
Feel like you can't stay up, hold on a little longer, and wait for a turnaround

author:Big Dream Loves to Say

Text/Big Dreams


Feel like you can't stay up, hold on a little longer, and wait for a turnaround

Difficulties are like obstacles encountered on the way forward, standing between your continuous steps forward, sometimes you can't see its shape, and sometimes you become confused because of the existence of difficulties.

When encountering difficulties, I often think that if someone can appear in front of them like a lamp, pointing the way forward, telling themselves whether all their actions are correct, it would be good.

However, the truth is always unsatisfactory, there is no such noble person in life, in the face of difficulties, what we need to do is to bravely cross our legs.

Some people jump over, keep the clouds open to the moon, and usher in a new stage of struggle; some people may choose to retreat, give up the current road, and choose to go to another road.

Those who choose to give up can never reach the goal on the road they want, and only those who encounter difficulties and are willing to go all out to fight can break through the bottleneck on the way forward and reach the desired end.

Feel like you can't stay up, hold on a little longer, and wait for a turnaround

Feel that you can't go on, don't give up easily, don't put all your hopes on others, and insist on yourself.

I've seen stories like this before.

Two people who were particularly hungry for wealth heard that a certain seashore could dig up gold, so they went hand in hand and were enthusiastic to become gold diggers.

Each chose a different place, dug vertically, worked hard for two or three days, the gold did not appear, one of them began to lose his temper, changed another place, dug a few times, and began to replace.

The other was so convinced that his choice was the right one, digging his heart out when his companion was completely disappointed. Finally, a large amount of gold was dug up at a depth of about twenty or thirty meters.

Feel like you can't stay up, hold on a little longer, and wait for a turnaround

If you want to harvest, you are destined to pay, and the higher the value of what you want to harvest, the hardships you pay are also destined to be great.

If you need to pay ten percent of the effort to do something, and choose to give up when you pay thirty percent, it is doomed to give up halfway and cannot see the desired result.

The process of striving is like climbing, although the road is not good, but the more you go up, the closer you are to the peak, if you can't do it, you can't hold back when you encounter tests, and you are doomed to lose touch with the future scenery.

People with achievements understand the importance of persistence, so persistence is not the same as always when everything is going well; but when the thorns are dense, they can still do it and never give up.

Feel like you can't stay up, hold on a little longer, and wait for a turnaround

In life, the people who can make people admire are never those who easily retreat when they encounter some suffering, but no matter what difficulties and obstacles they encounter, they can still remember their original intentions and take the road under their feet.

I persevered on the path of writing for five years, catching up with the vigorous development of the self-media era, five years of persistence, which was amplified on the platform, which made me a college graduate, with more income, and a completely unexpected life experience.

In addition to harvesting money, it also gained the trust and admiration of more people, because no one can be consistent in the same thing, and persist for half a year, or even more than a year, let alone five years.

Although I know that the cattle in the industry may have been working the road of writing for a longer time than I have, my persistence can still beat a large number of people.

Feel like you can't stay up, hold on a little longer, and wait for a turnaround

Looking back on the experience of insisting on writing in the past five years, I can't help but feel emotional, because it is really too easy to give up, only when you are sleepy, choose to sleep, rather than writing, then give up;

As long as you choose to shop and brush dramas instead of writing in plenty of time, you will give up;

As long as you have the slightest thought of giving up, you stop and don't act, and you naturally give up.

However, persistence is to do things that make you uncomfortable in these stalls of choice, and to challenge your willpower.

The coolness of persistence is that it is not only to persevere in the things you like; even if you don't like it, but you need to do it, you can also, with perseverance, complete it perfectly.

Feel like you can't stay up, hold on a little longer, and wait for a turnaround

Any upward life is like climbing a mountain, you need to start from the foot of the mountain to climb hard, gradually go to the middle of the mountain, walk through more dangerous places, in order to reach the top of the mountain.

The journey to climb the mountain is arduous, you need to shed tears, you need to have enough physical strength, and when you can't walk, stop and rest and continue on the road.

The same is true of life, if you want to see a better scenery and stand higher, you are doomed, you can stop, but you can't stop.

Feel like you can't stay up, hold on a little longer, and wait for a turnaround

No matter how much difficulty we encounter, what we have to do is to find ways to find a way to solve the difficulty, and if we shrink back and stagnate when we encounter difficulties, there will never be a way to run to the end on any road.

Life is like a game of upgrading and fighting monsters, constantly facing new tests and constantly overcoming them in order to continue to get.

So don't give up easily, give yourself a little more time, so that you can wait until the turnaround occurs when you encounter difficulties; if you insist on it for a while, you can get closer to the end.

Today's Topic:

When you do something and you have difficulties, what do you do?

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