
New energy was brought down by the "King of Ning", change the track to continue to play?

author:National Business Daily

Per reporter: Zeng Zijian Per editor: Ye Feng

Cast base Z generation, Z brother is the most real.

The central bank official announced the reduction of the reserve requirement, and then threw out the news of lowering the interest rate of the reloan of supporting agriculture and small enterprises by 0.25 percentage points. On the news side, it confirms the expectation of monetary easing, but the boots landed, and the market once again staged a routine of high opening and low walking, and investors have already seen through everything.

However, the market performance is sluggish, and the mood is also very low, because the "Ning Wang" Ningde era took the lead in diving, and the entire new energy sector suffered a heavy setback.

New energy was brought down by the "King of Ning", change the track to continue to play?

Three days ago, the Ningde era was still hitting a record high, who could have imagined that today it would fall by 4.3%, and the intraday decline was as high as 6.8%, such a large shock, it is indeed rare. Driven by the decline in the Ningde era, the new energy sector has collectively declined.

There are three reasons for the decline of the CATL era:

First, last night, the US stock Tesla fell more than 5%, the stock price fell below the $1,000 mark, but the tail market recovered, and finally fell 0.59%, closing at $1009.01. But Tesla's sharp shock still has an emotional impact on today's Ningde era.

Second, there were media reports a few days ago that Zeng Yuqun, chairman of CATL, donated 2 million shares of the company's shares to Shanghai Jiaotong University, worth more than 1 billion yuan. The donation of this share, after Shanghai Jiaotong University gets it, is likely to reduce its holdings and cash out, otherwise it will not reach the significance of the donation, so it will also put pressure on the stock price.

Third, it was reported that the allianz Shenzhou A-share Fund, the largest overseas Chinese equity fund, announced its latest holdings, which reduced its holdings in Ningde Times in October, with a reduction of 18.58%.

Although some market participants believe that this reduction occurred in October, after the reduction of Ningde era also hit a record high, indicating that the impact is not large, mainly the emotional impact.

But Brother Z believes that not only the Ningde era, but also the entire new energy track, after rising so much, there is a clear difference in this kind of institution, or to maintain enough vigilance, can not be taken lightly. Because in the past two years, whether it is the track of stocks or the hot theme fund, new energy is the strongest field. After two consecutive sharp rises, from the perspective of layout 2022, can we still expect too much next year?

Brother Z has recently had an idea lingering in his head, buying funds is nothing more than betting on the track, so now do you want to replace the funds and stocks of the new energy track and change to other tracks? What other tracks are worth our medium- to long-term layout?

Recently, Brother Z has been paying attention to brokerage stocks. For example, GF Securities hit a new high this year on Monday, with a cumulative increase of 60% this year, and Oriental Wealth has been very strong, up 37% this year.

New energy was brought down by the "King of Ning", change the track to continue to play?

The previous speculation logic of brokerage stocks is the so-called "bull market standard-bearer", as long as there is a bull market, the performance of securities companies that rely on the sky to eat will increase greatly. However, with the increasing number of listed securities companies, the performance of brokerage stocks in the past few years is not eye-catching, no matter what the market is, it is not the turn of securities companies.

However, since the beginning of this year, the speculation logic of brokerage stocks has been replaced by wealth management business, which is simply to say that it is to sell funds, sell products, or if securities companies hold the equity of fund companies, etc., are very beneficial.

GF Securities is the strongest brokerage stock because the company holds equity interests in E Fund and GF Fund, both of which are head funds, and the wealth management business accounts for 37% of its main business income.

Oriental Wealth, mainly the leading position of its daily fund network in the fund sales business, is also the hegemon of all securities companies. As far as individual stocks are concerned, Brother Z is mainly optimistic about GF, Dongcai, and Orient Securities is also good, and the company is the largest shareholder of Hui Tianfu Fund.

After talking about the companies that are optimistic about the brokerage track, let's talk about the fund investment in the brokerage track.

If it is passive investment, there are many ETFs about the brokerage track, but the performance has been average this year. For example, brokerage ETFs (512000) lost 5.06% this year; securities ETFs (512880), which lost 5.24% this year. In addition, there are many brokerage ETFs, which have basically lost money this year.

New energy was brought down by the "King of Ning", change the track to continue to play?

Therefore, passive, brainless stud funds like ETFs are never the dishes of Brother Z, even if there are "excellent students" in brokerage stocks, but the income of ETFs is dragged down by other "poor students".

For the track of brokers, in fact, there are funds that take the initiative to layout in advance, such as the GF multi-factor that Z Brother has paid attention to for a long time before, which is one of the representatives.

GF multi-factor style is not a group, the stock exchange is more flexible, this year's overall return is very good, this year's 81% of the income, ranked sixth; the performance of the past 1 year, 2 years, 3 years are also excellent.

New energy was brought down by the "King of Ning", change the track to continue to play?

Judging from the positions announced by GF Multi-Factor, the fund began to lay out brokerage stocks from the second quarter of this year, when Huatai Securities and Guotai Junan were selected. By the end of the third quarter, the layout of the securities track was significantly aggravated, and 6 of the top ten heavy stocks were securities tracks, including Hang Seng Electronics, Haitong Securities, Guotai Junan, Huatai Securities, Flush and CITIC Securities. For the allocation of the entire financial industry, it reached 32%.

New energy was brought down by the "King of Ning", change the track to continue to play?

Finally, Brother Z continues to share with you the entrance of "Fund Small Every":

"Fund Xiao every" is a new investment tool, Z brother should also slowly familiarize himself with its functions, and hope to help our fund investment in the future. If you have any questions, you can also raise them in the "Fund Small Every", and we will discuss them together.

(Risk Warning: Equity funds are high-risk varieties and should be cautious when investing.) This material is not intended to be any legal document, and all information or opinions expressed in the materials do not constitute the final operational advice of investment, legal, accounting or taxation, and I do not make any guarantee as to the final operational advice with respect to the contents of the materials. In no event shall I be liable to any person for any loss arising from the use of any content in this material. The short operating time of China's funds cannot reflect all stages of the development of the stock market. The past performance of fixed investment does not represent future performance, and investors should fully understand the difference between the fund's regular fixed investment and zero deposit and withdrawal of savings methods. Regular fixed investment is a simple and easy way to guide investors to make long-term investments and average investment costs. However, regular fixed investment does not avoid the risks inherent in fund investment, does not guarantee that investors will receive returns, and is not an equivalent financial management method that replaces savings.

Investors are investing. Before the fund, please carefully read the fund's "Fund Contract", "Prospectus" and other fund legal documents, fully understand the risk return characteristics and product characteristics of the fund, fully consider its own risk tolerance, on the basis of understanding the product or service situation, listen to the appropriateness of the opinion, rationally judge the market, according to its own investment objectives, term, investment experience, asset status and other factors prudently make investment decisions, independently bear investment risks. The market is risky, and you need to be cautious when entering the market. The fund manager reminds investors of the principle of "buyer's own responsibility" for fund investment, and after investors make investment decisions, the investment risks caused by the operation status of the fund, the fluctuation of the listed trading price of the fund shares and the changes in the net value of the fund are the responsibility of the investors. )

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