
Heavy snow has arrived, and the return date is overdue

author:Small version butler

Since the beginning of the cold of early winter, people have been looking forward to encountering a heavy snow in the cold winter. Counting the twenty-four solar terms, we came to this dazzling solar term, the heavy snow.

Ruixue Mega Year is the beautiful sustenance of Chinese for "snow". Celebrating heavy snow is Chinese inheritance of traditional culture.

Heavy snow has arrived, and the return date is overdue

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In the cold winter, what are the greeting methods for the subtle Chinese? Is Bai Juyi's "Late to the day want snow, can you drink a cup of nothing?" "Or the charcoal cooker's window to enjoy the snow shabu lamb?"

Heavy snow, twenty-one of the twenty-four solar terms

The "Seventy-two Waiting Episodes of the Moon Order" states:

Heavy snow, November Festival.

The big one, Sheng ye.

So far, the snow is in full swing.

Heavy snow has arrived, and the return date is overdue

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Heavy snow has arrived, and the return date is overdue
Heavy snow has arrived, and the return date is overdue

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Heavy snow has arrived, and the return date is overdue

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Heavy snow in three seasons

In ancient times, people divided heavy snow into three seasons: one waited for the quail to not sound, the second waited for the tiger to make love, and the third waited for the lychee to emerge.

Hé dàn does not chirp during heavy snowfall, and even the cold trumpet birds (i.e., the compound-toothed squirrel) no longer chirp during the snowy season.

Because this is the peak period of Yin Qi, the so-called prosperity and decline, and the Yang Qi has sprouted, so the tiger has begun to have courtship behavior.

Li Ting, a kind of orchid called Li Ting, also draws out new shoots due to the germination of yang qi.

Heavy snow has arrived, and the return date is overdue

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Heavy snow folklore

During the heavy snow season, the vast land of our country has been draped in winter costumes. Lubei folk have a saying that "Lu Qiao toped the door, light drinking red sticky porridge", which means that when it is cold, he no longer visits the door, and only drinks warm sweet potato porridge at home to spend his days.

In the north, there is a proverb of "heavy snow and little snow, cooking rice endlessly", that is, due to the short days and long nights, the time for housewives to cook three meals a day is almost connected.

Old Nanjing has a saying called "small snow pickles, big snow cured meat", when the snow festival arrives, every household is busy marinating "salty goods" to welcome the New Year.

Heavy snow has arrived, and the return date is overdue

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Heavy snow has arrived, and the return date is overdue

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During the heavy snow season, people all over the country are more likely to enjoy the snow scenery in the ice and snow.

And on the streets of Wenzhou, there will be a kind of "sugar mixing" scene, "sugar guests, slowly bear, small rest follow a large class." "Caramel workshops around the world will make a full-page caramel to the small traders who specialize in picking up the streets and alleys, commonly known as "sugar customers".

The Third Volume of the Southern Song Dynasty's Elaborate "Past Events of Wulin" has a passage describing the situation of the royal nobles in Hangzhou city of Hangzhou building snowmen and snowy mountains on snowy days: "Enjoying snow in the forbidden middle, many Yuming Yuanlou, and the back garden into the large and small snow lions, decorated with golden bells and colorful wisps, and made snowflakes, snow lanterns, snow mountains and the like, and dripping crisps as flowers and events, and in golden pots for enjoyment." ”

Heavy snow has arrived, and the return date is overdue

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Heavy snow has arrived, and the return date is overdue

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Heavy snow regimen

It is advisable to keep warm: the snow is dry in the north and the air humidity is very low. Dress should increase with the decrease of temperature, do not make the skin sweat out, and protect the yang from invasion.

The temperature at night will be lower, and when lying down at night, you should add more clothing, keep the temperature of your limbs, and flow your qi and blood, so that you can avoid the occurrence of many diseases.

Ventilation: It is cold in winter, and some people like to close the doors and windows or cover their heads to sleep, which is a very bad habit.

In addition to opening doors and windows during the day and allowing air to convect, small air windows should be opened for ventilation at night. Late at night, the body's resistance declines, and it is necessary to strengthen the monitoring of weak and sick people.

Heavy snow has arrived, and the return date is overdue

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Eat more hot porridge: Winter health should eat more hot porridge.

For example, China's folk have the habit of eating red bean porridge on the winter solstice and eating porridge on the eighth day of the first month of the month, and often eating such porridge has the function of increasing calories and nutrition.

In addition, it can also often eat wheat porridge that has the effect of nourishing the heart and eliminating troubles, radish porridge that consumes phlegm, and porridge that strengthens the spleen and stomach.

There are many benefits of eating jujube in winter, which is because the human body has fast vitamin metabolism in winter and needs to supplement more vitamins. The jujube has a higher vitamin content and has the effect of strengthening the spleen.

Heavy snow has arrived, and the return date is overdue

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Heavy snow has arrived, and the return date is overdue

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Snow poetry

"The Master of Furong Mountain in the Snow"

[Tang] Liu Changqing

The mountains are far away at dusk, and the white houses are poor in the cold.

Chai Men smell the barking of dogs, and the wind and snow return to people on the night.

Heavy snow has arrived, and the return date is overdue

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"Winter Evening to Snow Memories of Hu Jushi's Family"

[Tang] Wang Wei

The cold is more clear about the arrow, and the mirror is clear.

The wind was terrifying, and the door was full of snow.

Sprinkle the air deep alley quietly, and accumulate the plains widely.

Borrowing Yuan Anshe, Heran was still closed.

Heavy snow has arrived, and the return date is overdue

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"Heavy Snow"

[Song] Land tour

The snow in the south of the river has never been seen, and this year's party has been strictly condensed.

Skillfully piercing the curtain [xià, crack] is like a mutual, and the pressure on the forest is invincible.

Felt throwing Lu forgot to sleep at night, and Jin Qiang immediately timidly rose in the morning.

In this life, I laughed at the fame and fame, and I imagined that the Yellow River was completely frozen.

Heavy snow has arrived, and the return date is overdue

(Graphic creative ID: BQ238718241)

The snow festival is the third of winter, and in the last month of 2021, heavy snow evokes new expectations!