
Preparedness and pregnancy | It is good to be happy, to make people happy and to be worried

author:Shanghai No. 1 Maternity and Infant Health Hospital
Preparedness and pregnancy | It is good to be happy, to make people happy and to be worried

Such scenes often appear in court costume dramas: the little lord vomits violently in the morning, the doctor gently takes the pulse, and a sentence of "congratulations niangniang, you are happy" cut through the sky, followed by the emperor's meticulous care and various rewards.

Preparedness and pregnancy | It is good to be happy, to make people happy and to be worried

The so-called bad luck is an important symbol used by our ancestors to judge whether a woman is pregnant before the birth of a technology such as a pregnancy test stick.

However, for the little lord who is seriously harmful, even if the mountains and treasures and seafood are all available, they cannot raise a little appetite at all, and even become less and less eaten, emaciated, bedridden...

Hundreds of years later, in today's increasingly sophisticated medical technology, we use academic terms such as "hyperemesis gravidarum" to describe extremely serious symptoms of euphoria, and continue to explore effective solutions.

Early pregnancy reaction vs hyperemesis gravidarum

In the official definition of Obstetrics and Gynecology, early pregnancy reaction refers to a series of symptoms such as chills, dizziness, fatigue, drowsiness, morning vomiting, acid-loving, and greasy aversion that occur in the first trimester.

Hyperemesis gravidarum, in layman's terms, is an enhanced and advanced version of the early pregnancy response. In every 100 or so pregnant mothers who vomit nausea and vomiting, there may be one "lucky one" favored by "hyperemesis gravidarum".

Preparedness and pregnancy | It is good to be happy, to make people happy and to be worried

This symptom often appears around 6 weeks of pregnancy and continues to worsen with the increase in the number of weeks of pregnancy; it often peaks at 8-9 weeks and is manifested by persistent vomiting, inability to eat, dehydration and electrolyte disturbances; and in more severe cases, liver and kidney function impairment, even confusion, endangering the life of the mother and child.

Therefore, not all the bad joy can "survive and pass", once the vomiting is frequent, the amount is large and seriously affects life, do not brace itself, go to the hospital to seek scientific help to survive this "extraordinary period".

What is the trait that makes it look up to me at a glance in the vast sea of people?

Elevated levels of chorionic gonadotropin HCG: the fluctuation of blood HCG during pregnancy and the time of morning sickness are basically the same; while the blood content of pregnant mothers in multiple pregnancies and pathological hydatidiform pregnancies is higher, and the probability of hyperemesis gravidarum is also linearly rising.

Preparedness and pregnancy | It is good to be happy, to make people happy and to be worried

Altered thyroid function: 60% of patients with hyperemesis gravidarum are accompanied by transient hyperthyroidism, while the severity of vomiting is significantly associated with free thyroxine.

Psychosocial factors: Excessive tension and anxiety during pregnancy also have an unshirkable responsibility for increasing the onset of morning sickness.

I can't hold on any longer, how to cure it?

When it comes to the treatment of hyperemesis gravidarum, we should first start with changing our lives and eating habits. Xiaobian also summarized some commonly used tips for everyone:

Pay attention to rest, relax and ensure adequate sleep.

Avoid exposure to odors, foods and additives that can induce vomiting.

Preparedness and pregnancy | It is good to be happy, to make people happy and to be worried

Remember to eat breakfast on time! Encourage eating fewer, more frequent meals, eating lighter, and increasing the intake of low-fat, high-protein foods in moderation.

Oral administration of multivitamins 1 to 3 months before pregnancy or in the first trimester of pregnancy is beneficial in reducing the incidence of hyperemesis and alleviating the symptoms of hyperemesis.

Preparedness and pregnancy | It is good to be happy, to make people happy and to be worried

Quietly Mimi tells you that ginger and X-cola are empirically proven useful "folk remedies."

When non-pharmacological treatments cannot significantly improve the vomiting symptoms of pregnant mothers, appropriate rehydration should be given under the guidance of a doctor.

Although hyperemesis gravidarum is very painful, as long as you strengthen prevention, relax your mentality, and seek medical treatment in time, most pregnant mothers can successfully pass the test!

Author of this article

Pei Jindan

Specialties: Normal obstetric pregnancy, pathological pregnancy, obstetric comorbidities, management of various acute and critical illnesses.

Outpatient Clinic Hours (East Hospital)

Full Scheduled Clinic: Tuesday afternoon

Specialized high-risk clinics: Wednesday and Friday all day

Preparedness and pregnancy | It is good to be happy, to make people happy and to be worried

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