
The first Omiljung serological data are released: the activity of neutralizing antibodies induced by the Pfizer vaccine has dropped by 41.4 times...

author:China Biotechnology Network
The first Omiljung serological data are released: the activity of neutralizing antibodies induced by the Pfizer vaccine has dropped by 41.4 times...

On December 8, Beijing time, in a new study published on the preprint server medRxiv (without peer review), a large international research team led by the African Institute of Health published the first serological survey data on the Omilkejung variant strain. That's the data scientists have been waiting for since the strain was first discovered in South Africa.

The first Omiljung serological data are released: the activity of neutralizing antibodies induced by the Pfizer vaccine has dropped by 41.4 times...

The researchers suggest that it is still very preliminary data and may change in the future.

The study used the highly accurate Gold Standard Live Virus Neutralization Trial FRNT to evaluate the serum neutralization activity of 12 Pfizer vaccine (BNT162b2) vaccinators, 6 of whom had not been infected with THE new coronavirus. The analysis results showed that the neutralization activity of these serums to the original strain of the new coronavirus (D614G) was 1321, which showed that the original strains of these sample stacks had a strong neutralization effect, while they had a strong neutralization effect on the Omiljung mutant strains of 32, a decrease of 41.4 times. This is a huge drop compared to all previous mutant strains except beta.

The first Omiljung serological data are released: the activity of neutralizing antibodies induced by the Pfizer vaccine has dropped by 41.4 times...

The Beta (B.1.135) variant (also first discovered in South Africa) is the strongest variant that previously exhibited this "immune escape". A previously published study on medRxiv showed that in south Africa, the likelihood of death in hospitalization was 30% higher than in the first wave of outbreaks in the second wave of outbreaks triggered by beta variants. But based on this preliminary analysis, Omexon may be 5 to 10 times stronger than Beta at evading antibodies.

While this study strongly suggests that the Omiljung variant can evade Pfizer vaccine-induced antibody immunity, it retains considerable immunity in people who have been vaccinated and previously infected.

Previously, some people worried that the new crown vaccine may not have an effect on Omicron at all.

Dr Alex Sigal, who led the study, said: "We've seen a lot of immune escapes, but I think the news is pretty good and the fact that antibodies from vaccines can still recognize Omilon makes sense, especially seeing that other parts of the immune system, such as T cells, can also play a role in it." ”

The most reassuring finding was that the serum of 5 people who had previously been infected with COVID-19, or who had been vaccinated against COVID-19, had a relatively high neutral potency. Therefore, vaccination with boosters can prevent Infection of Theomexon.

This means that in places like South Africa, where COVID-19 infection rates have been high in the past, the impact of Omicron is likely to be reduced. It also suggests that Omi kerong may not have much impact on countries with high vaccination rates.

The researchers say more studies are needed on more people to confirm the results. But this preliminary study is the first direct evidence of how much challenge Ami kerong may pose.

Professor Willem Hanekom, Executive Director of the African Institute of Health, said: "The clinical significance of these important laboratory data needs to be determined. The result is likely to be a vaccine-induced reduction in protection against infection and disease. Importantly, most vaccinologists agree that the current COVID-19 vaccine can still prevent serious illness and death from infection with Omiclon. ”

According to Agence France-Presse, on December 7, local time, the chief medical expert of the White House in the United States, Fauci, said after seeing preliminary data that the Omiljung mutant strain would "almost certainly" not be more serious than Delta.

However, he stressed that it is important not to over-interpret the early data, as the patients being followed are young and at low risk of hospitalization. The question of whether Ormikeron causes serious disease also requires critical epidemiological data, so it will take weeks to know.

"There are some indications that it (Omikron) may not even be that serious because when you see some of the cohorts being tracked in South Africa, the ratio between the number of infections and hospitalizations seems to be lower than that of Delta," Fauci said. ”

He reiterated that at least a few more weeks will be needed to understand the key issues surrounding the seriousness of Theomilon.

"In the next few days, the results of the laboratory's vaccine tests on Omicron should come out," Fauci said. ”

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