
Save money, save astronomical amounts, money comes fast, goes fast, and sleeps well

author:It is a blessing to eat and lose

Save money little by little.

Save money and save astronomical amounts.

A retired old man, living very frugally, at the end of his life, donated everything, millions.

Very ordinary old man.

In addition to retirement pay, it is to pick up garbage, and the medicine for illness is too expensive and basically does not take medicine.

Money is saved, not overnight.

Sudden wealth brings blind arrogance.

Fast money, always go fast.

Coming fast, walking fast, this is the law of nature.

Now, I'm also learning to save money for one dollar a day.

Every day, write fifteen articles.

Not only to save money, but also to save experience points for writing.

I think of writing as a painting.

Or as cooking.

The best work is the next one.

Writing is a job.

Insisting on working on the front line all your life is a kind of happiness.

I am a writer.

I don't have the luxury of becoming a writer.

The font size is too big to live up to its name.

At first, it was easy.

Later, it became heavier and heavier.

Because, every day of writing, but also constantly optimize my writing ability.

Hope to write better tomorrow.

I want to make my writing more scientific.

Every day you find some questions that I think are magical.

Then, find a solution to the problem.

The process is the most enjoyable.

There was even a sense of screaming.

For a while, I felt like my aura was gone.

It is not enough to stay on the side of craftsmen.

Craftsmen with Reiki can make the works they write every day and delight themselves.

Only by pleasing yourself will you be worthy of your time.

At this stage, writing is one way to get the most out of me.

As for the step-by-step work, too.

However, there is a lot less of a learning component.

This is just a superficial view.

Keep writing, next post.