
That year, "he" got a windfall, but he didn't expect "her" to lose his life! Real people, real things

author:Horsin Feather

Money can support life, but if you rely on money alone, once you lose money, this life will collapse like a spine...

The protagonist of the incident is a distant relative of mine. The impression of this girl in my mind has tended to blur. One is that the relationship is not close, relatives of the family. There is no communication on weekdays, and I am not familiar with it. Second, after many years, pinch your fingers and count it almost ten years. If it weren't for the fact that I had been fascinated by "Ten Deadly Sins" in the past two days, I am afraid it would be difficult to think about this matter

That year, "he" got a windfall, but he didn't expect "her" to lose his life! Real people, real things

The Ten Deadly Sins is based on a true case

It seems that in our lives, there is always such a kind of person, who always seems so lucky, as if they are favored by Heaven. Such people are usually called lucky people

This relative of mine (anonymous, referred to as uncle in the article) had good luck that year. Every bet can always win, envy others! Even walking is lucky. Why? You, I walk, look up is the sky bowed is the road. What about this uncle of mine? People look up is the sky, bow their heads is money, money? That's right, it's money!

That summer, this uncle of mine picked up a package on the road. He held it in his hand, and it felt quite weighty. Wonder what this can be? However, Yin Yin can feel that there should be a surprise in this, take it home and talk about it

When I got home, I opened the package with my aunt. At first glance, inside was money. According to them later, the package contained more than 10,000 yuan. Although a little surprised, they were not excited. But picking up so much money at once is the first time in my life, there are surprises and joys

That year, "he" got a windfall, but he didn't expect "her" to lose his life! Real people, real things

Blessings and misfortunes depend on each other

The two of them discussed how to deal with the money. The aunt said: "My niece (z girl) does not have a computer at school, buy her a machine (aunt is a bit concerned about the mother's family on weekdays)" The uncle said: "Ok (the uncle's words to his wife on weekdays, more obedient)" The rest of the money, donate to the temple! My uncle said, "Okay." My aunt was a vegetarian, and their family believed in Buddhism

In this way, this uncle's windfall was divided into two parts. Part of it was donated to the temple, and part of it was given to my aunt's niece (z-girl) to buy a computer

My aunt's niece (z girl), very happy, held the computer all day on the Internet. She met a male netizen online, who seemed to have some money. The shape of the z girl is also more satisfied, and the two are so hot on the Internet

That year, "he" got a windfall, but he didn't expect "her" to lose his life! Real people, real things

Temptation is everywhere

Later, the two of them made an appointment to meet offline. Normally speaking, this is an offline appointment, there should be no problem, but who knows, z girl this time, never came back, since then embarked on the Yellow Spring Road ... ...

She, something went wrong. When she received the notice from the police, her aunt was stunned and collapsed in bed, unable to afford to be ill. The parents of the z girl were almost not crazy due to excessive grief, and the matter was completely handled by my uncle. He followed the police, learned the beginning and end of the whole incident, and also saw the body of the Z girl, when he said, so miserable, so tragic...

That time, after meeting with his male netizens, Z girl had a meal together. After the meal, the two opened the room, chatted in the guest room, chatted and talked, and talked about "money" and suddenly collapsed. The male netizen was angry, killed the z girl, and processed her body and stuffed it under the bed... Later, he was found and called to the police

That year, "he" got a windfall, but he didn't expect "her" to lose his life! Real people, real things


In this way, a money fan, a color fan. As a result, a human life returns to the West, and a human life either returns to the West or lasts indefinitely ❗

Sigh at the impermanence of life! Maybe we never know which one comes first tomorrow or the accident. So...... In life, we still have to be careful, cautious, and cautious

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