
Count your blessings – reading Magic has a feeling

author:I woke up from a big dream
Count your blessings – reading Magic has a feeling

There is a power in the world that can turn adversity and rejuvenate life; there is a power that can wash one's soul and realize a long-desired dream. This power is a magic power that governs people's thoughts and feelings; it is a law that affects every aspect of people's lives, want to understand it?

It is hidden in the following classic:

"Whoever has it shall be added to him, and he shall have more than that, and if there is none, he shall take away all that he has."

Many people who read this sentence must think that it is unfair and biased in favor of the rich, and the poor do not seem to have a day to emerge. A similar saying is said in the Tao Te Ching, "The way of man is not enough to be damaged." Many people's interpretation of this sentence is that human nature is inflammatory, people only like to help and get close to the rich, and they hate and alienate the poor, so the rich people gather resources and become bigger and bigger, while the poor are marginalized, embattled, and unable to exert their strength.

However, the book "Magic" reveals a great secret from a different perspective, that is, man must be grateful for what he has.

"Those who are grateful will be given more and become rich. He who is not thankful, even what he has will be taken away. ”

Count your blessings – reading Magic has a feeling

If this sentence is understood from the perspective of gratitude, it can better guide people to develop the ability to "have". The wealth, status, work, health, relatives, etc. you have are all slowly obtained through your own personal efforts or the giving of family and society. To be grateful for everything you have is to be grateful for your hard work, your efforts, your talents, it is to be grateful for your family, your unit, and society, which will strengthen the belief you have when you get these things, strengthen the path you work hard, and let you enter the positive cycle of "owning" with confidence and peace of mind.

The biggest difference between humans and artificial intelligence is that people have fantastic imagination and have invincible and powerful beliefs. Once one begins to believe in something, a certain doctrine, a certain idea, one is infused with spiritual power, and once you fully believe in something, it is impossible for you not to act. For example, if you really know the winning number of tomorrow's lottery, will you not act today? impossible. Even if you break through all the difficulties, you will desperately buy it.

Firm faith and tenacious execution can overcome all difficulties and complete the counterattack of life. And having an unbreakable set of beliefs seems to be the hardest, and it is too easy for people to waver in their minds and too easily destroy their faith in the face of temptation. How do you establish the starting point of your belief? After establishing a good starting point, how to maintain and build your own beliefs? The answer is gratitude.

Thousands of years ago, when human beings began to appear in written records, the power of gratitude began to be praised and practiced by human beings, and after centuries,2 the power of gratitude swept across the continent, penetrating from one culture to another, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and Hinduism, all major religions do not contain the doctrine of gratitude. To this end, the American people have also created a unique holiday - Thanksgiving.

Muhammad said, "Be thankful for what you have gained, and you will be blessed with a long life of prosperity."

Buddha: You can only learn to be grateful and cherish blessings.

Lao Tzu said: Contentment is not humiliating, knowledge is not lost, it can last a long time.

Krsna said: The glad acceptance of many encounters.

Jesus must express his gratitude before each appearance.

Count your blessings – reading Magic has a feeling

Tkumsai said: "Get up early in the morning, thank you for the morning sun, thank you for your life and strength, thank you for the food on the plate and the beauty of life." If you can't find a reason to be grateful, then the responsibility is all on you. ”

There are so many religions in the world and a concept advocated by great people, which must have its deep logic and magical power that ordinary people cannot see, and gratitude should not be just a polite language for us to express our demeanor and upbringing in public, but should be internalized into a mindset-changing way of life that we pursue all our lives, a sacred ritual of reverence for heaven and earth.

Albert Einstein wrote sincerely: "I remind myself hundreds of times a day that my spiritual and material life depends on the labor of others (both the living and the dead), and that I must try to repay it with the same weight; what I have received, and what I still receive, I yearn intensely for a life of frugality, and often feel unbearable that I have taken too much of the labor of my countrymen." He was grateful hundreds of times a day, almost every 10 minutes, and he had to be thankful. This shows that gratitude is not a show or image packaging of his diseaseless groaning, but a deep belief in himself and a truth extracted after repeated exploration in the discipline of physics.

Count your blessings – reading Magic has a feeling

Childhood we are full of ignorance and curiosity, life is full of surprises and wonders for us, whether it is frost condensed on the tip of the grass, butterflies flying by the wings, ants crawling on the ground, or leaves and stones of different shapes, any tiny thing will cause you infinite surprise.

Flying birds, scarecrows in the countryside, human-like pets, toys with personalities, dreams come true, and you can touch the stars in the sky. At that time, our hearts were full of joy, our imagination was free, and life was full of magic in your eyes!

As children, we will have a subtle feeling, everything is beautiful, life is full of adventures and surprises every day, and under the protection of magic, we grow up happily. And when we grow up, responsibilities, problems, and all kinds of difficulties come and go, disillusionment, and the magic of childhood fascination gradually disappears. Why? The answer is that our gratitude is gradually worn away by life, and we gradually feel that everything is deserved, that everything should be taken, not appreciated. The Law of Attraction once said that "things are clustered," so we should take what we deserve and will eventually be taken.

Newton's scientific discoveries revealed the basic laws of cosmic motion, one of which says: Every force has a reaction force of equal magnitude and opposite direction. For taking, it is also the case that we keep taking, and we will be taken, and we cannot really enter the positive cycle of "getting". And if you choose to be grateful every time, you will get back a harvest! The stronger and more sincere the gratitude, the greater the rewards you will receive.

Willie Nelson said, "When I start counting the blessings I have received, my life shines instantly. "Learning to be grateful begins with us using magic formulas to count blessings.

Magic Formula:

1. Think consciously and say the mantra "thanks."

2. The more often you think about and utter this mantra "thanks," the stronger your gratitude will be.

3. The more gratitude you think about and feel, the more you will gain.

When Einstein expressed gratitude, he would think about why he did it. Knowing it and knowing why it is also applicable to gratitude, when you think about why you are grateful for an object, a certain person, or something, you can accept the logic of gratitude with satisfaction, and your gratitude will be deeper.

You can follow the table below to develop your own gratitude list:

I'm very lucky to have it

Because of what

I feel very happy and very grateful

I sincerely say thank you, thank you

Count your blessings every day, be grateful for what you have, no matter how small it may seem, for your money, no matter how little it is, for your work and career, even if it is not what you dream of – you will love the job even more. Remember: "He who is not thankful, even what he has will be taken away." ”

Some people say: People often want to get it when they don't get it, they don't know how to cherish it after they get it, but they regret it after losing it. And now, you have the opportunity to break this strange circle, that is, to be grateful for the present, grateful for what you have now.

Count your blessings – reading Magic has a feeling

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