
Word association scrubland crub shrub

author:Forest after the rain sunny655


Uk /ˈskrʌblənd/ United States /ˈskrʌblənd/ Global (Ireland)

n. Bushland


English /skrʌb/ United States /skrʌb/ Global (United States)

v. Scrub and scrub clean (especially with a hard brush); (doctors scrub up) carefully before surgery; cancel < informal > (plans, etc.); purify (gasoline, steam) ;( riders rub the horse's neck and sides urgently with their arms and legs) urge the horse (fast) ;( racing) (driver) to let the tires slide (or scratch the road) to slow down

n. Bushes, bushes, bushlands; scrub, scrub; scrubs; < > hospital overalls (scrubs); < informal > insignificant, despicable people; < american > second-rate teams (or players); < american > (held in public places) children's informal team competitions

adj. (Plants) short; < beauty> (animals) inferior, stunted 1.

I started to scrub off the dirt.

I started wiping away the dust.

I've given the floor a good scrub.

I scrubbed the floor thoroughly.

The bird disappeared into the scrub.

The bird disappears into the bushes.


English /ʃrʌb/ United States /ʃrʌb/ Global (United States)

n. Shrubs; fruit juice liqueurs (especially rum or brandy); < > juice dew

Plural shrubs

Once shrub covers everything, you lose the meadow habitat.

Once the shrubs cover everything, you lose the habitat of the meadows.