
Genting Game: The legendary Tank Bronn returns, who used to raise his shield to bless the four sides, and now splits the ground to control the whole field

author:Ghost Talk Tour
{"info":{"title":{"content":"云顶之弈:传奇坦克布隆归来,昔日举盾佑四方,如今裂地控全场","en":"Genting Game: The legendary Tank Bronn returns, who used to raise his shield to bless the four sides, and now splits the ground to control the whole field"},"description":{"content":"到今天为止,云顶之弈已经度过了五个赛季了,在这五个不同的赛季版本中,有许多的英雄在其中出现过了,而且有很多英雄还是多次登...","en":"As of today, Genting Game has passed five seasons, and in these five different season versions, many heroes have appeared in it, and many heroes have been listed many times."}},"items":[]}