
poem. Five Absolute (Flat Water Rhyme) Wonderland (with Rhyme Format)

author:Zhang Zijian
poem. Five Absolute (Flat Water Rhyme) Wonderland (with Rhyme Format)

Five absolute

(Ping Shui Yun)


Text/Zhang Zijian

The snow washes away the dust

Qiongzhi Yuye Shu

Distant mountain wonderland

Too high to return to the beginning

poem. Five Absolute (Flat Water Rhyme) Wonderland (with Rhyme Format)

---- rules-----

Servants are flat

Ping Ping 仄仄平 (rhyme)


仄仄仄平平 (rhyme)

Qiongzhi Yuye Shu [Shu: Six Fish] rhymes

Taishang can return to the beginning [beginning: six fish] rhyme

--- test result (flat water rhyme) ---

Ping Shu meets the requirements!

poem. Five Absolute (Flat Water Rhyme) Wonderland (with Rhyme Format)

This poem is five masterpieces. A total of four sentences, in the form of a servant.

The first sentence does not rhyme, and it is collected. Everyone must remember" (Wang Zhizhuo, "Climbing the Stork and Bird Tower") The day is at the end of the mountain, and the Yellow River flows into the sea. Want to go to the next level" is this prosodic format. It is a masterpiece. Because the first word is not limited, the second word is subject to the level of the second word. Generally speaking, five-word verses are common in not entering rhyme, and seven-word verses are common in rhyme.

Another kind of five-sentence sentence is the flat closing style. For example, Lu Lun's "Plugged Down Song" is such a format. The forest dark grass is frightening, and the general leads the bow at night. Ping Ming looked for white feathers, not in the stone edge. Pingqi refers to the first sentence, because the first sentence is not limited, so the second sentence is subject to the second sentence.

poem. Five Absolute (Flat Water Rhyme) Wonderland (with Rhyme Format)