
(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

author:Let's be quiet
(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

Quietly tell you, in addition to a lot of cold knowledge you don't know, there are many Easter eggs!

1. The consumption of paper towels by Japanese people is the highest in the world! But it seems that it is mainly because japanese people are allergic to pollen that they use so much!

In addition, Japan is also a beauty country, in order to take care of the delicate skin of beautiful women, paper towels are designed to be very thin. Therefore, every time you put on makeup and remove makeup, you need to use a lot. (Do you think this is really the case?) )

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

2, the Japanese anime "Sailor Moon Hare" that many people are obsessed with, "Evangelion" Katsugi Misato, etc. are all the sounds of the following 67-year-old mother!

When Mitsuishi Koono, who had just left school, had her own ambition to become a nurseryman, but the pressure of employment was too great, and finally she had to choose to engage in her favorite dubbing industry, and as a result, she became popular with the Moon Hare!

She married in 2000, but never revealed who her husband was.

(Don't know how it was when you were younger?) )

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

3. Every year, when the cherry blossom trees in Japan are in bloom, a traditional event called "Tamari" is held in Towada City, Aomori Prefecture. It's a contest that can only be played by beautiful women.

Originally, I thought it was just a tourist project, but after understanding it, I realized that this was actually a competition! It's all over Japan!

(While you go to see the cherry blossoms, don't miss watching beautiful women riding horses and shooting arrows!) )

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

4. Secretly tell everyone that the 1 yen in circulation in Japan actually costs 2 yen! Incidentally, the cost of the other coins is as follows: 5 yen is about 7 yen, 10 yen is about 10 yen, 100 yen is about 25 yen, and 500 yen is about 30 yen.

In addition, Japan also stipulates that banknotes can be used without a limit, while the upper limit of the use of coins is 20 times the denomination

(Does anyone know why there's a hole in the middle?) )

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

5. In Japanese banks, a green plant about 170cm high will be placed under monitoring; its purpose is to predict the height of the suspect according to the height of the green plant in case of an unexpected situation!

But here I have to mention that the security in Tokyo, Japan is still very good, and it ranks quite high in the world! Do you know China's security index?

(Here's a spit, Japanese, isn't it generally not so tall?) )

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

6. Do you know how crowded the Tokyo subway is in Japan? Don't try it easily, because there are so many people, they are also equipped with professionals to push people in!

Shinjuku Station, the busiest station in Tokyo, Japan, has a maximum of 3 million people per day! Every time they arrive at the station, passengers try their best to squeeze inside, just like a needle in the seam!

Is this the developed Japan you imagine?

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

7, the Japanese plain face is really not good-looking! Surveys show that 58% of Japanese girls are unable to show their faces.

Someone in Japan has made a photo of 60 Japanese female students into a photo of their faces, but if you look at it, you must be mentally prepared! Not the first, but the second!

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

Average of 60 Japanese female high school students

8. When there is something to celebrate, the Japanese will also send a bright wreath watch to bless! In order to make the opening celebration last longer, many wreaths usually have their own light bulbs, and at night, those wreaths will still light up.

At this time, if there is a Chinese who does not know the truth, he may mistakenly think that he has broken into the Yin Cao Mansion.

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

9, the artistic manhole cover design on the streets of Japan, one can also sell for 3,000 pieces. It is said that there are currently more than 6,000 manhole covers designs in Japan, and there are also dedicated manhole cover museums, and even! The Manhole Cover Art Festival is also held every year.

Since the 1980s, every city in Japan has begun to design its own unique manhole covers to showcase unique local cultures to celebrate its uniqueness.

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

10. The standards of ancient Japanese beauties are: shaved eyebrows, whitened face, and red lips. There is also a custom of painting your teeth black to show your beauty. (The picture is so permeable, I'll just put one that's not scary!) )

Whether it is ancient or modern China, it is beautiful with bright eyes and bright teeth, and the teeth, as one of the most important parts of a woman's body, must be as white as possible, I really don't know what the ancient Japanese thought.

Do you accept such an aesthetic?

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

11. Japan stipulates that women can only remarry after 100 days after divorce; there is no requirement for men. This seems to be to prevent remarriage after conceiving her ex-husband's children.

Moreover, Japan is one of the few countries in the world that legally stipulates that couples must have the same surname. Some have criticized the "husband and wife" system as being behind the times and discriminating against women. Although controversial, the rule persists to this day due to the strong opposition in Japan.

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

12. Although it is known as the land of cherry blossoms, chrysanthemums are the nominal national flower of Japan! Chrysanthemums are exclusively used by the Japanese Imperial Family, and can only be worn by ordinary people during major events, such as weddings.

In fact, Japan does not have a national flower, and usually represents the national flower with chrysanthemums loved by the imperial family! Cherry blossoms are the pride of the Japanese people.

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

13, pushing too many passengers into the subway is a specialized occupation in Japan; otherwise the subway door will not be closed at all!

Of course, in addition to pushing people into the car, when necessary, they must also pull back the passengers who cannot squeeze into the subway, so as not to delay the subway traffic, in short, they should be flexible when working.

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

14, the Japanese are super fond of eating puffer fish, even if it is poisonous, it can't stop them. However, the Japanese still have their own unique way of dealing with puffer fish.

Chefs who cook Japanese puffer fish must pass a written examination, a practical test and can distinguish between various puffer fish to obtain a license, and they can work with a license, but it is not an ordinary chef who can make puffer fish food.

In this way, even if you pass the exam, you can't directly become a chef, but you have to start with a primary school apprenticeship, slowly accumulate experience under the guidance of the chef, and finally be competent. Therefore, these chefs generally have more than ten years of experience, and the safety is still guaranteed.

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

15. Hachiko, the loyal dog, was not fully buried; his body was made into a specimen for everyone to see. And it's a white, tall Akita.

Later, as this story spread, people built a statue for Hachiko to commemorate it! But it didn't take long for them to be melted away by the fanatical Japanese to make bullet hearts!

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

16. All schools in Japan must have a sports field and swimming pool. Japanese schools are emergency shelters, and swimming pools are also water intakes for fire brigades.

I have to say that such a setting is still a good guarantee for the safety of citizens and students! Is the direct water more direct than the fire hydrant that does not open all year round?

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

17, on the streets of Japan, pedestrians are the absolute "overlords"! The car will let you no matter what!

But this is not an excuse for you to run a red light, you really can't ignore the safety of yourself and the driver of the car!

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

18, instant noodles are really inconvenient in Japan! Not only is there no fork, but even after eating, it must be washed before it can be sorted and thrown away!

When you buy instant noodles in Japan, be sure to ask for chopsticks from a convenience store cashier or hotel front desk! Otherwise, if you really take a toothbrush and comb to eat instant noodles, this is really not going to go down!

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

19, in Japan, no matter how big or small the house is, it will make a bathtub at home! A special feature of Japanese family bathing is that the whole family uses the same tank of water.

Burn a bathtub of hot water, first the hostess bathes, then the children (possibly together), and finally the hostess. If a guest comes, they will be asked to wash first, and then continue to wash with the bath water used by the guest... Cough cough...

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

20, read the newspaper in the subway, will be folded into a quarter of the size of the newspaper to read again, so as not to hinder other people.

There is no Internet in the Japanese subway, so Japanese people often read e-books, and many people read paper books directly. Young people like to read comics, middle-aged people like to read newspapers!

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

21. Japanese people can do tempura for everything, even the maple leaves that fall from trees! But maple leaf tempura is very complicated in terms of material selection and production!

The selection of ingredients should be edible maple leaves, and after a year of pickling, it can be made into maple leaf tempura! But as a Chinese, I still think fritters are more delicious!

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

22. In the eyes of the Japanese, dumplings, egg fried rice, and even noodles are also dishes! In addition, the most incomprehensible thing is that the Japanese people really eat dumplings to a new height.

They will make dumplings into fried dumplings, and then eat them with noodles, this way of eating is still not seen in China, and it has been complained by netizens: I don't know how to pretend to understand.

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

According to the survey, 1 in 5 students in Japan who are about 20 years old have eaten lunch in the toilet.

In addition to being outrageously clean, the toilets in Japan are also very comprehensive, except for the fewer beds, which can almost be said to be a small single room.

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

24, Japanese toilet paper is very thin, single-layer, soluble in water; because the Japanese have almost zero tolerance for odor, they will never allow used toilet paper to accumulate, so in Japan, the used hand paper is directly thrown down the toilet to wash away.

In addition, for things that cannot be flushed, a special disinfection trash can will be set up in the toilet; it will automatically disinfect the garbage in it.

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

25, the Japanese toilet, really full of science and technology; after going to the toilet, you can also help you wash your ass! Love? Japan's smart toilets also have various functions such as seat heating, warm water washing, and warm air drying

Even in the cold winter, farts don't feel cool.

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

26, Japan's "Tianjin rice" is their own creation; it has nothing to do with our half-cent in Tianjin, China. Tianjin rice refers to the rice is covered with hibiscus crab and hibiscus eggs, and then poured on top of the sweet and sour sauce.

The preparation method is to add ingredients such as crab, shrimp, green onion and shiitake mushrooms to the mixed egg mixture, stir-fry, cover the rice, and then pour the sauce on it.

In Japanese Chinese restaurants, Tianjin rice is cheap. Ketchup is mainly used in eastern Japan, while in western Japan it is used in soy sauce and salt.

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

27. Japan's population aging is very serious, ranking first in the world with 29.1%, and there is no country with the most serious population aging in the world.

This is actually evident in Japan, where we can see many old people in suits and leather shoes on the streets of Japan, who are in a hurry not to lose to young people, and they have to squeeze the subway with young people every day.

If it is in our country, it may be some kind of party, but in Japan, this is their normal state of life, although they have white hair, they still have to work.

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

28. After 8 p.m., many fresh foods with short shelf life will be sold at half price.

In addition to the half-price tag will be affixed by the clerk about 3 hours before the store closes, the sudden decrease in supermarket customers caused by bad weather conditions will also have a large number of half-price promotions.

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29, Japanese cockroaches are really large, the largest can even grow to about 8-10cm. Japanese cockroaches are not only huge and ostentatious, but also many cockroaches with strong wings can even fly!! So the next time you see a flying object on the streets of Japan, please hide.

However, for the big cockroach, the Japanese are already strange. According to them, Japan's humid climate is suitable for all kinds of bugs, and cockroaches also grow wildly, and they quickly become larger.

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

30, Japanese people are not afraid of the cold, especially in winter in order to love beautiful bare-legged beautiful women who wear skirts! Japanese girls wear short skirts to be cold, so they will also secretly add some small equipment to the clothes under the condition of ensuring beauty, such as warm babies.

The Japanese beauty walking on the street seems to be particularly little dressed, but you never know how many warm babies she has on her, and with warm baby protective body, you can have temperature and grace.

In addition, many places in Japan have heating provided in winter, so they will not stay outside for too long.

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

31, furniture, large electrical appliances if you do not want to use, want to replace the new must also find a professional recycling company can be; their own littering will be fined a huge fine! There are several ways to dispose of bulky garbage:

The first and most common one is to contact a large-scale waste disposal center commissioned by the government. There are several ways to dispose of bulky waste: the first and most common one is to contact a large-scale garbage disposal center commissioned by the government

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

32, Japan's ridiculously expensive square watermelon, at the beginning was just for the convenience of transportation! According to reports, Japan's square watermelons are sought after by Russians.

In a Moscow chain store, each Square Watermelon made in Japan costs as much as $860 (about 5,300 yuan), 300 times the price of a regular watermelon.

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

33, after eating at a Japanese restaurant, you need to pay the bill; just make the following gesture. Of course, paying for meals and checking out in Japan does not necessarily have to be expressed in Japanese.

It can also be expressed in English, and there are many people in Japanese who know English, especially when eating and checking out is just simple colloquialism.

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

34, Japanese yogurt does not need to lick the lid, but this way I feel that I am missing the soul of drinking yogurt! In order to take care of all kinds of people who are inconvenient to lick yogurt covers, island manufacturers have newly developed a 'absolutely non-stick' yogurt.

The moment the lid is lifted, does it feel like a sense of happiness? This life of being able to drink all the yogurt without licking is really too powerful.

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

35 As we all know, Japan is a country with a high degree of unity of order, and it is even very strict in throwing garbage! Such a high degree of repression makes it easy for society to produce many people with antisocial personalities.

If these people do not get vented in ordinary times, they will become perverts who are distorted in psychological cognition. This is also why we have always heard of the serious problem of the phenomenon of idiots in Japan.

In order to prevent them from taking candid photographs or other photographs that damage the personality of others in public places, especially in public places such as subways and stations, the Japanese government stipulates that mobile phones and other photographic equipment in Japan must have a shutter sound to prevent the above behavior.

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

36, Japanese men are really macho, cooking, washing dishes is almost impossible! Even when eating, even the dishes and chopsticks need to be brought by the wife.

But this is only the traditional view of the Japanese, and most young Japanese people today cook; some men think that they can eat their favorite meals, firstly to save money and secondly, for health.

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

37 The crow is the national bird of Japan and is regarded as a symbol of auspiciousness; so the local people are extra protective of them, which makes them very arrogant. In Japan, there are many green areas in downtown Tokyo, which is an ideal place for crows to inhabit.

The Tokyo area is also rich in garbage, providing suitable food for the crows. But the Japanese didn't dare to hurt the crows (the superstitious ones, believing that doing so would lead to bad luck.)

(Tokyo is not as clean as it seems.)

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

38. Japan has a national day, which is based on the emperor's birthday. If it continues, one day, Japan will do the National Day for 365 days a year.

Even after the death of the Emperor, the previously preserved National Day will not be canceled; it will continue to be preserved, which is why I will one day, Japan, 365 days will be this festival.

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

39, on the streets of Japan, don't ask for the girl's phone number! For this will be seen as a divine confession.

And in Japan, the situation of hooking up is a very common phenomenon; but more or more men to take the initiative, imagine a Japanese man came over and asked you for a phone, will you give?

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

40. In Japanese convenience stores, an easter egg ball is stocked; if you encounter robbers, you can mark them.

I have to say that this operation can be promoted in our country, and the small design of Japan is still very thoughtful!

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

41, the Japanese obsession with blood type is like our obsession with constellations! Different blood types will prefer people with blood type O.

In life, job seekers have to fill in their own blood type on their resumes, and some companies will assign work tasks according to the corresponding personality of employees' blood types. Even political leaders disclose their blood type as a bargaining chip to gain support.

(It's 2021, and some people still believe in this!) )

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

42, in Japan's gynecological hospitals, in order to prevent the embarrassment of calling your real name; patients can write their names, and the doctor will call you to write this name.

This design, for many embarrassed girls, is really a charcoal in the snow!

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

43, the Japanese subway is exceptionally punctual, before because of an accident caused by the delay, the railway company also apologized to the public!

In addition, in the past few years, a train in Japan did not depart on time as originally planned, but departed 20 seconds ahead of schedule at 9:44:20.

It was said that there were no passengers on the platform at that time, and no one complained about the missed train, but there was still such an apology statement.

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

44, many families in Japan in the broom, mop are leased, leasing companies will introduce different styles, functions, specifications of mops, wipes to consumers, and then consumers can arbitrarily choose to match the appropriate mop, rags to use.

After a month of use, the staff will visit the user, and recycle the cleaning products that have been used for a month, and then equip them with new mops and rags that have been cleaned and disinfected.

Depending on the style, function, and size of the mop, the price varies, and the general price is about 1,000 yen per month.

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

45, even if it is a strong typhoon, the Japanese will carry out the spirit of queuing to the end. For Japanese society, which emphasizes fairness and morality, "equality" is a social order that embodies fairness.

"Queuing" is the most direct manifestation of the fair social order of "equality".

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

46, coke cake has nothing to do with cola, cola cake is a fried food from France, called "croquette", and then in Japan it is called "コロッケ".

The reason for the name Coke Cake is actually based on the Japanese transliteration! In fact, if you ask the Japanese, they will say that "コロッケ" is just "Japanese fried meatloaf" or "Japanese fried potato cake", so it has nothing to do with "Coke".

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

47, the Japanese quilt cover, can be said to be the most difficult quilt cover in the world! There is a huge hole in the middle, and the surrounding area is not fixed!

In addition to the convenience of dismantling and washing, there are other convenient places I really did not come up with! Did you know?

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

48, in Japan, obesity is not allowed; in the company, if the employee is too obese, then the company will be fined! Employees also cannot continue to work.

As early as 2008, Japan promulgated a law restricting the maximum waist circumference of the people, which requires local governments and enterprises to regularly measure the waist circumference of people aged 40 to 74, and stipulates that the waist circumference of men over the age of 40 should not exceed 85 cm and the waist circumference of women should not exceed 90 cm.

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

49, Japanese sumo wrestlers, because of their obesity, will choose a tablet with a larger screen to use instead of a mobile phone.

Compared to their huge size, it will be really inconvenient to use our ordinary people's mobile phones!

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

50. Many schools in Japan do not employ cleaners, and the hygiene of the whole school is done by students!

This is very helpful for exercising children's hands-on ability and hygiene awareness! I feel that this article can also be promoted in our country!

(Just let the girls come to wash the men's bathroom, more or less bad!) )

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(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad
(Condensed) 100 pictures tell you that Japan is really not bad

Well, thank you for your patience in seeing this. I hope that through this article, you can learn more about Japanese cold knowledge.

Some customs and customs at home and abroad, to increase their experience, enrich their lives.

Here is a small quiet bar, it is not easy to create, leave your likes, attention and comments! thank!

Original article, image source network.