
A brief history of modern germany

author:I am Luo Chen

Germany is a federal parliamentary republic located in Central Europe. The capital, Berlin, covers an area of 357582 square kilometers. Is it a founding member of the European Union, or a member of NATO? In 1864 Prussia and Austria defeated Denmark and reclaimed the northern lands; in the Seven Weeks' War of 1866, Prussia defeated Austria and established the North German Confederation; in 1870, the Franco-Prussian War defeated France, unifying southern Germany and forcing France to cede Alsace-Lorraine. Since then, the Second German Empire has been established. Germany gained many territories both abroad and overseas. Become a world power. In 1914, a young Man of Serbia assassinated Archduke Ferdinand of austria-Hungary. Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. Germany declared war on the treaty powers as an ally of Austria-Hungary. In 1918, a revolution broke out in Germany, and Wilhelm II abdicated. At the end of World War I, the Treaty of Versailles was signed with the victorious powers. Lost a lot of territory. Germany became the Weimar Republic. In 1939, Germany provoked World War II, blitzed Poland, and swept through Western Europe. 1941 Invasion of the Soviet Union. In 1945, Soviet troops occupied Berlin. Germany declared its surrender and was occupied by the division after the war. In 1946 the U.S.-British-French war territories were merged into West Germany. East Germany was established in the Soviet-occupied zone to the east. In 1989, Eastern Europe was drastically changed, and in 1990 East Germany merged with West Germany. It has become the current Germany, now the fourth largest country in the world economy, and a developed country. This issue ends here, and the next issue publishes the modern history of France.

A brief history of modern germany
A brief history of modern germany