
Huang Lixin said: December 13 Monday The first ten days of the 11th month of the lunar calendar, the horoscope has long been known

Monday, December 13Th lunar month of the first month of november, the first ten ugly years of Gengzi Month B

Huang Lixin said: It is advisable to be open-minded and steady, to strive for stability, and it is not appropriate to raise major events. Be in awe, stay with the times, weigh the pros and cons in everything, and don't be impulsive and reckless. It is advisable to wait for work and accumulate strength, and it is not appropriate to cooperate in gatherings, negotiate transactions, and expand long-distance travel. Be cautious and low-key, be lenient with others, and beware of twists and turns, injuries and loss of wealth, and offenses against dignity and conflict with others. B is not a day, it is not advisable to plant crops in agriculture and forestry, etc., we must pay attention to diet and protect the stomach and intestines.

Huang Lixin said: December 13 Monday The first ten days of the 11th month of the lunar calendar, the horoscope has long been known

Easy to interpret: Otogi is feminine, should not take the initiative, should be open-minded and steady, strive for stability, step by step. Heavenly dry Gengjin revealed, Yi Geng, Gengjin body, to go with the times, with reverence, accumulate strength, it is not appropriate to cooperate in gatherings, negotiate transactions, long-distance expansion and other things. Otogi sat down and did not have the earth wealth star, the earth branch was not tortured, and he should be cautious and low-key, be lenient with others, and beware of things that twist and turn, hurt and destroy the wealth.

Huang Lixin said: December 13 Monday The first ten days of the 11th month of the lunar calendar, the horoscope has long been known

Pay attention to the orientation: The Auspicious side is in the southeast position, choose this direction to act auspicious. The northeast is prone to twists and turns, and it is not appropriate to take big things.

Zodiac Signs: Belonging to cattle and rats is easy to have right and wrong, it is advisable to be low-key and calm, and be more cautious.

Huang Lixin said: December 13 Monday The first ten days of the 11th month of the lunar calendar, the horoscope has long been known

Note time:

Auspicious time: There are two favorable time periods, namely from 23:00 yesterday night to 1:00 a.m. today and from 15:00 to 17:00 in the afternoon, choose to do things in these two periods, easy to get help from noble people, and do things smoothly.

Unlucky times: There are also two unfavorable time periods, one is from 1 a.m. to 3 o'clock in the morning, when the matter is ugly, in this time period, it is easy to have contradictions and disputes, unfavorable success; the other is the 9 to 11 o'clock in the morning, when the xin wei, in this period of time, it is easy to have non-entanglement, things are changeable, and should be avoided as much as possible.

Note: This article is published one day in advance.

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