
"Sister" auto-rotating sequel

author:The lonely master leans on the lonely

After the sister recounted her tragic experience in the police station, all the people in the police station were shocked.

According to the address of her hometown provided by my sister, the director immediately sent a telegram to our brigade.

When the relatives heard the news, they also hurried to claim their sister with their father.

Unexpectedly, at the scene of the confession, an unexpected scene occurred.

The man who spent money to buy a wife was willing to give up, and he gathered hundreds of people from the village to come to the police station to rob people.

The vast majority of the people in that village were legally illiterate, and they blocked the gate of the police station and openly threatened to hand it over.

In desperation, the director of the police station had no choice but to fire a warning shot to deter the group from acting rashly.

Finally, escorted by a police car, the family took their sister on the train and returned to their hometown.

The return of the sister shook the township, and the whole village and neighboring villages came to visit.

After a few years, my sister's accent also changed, a central cavity.

While crying, she recounted to people what had happened over the years in northern dialect, causing a wave of sighs and sympathy.

When my sister came back, so did my mother.

After a period of calm, my sister's thinking also underwent some changes.

She often sat on the slope of the ridge on a high place and looked at the north in a daze, allowing tears to slide silently.

Finally, she plucked up the courage to tell her parents that she had to go back to that place!

She said she missed her daughter, who was beautiful and lovely.

There is also the man who is more than ten years older than her, but he is also very kind, and he has been okay with her for several years, and he has not even let his sister do a little housework, which can be said to be ten fingers without touching the spring water.

In the face of his daughter's begging, the father's attitude was relaxed, but the mother resolutely refused.

For the mother, how can the lost daughter let go and return to the poor and remote land in the north.

The sister finally couldn't help her mother, and gradually died the heart that went back.

In order to keep her daughter by her side, her mother entrusted someone to arrange a family affair in the township.

On the day my sister got married, the whole family was immersed in a joy.

My sister finally had a home, and my parents' dangling hearts could finally be put down.

But I didn't expect that my sister's big day was spent in endless sadness.

On the day of the first day (Note: Anhui calls the first day of the marriage of a man and a woman), the northern man actually traveled thousands of miles to find the door with his child!

The villagers went to the brother-in-law's house to summon them, and the parents hurried home without taking a sip of wine.

In the cold wind of the waxing moon, the sister's daughter froze her little face red, and in the face of the strange Murakami people, a pair of agile little eyes flashed, and she trembled with fear.

My sister's daughter is a very beautiful baby, almost carved out of a mold with my sister.

When the man saw my parents, he fell to his knees and couldn't cry.

The sister's daughter also cried for her mother.

In fact, it is precisely because the daughter is crying at home every day to find her mother, and the man who knows that he is wrong is forced to come to the door.

Looking at the pitiful appearance of this father and daughter, the murakami people all burst into tears, and the parents were even more speechless.

The father sighed with tears and said that you are late, and your sister is married!

In fact, her sister had already received the news over there, and she was in tears and could not restrain herself.

But what can be done in the face of the current situation?

The man finally despaired and got up to take the child and was about to leave.

The father could not bear to see the situation, and shoved the only one thousand yuan in the family into the hands of the man, and asked him not to bother his sister for the rest of his life.

The man tearfully agreed, carried his daughter on his back, and disappeared into the cold wind and rain with despair...

The days passed inadvertently for several years, and the sister also gave birth to two sons.

Because the brother-in-law's family is not well-off, the brother-in-law has been working outside the home for many years, and the sister has to plant crops while taking two children at home.

In the eyes of outsiders, the sister seems to be strong, but who can feel the pain of missing her daughter in her heart?

My sister also takes care of her mother's family, in addition to her own farm work, she also comes back every three to five to help us do farm work.

The sister is industrious and friendly, and gets along very well with the people of Murakami.

She is also hospitable and she always brings out the best dishes to entertain guests.

Therefore, the sister's popularity is very good.

Here you need to intersperse one thing.

My sister had already suffered from nephritis before she was abducted and trafficked, and there has been no cure.

It may be the difference in diet between the north and the south, and her kidney disease has not been cured in the north.

After returning to the south, the kidney disease was committed again, and then it was transformed into renal hypertension.

My sister took the medicine for a while, and in order to save money, she stopped taking the medicine.

In the hot summer, my sister was alone in the hill cutting rapeseed, without stopping for several days.

She didn't know that the shadow of death had quietly arrived.

She finished her family work and came to my house to help plant seedlings.

At that time, I was still working in a different place, and I had no idea about the situation at home.

The family is paid to ask people to plant seedlings, in order to complete, the sister led the planting of seedlings, until dark.

There were two other children in the family, and my sister went back without even taking a sip of water.

Unexpectedly, this time, people are eternally separated.

The night my brother-in-law rushed back, my sister left.

My sister was in a hurry and didn't say a word.

The lost and regained sister has left again, and it is an eternal trick!

Looking at my sister who looked like she was sleeping in the ice coffin, my liver and intestines were broken, and my tears flowed like a river.

Only I know that when my sister leaves, there will be endless reluctance and endless regrets.

The two sons are still young, and unfortunately they never have the opportunity to see the daughter of the north again...

It was a human tragedy, and if I had known about it, I would have preferred my sister to stay in the north.

Unfortunately, there are no ifs.

Now my sister's daughter has grown up and may have already married and had children.

Maybe she can't even remember her mother's voice and smile, and she may also hate her mother's ruthlessness...

The moon has clouds and sunshine, and people have sorrows and joys.

Whose fault is it all? Fate or man-made?

No one can say it clearly, only regret will remain in mind.

"His Holiness intends to say the return date. Before he could say a word, He swallowed miserably.

Life is a love obsession, and this hatred is not related to the wind and the moon."

The love and hatred in the world, the loss and gain, are ultimately difficult to exhaust!

With this article, I would like to recall my sister who died young, and also to relieve the regrets of many years. (End of full text)

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