
What is self-esteem and why self-esteem

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What is self-esteem and why self-esteem

First of all, let's talk about it, why self-esteem? Because you respect yourself and others respect, then we will feel relaxed and happy when we do things, and success and satisfaction are the quality of life that each of us pursues.

What is self-esteem? Self-esteem is to respect yourself, to achieve their own unity of heart and mouth, internal and external consistency is to respect themselves, do not force themselves to do anything they do not want to do, is to respect themselves, dear friends, this sentence is very simple, but you carefully taste, respect yourself is really not easy, we have done a lot of things we do not want to do, afterwards is countless regrets, guilt, discomfort, pain.

What is self-esteem and why self-esteem

For example, last year I was with my child, because of a contradictory thing happened when writing homework, I was very, very angry, I started to beat her, I hit her is not what I want to do, at this time I did not respect myself, and the result is that the child is crying on the side, the homework is not completed. In exchange for the resistance of the child and the opposite of me, and I was also greatly condemned and guilty inside. Guilt I should not beat the child, but should have the capacity to be a mother to tolerate him, or have the patience to accompany him, see her small body, small heart is greatly traumatized, I also have deep pain in my heart, I also silently shed tears, for example, when we choose to do the same work a lot of times, it is not what you want to do, but you force yourself to do what you don't want to do, in the process, you must be perfunctory to this job, resist, extremely unhappy, For example, we have some people choose the object, not what he likes, but still married to him, everyone is suffering, this time you do not respect yourself; for example, friends look for us to do things, we quickly agreed, but afterwards did not do it, this is also not respect for themselves, did not think clearly to make a commitment, such as the above examples, everywhere in life, everywhere, then why do we always do things that go against our original intentions? Obviously want children can study well, the results are not obtained, obviously think that the other party can be very happy, but have not been obtained, obviously want to work can bring benefits to others, they can also be happy, but they have not been obtained, because we do not have a good way to communicate with our subconscious in the heart, and the beliefs, values and rules related to our responsibilities to communicate, because we ourselves do not have enough wisdom, enough to grow up, do not have the strength to bear.

What is self-esteem and why self-esteem

When everyone reaches the age of old age or leaves the protection of their parents, it is their own business to grow up. You can't use any excuse to refuse to grow up to avoid the pain in the process of growing up, but after growing up there will be opportunities, happy and happy, successful and satisfied, people who refuse to grow, will never be happy and happy, only painful, and eternal pain.