boys' school is quite harmonious, students dare to run to the office to ask the teacher for brown sugar, the teacher also likes to gossip about the "privacy" of the students, and the boy also dares to say the reason why he wants brown sugar, which causes a laugh.

Netizens laughed and commented: Now the child is really sensible, high emotional intelligence; his father must not give his mother less brown sugar water; this child is too loving... The screen is full of envy and touch, and many girls even lament that for the first time in their lives, they have not met such a heart-warming boy.

I have to say that today's children are really sensible and really loving. This boy has a cheerful personality, careful and considerate, high emotional intelligence, and must also be related to his family's growth environment, a child who grew up in a loving family will definitely know how to love others.

The boy asked the female teacher for brown sugar to soak in water, and the teacher asked her continuously, and the boy said: This is the first time in her life

A warm and harmonious family must have a responsible and warm father, and a gentle and virtuous mother. This kind of family grows up children in the atmosphere of love every day, naturally also has a high emotional intelligence, boys are warm men, girls are gentle and considerate.

On the contrary, if a family jumps every day, the father has no sense of family responsibility, ignores the family all day, does not respect women, and the mother is angry every day, not motivated and does not care about the child, then their children grow up in such an environment every day, and they will become afraid of marriage.

Children who grow up in such families do not know how to give and love. Boys do not know how to respect and love women, and will treat women as appendages; girls lack of security and love, and are easily moved by the slightest bit of goodness of the opposite sex. Children who grow up in such families are mentally unhealthy.

The boy asked the female teacher for brown sugar to soak in water, and the teacher asked her continuously, and the boy said: This is the first time in her life

Therefore, the family environment behind a child can be seen in the words and deeds of a child. Parents are the child's role model, the child's first teacher, the child is a copy of the parent, what kind of person you want the child to become, what kind of parent you want to be a parent.

From now on, every pair of parents will run the family well, and let the children be a responsible person. Have you been warmed up to this lovely boy?