
How to live exquisitely



Recently, I have rarely written, Xu is usually holding the pen in the wrong shape, squeezing the index finger and middle finger seriously, which is painful, and may be the sequelae left by the previous pen rush in the third year of high school. Anyway, for a period of time after the college entrance examination, I would not write it.

Now that I have begun to return to my old business, the pain coming from my hands still makes me helpless and painful. But painful and happy, I finally embarked on the road of writing.

Moving from high school to college seems to be a little more free, leaving the warm embrace of parents and the strict supervision of high school teachers, and life will be completely managed by oneself. But at the same time as freedom, it is accompanied by deep confusion and fear. How do I schedule my time? How do I take care of my life? How do I learn?

How to live exquisitely


As the problems increase, and you don't deal with them. We will only lose ourselves more and more, escape from reality, let mistakes accumulate more and more, and eventually we will be depressed.

So please stop living in a muddy state, we must learn to examine life, learn to live exquisitely. What is living exquisitely? Is it a cup of milk tea in your hand every day, or a new dress and a new bag every day, or a mansion with all kinds of expensive items? No, the exquisite life is not the brilliance in the eyes of others, but the judgment and choice in your heart.

In my eyes, clean and tidy is exquisite; comfortable, happy and happy is also exquisite. It is also exquisite to write on paper and write one pleasing word after another smoothly. Refinement is not overconsumption, but your beautiful and simple attitude towards life.

How to live exquisitely


To learn to live exquisitely, we must first have a good spirit. If your life is disordered, your head is dejected, your face is full of oil, your brain is chaotic like a mess, and your brain is too hard to think when thinking about things, do you think this will be the way it should be? It is not an exaggeration to say that it is stupid. So how can you have a good spirit? A regular schedule, adequate sleep, proper and adequate exercise are all essential. In order to ensure a good spirit and good brain work, I often go to bed at 11 o'clock at night and get up at 6:30 in the morning; sleep at 1 o'clock in the afternoon and get up at 1:45 pm every day. 3 yoga sessions a week, 3 dance practices, and 1 run are essential. Exercise + adequate sleep + adequate nutrition, so that I can maintain a good and stable attitude every day, not rushed, calm and serious response to emergencies in life.

Learn to live exquisitely, but also have a calm, serious attitude. Whether it is a trivial matter in life, something you love and pursue, or something you are afraid of and do not want to do but must do, you must be patient and serious to complete. And before doing these things, try to adjust your emotions to a peaceful state. It is not sloppy and sloppy. A good start will hopefully be able to harvest sweet fruits, and sweet fruits can make you appreciate the realization of self-worth, and after tasting the realization of self-worth, it will also make you feel happy and happy, so that you have more strength to meet new challenges. It's a beautiful cycle. At this time, there will be a lot of people asking, I have been sloppy before, and now I have accumulated a lot of questions, what should I do? Don't be afraid, don't give up, and live the exquisite life you want from now on! Do your job well, don't think wildly, concentrate on learning to read, take care of your life like a big garden, not arrogant, just like Bi Shumin said: "Safe as a cat, and cheerful as a deer." ”

How to live exquisitely



It's an imagination of life,

It's a commitment to life!

Learn to live delicately,

Do not lose to yourself,

Worthy of life.

How to live exquisitely

Image source: "The Hillside where Yu Meiren blooms"