
What are you doing on a quiet night?

author:The happy life of a girl

This group of photos was taken at 2:30 a.m., another time in the dead of night. There was no wind tonight and it was quiet. There was no fog either, it was sunny. I don't know if you can see the stars in the sky from the last photo, if you can see a few. Such a night is a good thing to do, that is, to think about life, to think about whether what you have done today is worth it, and what to do or do tomorrow.

I feel like I've reached the crossroads of my life and started choosing which direction to go, whether to go all the way down the road or to turn a corner and change directions? Follow the road all the way, maybe this is the way it is for the rest of your life, but in another direction, no one knows whether the road behind is curved or steep or bright.

I don't know how many times you've encountered a crossroads in your life, I should have been twice, the first time I was very determined, didn't think about it at all, and turned a corner directly, and now in this situation, it seems that it may be better than I used to. Because I was young at that time, it was easy to be impulsive. He said three seven twenty-one, first do it and then say, first put yourself happy, here is not left grandpa, there is a grandpa place, it looks very dashing.

Well, write it here today, welcome to comment and forward, write your own ideas.

What are you doing on a quiet night?
What are you doing on a quiet night?
What are you doing on a quiet night?
What are you doing on a quiet night?