
Blockbuster: Shenzhen to build "5G first city"

author:Chen Zhihao, an expert in Shenzhen Wanhui Real Estate

The 2021 IMT-2020 (5G) Conference was held in Shenzhen yesterday, with more than 300 experts and professional representatives from international organizations, BRICS countries, and China's government departments, enterprises, and research institutions attending to explore the innovative road of 5G integration and benefiting all industries. Han Xia, chief engineer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and Zheng Hongbo, vice mayor of Shenzhen, attended and delivered speeches.

Blockbuster: Shenzhen to build "5G first city"

The first prize of the fourth "Bloom Cup" 5G Application Solicitation Competition National Competition is now present

China has built more than 1.29 million 5G base stations

The conference is held in a combination of online and offline methods, including two major sections: conference forum and exhibition display.

The meeting revealed that as of the end of October this year, China has built a total of 1.291 million 5G base stations, covering all cities and municipalities above the prefecture level, more than 97% of counties and districts and 50% of townships and towns in the country, the number of virtual private networks in the industry exceeds 2300; the number of terminal connections exceeds 470 million, the user penetration rate reaches 28.7%, 5G applications have covered many fields in the primary, secondary and tertiary industries, and some key areas have entered the commercial landing stage. The price of modules has dropped to 1,000 yuan and 500 yuan respectively, and new terminals such as industrial gateways, vehicle terminals, and smart wearables have continued to emerge.

Han Xia pointed out that all parties should strengthen coordination and accelerate the large-scale application of 5G from five aspects: First, accelerate network construction, and promote on-demand construction and in-depth coverage of 5G networks;

The second is to adhere to innovation-driven, improve the industrial chain supply chain system, and make up for the shortcomings of the industry;

The third is to deepen application exploration and improve the level of supply;

The fourth is to strengthen cross-border collaboration and optimize the application ecology;

Fifth, adhere to openness and sharing, unswervingly take the road of internationalization, and promote mutual benefit and win-win results.

Blockbuster: Shenzhen to build "5G first city"

Zheng Hongbo said that Shenzhen will further increase support for the development of 5G, continue to improve the quality of 5G network coverage, support the construction of carriers such as 5G medium and high frequency device innovation centers, participate in the formulation of international standards in the field of 5G, accelerate the construction and deployment of new digital infrastructure, provide a leading hardware foundation for the development of the 5G industry and industry applications, better play the role of 5G in serving the development of the real economy, and promote Shenzhen to build a "5G first city".

Blockbuster: Shenzhen to build "5G first city"

The "Bloom Cup" finals Shenzhen achieved excellent results

The conference held the award ceremony of the 4th "Bloom Cup" 5G Application Solicitation Competition. Since its launch in May this year, the competition has held 13 regional competitions, 21 thematic competitions and 1 benchmarking competition, covering 12,281 projects in more than 30 application fields, and a total of 600 projects have entered the national finals, of which 17 projects have won the first prize, 31 projects have won the second prize, 48 projects have won the third prize, and 204 projects have won the excellence award.

Shenzhen's performance is outstanding, with 55 projects shortlisted for the national finals, 39 projects winning awards, 6 first prizes, accounting for one-third; 5 second prizes; 5 third prizes; and 23 excellent awards.

The projects that won the first prize in Shenzhen were "5G MEC+AI Leads Futian's 'Resilient and Healthy Urban Area'" submitted by the Eighth Hospital of CUHK, "An Innovative Application of VR Virtual Reality Ultrasound Teaching Based on 5G-MEC" submitted by Peking University Shenzhen Hospital, "5G+ Intelligent High-speed Rail Vehicle-Ground Communication Integrated Solution and Application" submitted by State Railway, "5G Empowerment Pioneer Demonstration Smart City Governance Benchmark" submitted by Nanshan District Political and Data Bureau, and "5G + Smart Gas Digital Empowerment Megacity Public Safety Project" submitted by Shenzhen Gas Report. 3. Luohu Medical Group submitted the "5G Smart Medical Innovation Application of Compact Medical Association".

In addition, the Shenzhen Merchants 5G Mawan Smart Port Project won the first place in the gold medal of this year's "Bloom Cup" benchmarking competition, and the two projects of "China Southern Power Grid 5G + Digital Grid Large-scale Application" and "5G Application Large-scale Practical Landing Model - Shenzhen 5G Smart Policing" won the bronze award of the benchmarking competition.

All links of the industrial chain collide with the spark of wisdom

A total of 8 sub-forums were held at the conference, focusing on key areas such as personal applications, smart education, smart medical care, smart cultural tourism, smart transportation, and smart mines, sharing practical experience in the application of 5G in vertical industries, and in-depth discussion of 5G integration application development ideas. Experts and industry representatives from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, as well as the four major operators, leading enterprises in all aspects of the 5G industry chain, GSMA, 3GPP standard organization, Ericsson, Qualcomm, Nokia Bell and other experts at home and abroad collided with the wisdom spark on the spot.

The conference released the "White Paper on China's 5G Development and Socio-Economic Impact (2021)" and the "White Paper of the Fourth "Bloom Cup" 5G Application Contest".

Fiber to room Shenzhen to build a gigabit city

Shenzhen Gigabit City Development Summit was held yesterday, the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology and the Municipal Communications Administration jointly released the "Shenzhen Gigabit City Development White Paper", and joined hands with operators and relevant representatives of the industrial chain to jointly launch the construction and deployment of Shenzhen FTTR (fiber-to-room) indoor network.

The theme of the summit is "Navigating Gigabit Development and Creating a Digital Wisdom Pengcheng". As of November this year, Shenzhen's urban household gigabit network coverage rate reached 106.3%, and the 5G network access rate of key places was 91%. At the same time, Shenzhen has built more than 50,000 50,000 5G base stations, and the density of base stations has reached 24.68 per square kilometer, ranking first in the country.

Blockbuster: Shenzhen to build "5G first city"

The summit revealed that the continuous improvement of the "double gigabit" network has provided solid support for digital transformation, intelligent upgrading, and integration and innovation in all fields of Shenzhen's economy and society. About 1.8745 million household users in Shenzhen have 500M and above home broadband, accounting for 29.2% of the total number of fixed network users; Shenzhen's 5G users reached 7.61 million, and the proportion of 5G users and traffic ranked first in first-tier cities.

At the same time, Shenzhen continues to promote 5G in-depth empowerment of smart port construction, flexible smart factories, automobile industrial production, smart grid and other thousands of industries, the city has a large number of 5G whole industry chain enterprises such as Huawei, Tencent, ZTE, and laid out 5G high-frequency device innovation center, 5G industry innovation ecological operation center, 5G joint innovation center and other major support platforms, local many areas emerged leading 5G applications, 5G market booming.

Blockbuster: Shenzhen to build "5G first city"

The Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology and the Municipal Bureau of Communications and Information Technology said that by the end of 2025, they will strive to achieve full coverage of the Gigabit optical network of urban households in Shenzhen, achieve "gigabit to household, 10,000 gigabit into enterprises", and create a national gigabit city; the 5G network access rate in key areas has reached 100%, the proportion of 5G users has reached 80%, the WLAN coverage rate of key places has reached 99%, the number of 5G base stations per 10,000 people has reached 30, and the first to complete the large-scale networking of 5G networks in the 700MHz band has been actively promoted.

The Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology will promote the gradual reduction of 5G package tariffs, promote operators to speed up and reduce fees for small and medium-sized enterprises, launch specific preferential policies lower than public market tariffs for caring groups such as the elderly and the disabled; promote optical fiber to rooms, to desktops, and to machine construction in residential areas and residential buildings, support home and enterprise users to upgrade access terminals, provide end-to-end gigabit service experience, and fully support the popularization of ultra-high-definition video (4K/8K), AR/VR and other services.

The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Communications Management Bureau said that FTTR is a secondary "optical reform" of network cable replacement with optical fiber, which is an important part of Shenzhen's construction of a gigabit city, and the bureau will launch ftTR home and building wiring pilots as soon as possible, land FTTR wiring standards and specifications, promote the establishment of FTTR ecology, and help Shenzhen's smart home and gigabit city development.

Source: Shenzhen Special Economic Zone News

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