
When a woman brushes her teeth, the toothbrush slides into her stomach and accidentally swallows a foreign body, how to give first aid?

author:NANA talks about health

The toothbrush slid into the stomach as the woman brushed her teeth

According to media reports, Ms. Huang of Jinhua, Zhejiang Province, accidentally dropped her toothbrush into her mouth while brushing her teeth, and then entered her stomach along the esophagus.

Ms. Huang said that she did not feel pain and other discomfort after swallowing the toothbrush, but she sought medical treatment as soon as possible because of concern.

Doctors said that if the toothbrush is not removed as soon as possible, its head and tip will slowly push to the stomach cavity, which may cause ulcers, and repeated ulcers may also cause gastric perforation, so it is recommended to remove them as soon as possible.

Fortunately, after a series of examinations, the doctor smoothly removed the toothbrush.

When a woman brushes her teeth, the toothbrush slides into her stomach and accidentally swallows a foreign body, how to give first aid?

Image source: Network

Coincidentally, Mr. Xie in Beijing also accidentally swallowed the toothbrush into the stomach when brushing his teeth, but he did not take the toothbrush out in time, but let the toothbrush stay in his stomach for two years, and only after two years of surgery to remove the toothbrush, but after two years of gastric acid erosion, the toothbrush has become black and can't bear to look at it directly.

How to give first aid when swallowing a foreign body?

The incident of swallowing foreign objects occurs from time to time, and foreign objects are also various, coins, pen sleeves, buttons, steel balls, pins, dentures... If the foreign body is not dealt with in time, it may bring great harm to the body, and in severe cases, it will even endanger life, so how to first aid the swallowing of foreign body?

1. Determine whether there is a foreign body stuck in the throat

If there is an accident of swallowing a foreign body, first of all, it is necessary to determine whether there is a foreign body stuck in the throat, if the patient has a bruise on the lips, coughing and even breathing stop, etc., indicating that the foreign body is stuck in the throat, the Heimlich first aid method should be used in time to first aid and discharge the foreign body.

When a woman brushes her teeth, the toothbrush slides into her stomach and accidentally swallows a foreign body, how to give first aid?

2. Do not force vomiting

After swallowing the foreign body, do not force the vomiting because you are in a hurry to spit out the foreign body, so as to avoid the foreign body mistakenly entering the trachea, which is more dangerous.

3. Seek medical attention in time

After accidentally swallowing the foreign body, you should seek medical treatment in time, through the endoscope, X-ray and other examinations, determine the size, shape, position of the foreign body, etc., and follow the doctor's instructions to take the corresponding treatment methods.

If the foreign body is digestible and non-toxic, observational treatment can be carried out, and if necessary, oral drugs (such as chymotrypsin, pancreatic enzyme tablets, etc.) can help dissolve the foreign body, and if the stool is normal after 48 hours, there is no abdominal pain, vomiting, etc., indicating that the foreign body has been excreted.

When a woman brushes her teeth, the toothbrush slides into her stomach and accidentally swallows a foreign body, how to give first aid?

If the foreign body is indigestible, but the shape is relatively small, indicating smoothness without sharp edges and corners, it can generally be eliminated by the digestive system.

To determine whether the foreign body is excreted, the patient should collect all stool within 48 or even 72 hours after swallowing the foreign body, look for the foreign body until the foreign body is found, or follow up by X-ray to ensure that the foreign body is discharged.

If the foreign body is indigestible, large in shape, or has sharp edges and corners, or the foreign body has not been discharged after treatment, or the foreign body has caused gastrointestinal damage, the foreign body should be surgically removed as soon as possible to avoid serious consequences.

Source: Nine Schools News, Tencent Medical Code, 39 Health

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