
The Song of Spirit and Flesh

author:He Qingqing 6216

Mid-Autumn Festival night without moonlight,

Three in one

Fall into the initial chaos.

Everything can start over,

Out of the feet there is a thick black path.

Souls that have been lost for a thousand years,

Now I call you back,

Reunited with the flesh that refuses to perish,

Presumably you can also,

It was my sad voice.

I finally heard your call,

I have returned,

I'm sure you won't,

Gan is the walking dead.

You will not forget after losing me,

I am no longer complete.

I wish my old nest,

And you can give me a little sleep,

and not so full of cobwebs,

Rust marks,

There are even snakes and scorpions invading,

Make me unsure.

You are from heaven,

Or from hell,

Or from a wild and dangerous place,

How can I be so tired and sleepy?

I call you back,

Is it to say east and west,

Pointing out the mystery.

If you also yawn,

I might as well keep the empty nest,

Moan alone.

Why have we suffered so many misfortunes,

Haven't calmed you down yet?

You don't know anything about me,

But I know your whole journey.

This time it's your exhaustion,

Can't stand the loneliness,

Only to summon me back to occupy fate.

Now that I have been proud of myself,

Without a trace,

Nothing can bind me,

Nothing can shock me.

If it weren't for your mourning and prayer,

To this scaly skin sac,

I'm too lazy to ask.

Loneliness is my highest enjoyment,

If one day you also yearn,

Creation will dissolve you into another soul,

That's when you have a chance.

Stick your head out of the grass,

Talk to me about the past and the present.

I have lost everything outside of me,

Before burning incense and praying tonight,

It even wiped out the golden dust.

Let me stand up,

You can see,

The one attached to my flesh

Now the melon is ripe.

I've also returned to nature,

You have the Word,

Why not take me with you?

We are united,

It can even compete with creation.

I can't dwell in the old nest forever,

Stay upset in your world,

Nor can you be a companion.

The soul should come and go alone,

May you develop this character first.

The soul has no will to be reunited,

Nor will it transgress the creation of the holy.

If you can't be pure-hearted,

After crossing you, you will always regret it,

You've got to go through a couple of purgatorys.

in order to be pure in the whole body.

Then there is no need for you to cry,

Creation will find you.

Become my wandering brother,

And you will forever break with me.

Where is my final destination?

After becoming homeless cold air,

Can I still have one?

Secret Grave?

Joy will eventually be rewarded,

You can only glide at the end of Qingping.

The rooster sang the East both white,

Since you can't be quiet here,

I still recall my own clouds,

But look at the fate you and I once had,

I have to teach you the ultimate lesson.

If you have good luck today,

Never hesitate to accept,

Otherwise your prayers have nothing to do with the soul,

You don't have a chance anymore.

Deceive the gods.

I knew you were so ruthless,

It's better than before you are liberated.

And they will betray you to the demon god,

So I can be better than I am now.

Easy to win eternity.

Since you can't take me with you,

I don't have to,

Thank you for your lesson tonight.

And go,

I'm going to sleep again.

I don't care anymore.

Space out.

May you sleep and not wake up,

Don't change the way you toss me around.