
Father, I Love You

author:Y Wooden Shin

Original Mu Xiao Mu Xiao Essay 2018-06-16 20:05

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day

Father, I Love You

When I was a child, I saw you reading poetry and books, polite and kind, but very serious and not smiling. So much so that for a while I always wanted to be close to you and was afraid.

I have always felt that you are talented but not talented, and I feel wronged for you but hate myself for being powerless.

Father's Day confessions

In order to support our big family, you have made various attempts, and on Father's Day in the second year of junior high school, the people in our dormitory made an agreement together and called their father outside the school to say Happy Father's Day! When it was my turn, I was a little nervous, I didn't know whether to transfer to the new school and be silent or think of your unsmiling, but I didn't back down, because I thought you would still be happy when I received the call. Dial the phone and I say "Happy Father's Day Daddy, I love you, Happy Everyday!" "I felt like you were stunned on the other end of the phone for a few seconds before I came back, I felt like my confession had been received, and we must have been very happy that day."

Father, I Love You

Daddy's dream

You have had your own business, but because of the market and the burden of our big family, it has stagnated in the end. At first, I didn't understand your decision, and when I saw what was pulled back from home, I actually cried a mess, and I thought this is your dream, how can you give up easily! In fact, as a teenager, I understand your pain, but I still feel sorry for your broken dreams.

Father, I Love You

Because of your taciturn and unspoken, I once wanted to change myself. In my heart and the experience of growing up tell me that not being good at talking is really too much of a loss, many things you obviously do, but you don't say that others think you haven't done it; others have misunderstood you, and you can't explain it well for yourself, I think it's too wronged, so I vow to change myself!

But I am your daughter after all, inheriting your powerful genes, no matter how sharp I look on the outside, I can speak eloquently, and in the real expression of my emotions and thoughts, it still proves that I am not as extroverted as I seem.

Father, I Love You
Father, I Love You

I have admired you because you have read poetry and books, and because it is useless that students feel helpless for you.

I have been flattered by your inability to express your occasional love in words, and doubted your feelings for us because you are too unspeakable.

I have been too indisputable to understand you, and sometimes I feel inexplicable admiration.

Father, I Love You

Fortunately, we have inherited your strong literary genes, developed good study habits, all went to the university of their dreams, received a good education, and finally lived up to your influence.

Helplessly, I did not achieve the effect I wanted in the end, but I will work tirelessly, loyal to you, but be myself.

Of course, because your bad speech has given us great freedom of speech, we are all independent, brave and kind.

Father, I Love You

Forgot to tell you that day with you and your mother, watching the turtles frolicking in the lake, the turtles basking in the sun, the years are quiet, everything is peaceful, my mother and I are taking pictures, you look at us smiling, everything is speechless, but so natural. Happiness is so quiet, quiet and peaceful.

Father, I Love You

Majestic as a mountain

Like the tenderness of the sea