
Do you really understand Li Tian's "Laughing Field"?

author:Cat grapefruit ya
Do you really understand Li Tian's "Laughing Field"?


Do you really understand Li Tian's "Laughing Field"?

I like "Pulling the Scriptures" and I like the little cleverness that is displayed all the time.

Each story has a deep meaning in the nonsense

Laymen like me naturally do not fully understand the deep meaning, understand what they understand, and those who do not understand should watch the hilarity, anyway, they are lazy.

Those who do not understand it will continue not to understand it, "everything has a way, like a dream bubble" is also a kind of realm.

Do you really understand Li Tian's "Laughing Field"?

Before I spoke, I laughed first. The laughter is over, listen to my complaint.

Do you really understand Li Tian's "Laughing Field"?

I accidentally read this sentence to read this book,

After slowly deepening, I really realized what the real laughing field really meant.

"Before I spoke, I laughed first. The laughter is over, listen to me complain about the intestines"

When I read this sentence over and over again, I felt a mixture of tastes in my heart.

Literally: before you say it, you will laugh first, and then listen to me and talk to me when the laughter is over.

Just like we sometimes do, when we just want to talk about our hearts, we haven't opened our mouths, and we laugh first, and as to whether it is a bitter laugh or a happy laugh from the heart, only I know.

But for some reason, I inexplicably liked Li Tian's temperament.

This feeling of mourning, but this kind of mourning is not a frustrating mourning, but there is a kind of upward force, which gives me a feeling of pessimistic optimism.

Do you really understand Li Tian's "Laughing Field"?

The purpose of making money is to make some money without having to earn it

Do you really understand Li Tian's "Laughing Field"?

In fact, I think each of us can have the right to choose freely.

The idea that all of our efforts are to bow our heads like anyone not for money coincides with this saying.

This proves that making money is a very important thing for each of us.

Of course, as Li Said, the purpose of making money is to make some money without having to earn it.

This also tells us that the ability to make money is more important than how much money we can make now.

Because only when you have such an ability can you not be afraid of the changes in the world.

We should put away our vulnerabilities, tell ourselves, and try harder

Give yourself enough confidence to become the master of life, and say "no" to what you are not willing to do.

Do you really understand Li Tian's "Laughing Field"?

In the rain, a hundred ghosts walked nocturnally, and some people mixed in with them, happier than ghosts

Do you really understand Li Tian's "Laughing Field"?

This is a love poem written by Li Shi to Xiao Bei in the laughing field.

As for the phrase "hundred ghosts nocturnal" what profound meaning does it have in it?

All I can think of is because of love, and there is life, and the beginning of the story is always romantic.

Later, when I returned to life, I found that romance was difficult to write, and it was only the beginning, but in today's social life, in complex and interlaced interpersonal interactions, perhaps only by dressing up as a ghost can I walk with ghosts.

It is not a ghost but disguised as a ghost, just like some people, mixed in the crowd, on the surface of a decent gentleman is actually a moral appearance.

In life, hypocrites and true villains are together, true villains are easy to hide, hypocrites are difficult to defend, and demons are terrible but people's hearts are even more terrible

"Laughing Field" said that "there are many ways to change the world, and getting drunk is also one of them."

I believe that many friends, like me, learned about Li Tian from talk shows, and many people's impression of him only stayed funny and funny.

But in fact, Li Shizhen is really an optimistic pessimist, and the humor of drama is a little decadent. Because the phrase "have fun friends," the world is not worth it, the world is not worthy of being called "the soberness of the world", and he also uses practical actions and philosophical words to understand what is the real worldly sobriety

Li Shi belongs to the talented and sleek and sophisticated, belongs to the person who plays under the rules, and stands and earns money.

The famous film and television artist Chaplin said: "Life is a comedy from a distance, and a tragedy from a close range" The core of comedy is tragedy, which is very sad, although life is meaningless, but life is a guest, why a thousand knots. Knowing the world and reasoning, each of us is a practitioner on the road of slow life.

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