
Monsters without teeth

author:Drunken ink dust

Anteaters live in the savannahs and forests of Mexico to northern Argentina and Uruguay, relatives of pangolins.

Together with sloths and armadillos, it is called the "Three Monsters of america", also known as the "Three Masters of America".

Monsters without teeth

The anteaters have thick hair and a large, long tail. The mouth is tubular and small, toothless, and the tongue is long, much like a worm. The saliva is sticky, the front paws are long and sharp, and it loves ants. When it is foraging, it will use its sharp front paws to dig out the nest and stick its tongue in, and the ant will stick to the mucus on the tongue and swallow it into the stomach.

Because the claws of an anteaters are very important to themselves, they are very careful to protect them. So that, when walking, the claws will be retracted, relying on the joints of the front foot to walk, giving people the feeling of limping.

Monsters without teeth

There are four species of anteaters, the large anteaters (giant anteaters) live on land, and the silk hairy anteaters and two small anteaters live in trees. When climbing trees, in addition to using the sharpness of its claws, an important part is its tail. The tail can encircle the trunk as a third leg, helping to maintain balance.

Silk wool anteaters are night owls that rarely come out during the day, do not like land, and are generally active in trees. Small anteaters are more active, and no matter day or night, they can always be seen climbing up and down. In addition, small anteaters prefer to make their home in ready-made tree holes and like to eat ants, termites and bees.

Monsters without teeth

Also known as the "ant bear", the great anteaters are the largest anteaters and the only anteaters to live in meadows and swamps.

The large anteater looks strange, all gray, with white edges and black stripes on its shoulders, about 1.3 meters long, and its tail can exceed 1 meter. The tail has thick long hairs, which are very fluffy, so when they sleep, they will cover their whole body with their tails, like a quilt.

The large anteaters can be said to have no mouth, and their mouths are just a small hole in the tubular head. However, it has a very proud tongue, which can be up to 60 cm long, stretches and contracts freely, and can complete a very complex predation process.

Monsters without teeth

The nose of the large anteater is very smart and can smell the prey in the air. It searches for the taste, can find the nest, and with the cooperation of its claws, sticks its long, flexible, long tongue with barbs and mucus into the nest for a full meal.

The great anteater is also very strong in combat, with the strength to fight the jaguar. Because the large anteater has an attack power almost as big as a bear, and its claws are as sharp as a dagger, it will also fight back when it encounters a jaguar. If you have the right time to stab your claws into the jaguar's abdomen, the jaguar will also scream for life.

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