
The touching image of the woman in "Roundabout Morning Glory"

author:A lifetime of elegance

Nineteen ancient poems

The Nineteen Ancient Poems are han dynasty works, which are nineteen poems of similar style recorded by Xiao Tong, the prince of Zhaoming in the Southern Dynasty Liang Dynasty, and these 19 works are all five-character poems, but they are not the works of one person and one time, and the author is unknown. The content of "Nineteen Ancient Poems" is rich and colorful, extremely artistic value, involving the wandering of the wanderer, the idleness of the woman, the frustration of the scholar's career, the luxury and wealth of the nobility, and so on, and the wonderful content is fascinating. Its language is simple and natural, the rhythm is smooth and harmonious, the description is vivid and appropriate, and the emotions are deep and frank, which can be called the representative work of the five words and poems of the Han Dynasty. Liu Xun, the author of "Wenxin Carved Dragon" and a famous literary and art theorist, once praised "Nineteen Ancient Poems" as "the crown of five words". Zhong Rong's "Poetry" commented that it was "thrilling, almost a thousand words".

Roundabout Morning Glory

Roundabout Morning Glory Star, Kyaukgyao River Han Girl.

Fibrous hands, Zaza lane machine.

All day long, weeping like rain.

The river is clear and shallow, how many times have they gone?

In the middle of the water, the pulse is silent.


The distant morning glory is bright, and the distant Vega star is bright.

The weaver girl waved her white hands, and the loom rattled incessantly.

All day longing, heartless weaving, she cried pear blossoms with rain, tears like rain.

[Between them] is a shallow milky way, not far away.

However, on both sides of the clear Milky Way, with a pulse of emotion, it is relatively speechless.

This poem superficially describes the morning glory and the weaver girl separated by silver men, but in fact uses affectionate brushstrokes to describe the couple in the human world who are suffering from separation.

At the beginning, the two sentences of "Roundabout Morning Glory Star, Kyauk kyauk River Han Nu" appropriately use the techniques of overlapping words and intertextuality, and the "Roundabout" and "Kyaukyao" extremely words morning glory star and Vega star are far apart, bright and clean. The ingenious and novelty of the concept is natural, and the skillful brushwork is evident.

Then, "Fibrous hands, Zaza machines." The four sentences of "all day long are not chapters, and the weeping is like rain" vividly shapes the amorous artistic image of the weaver girl: she weaves all day long, but because of the unbearable lovesickness, she cannot weave it, and she is more and more sad. Among them, the word "lane" is the meaning of play and drama, which is used very delicately, and the use of words and sentences is amazing. The weaver girl's hands are tender, but she has no intention of weaving, just bored to stroke the machine, full of thoughts make her tears like raindrops, and the curls slip down her face. This sad image is touching, and the inner emotions of the Weaver Girl make people sigh endlessly.

The last four sentences are "The river is clear and shallow, how many times have they been lost?" In the midst of a flood of water, the pulse is not silent", which is not only the sigh of the poet, but also the doubts of the author, which is thought-provoking and intriguing, and triggers the reader's association and imagination. The silver man is shallow, the morning glory weaver girl is not far away, why is it only a water apart, but it is difficult to tell each other about the intestines? What is the deeper reason behind this? Every reader will have a unique answer in mind.

The narrative of this poem is exquisite, the feelings are deep, the characters are three-dimensional and full, the images are vivid and vivid, and the emotions of acacia are deep. In the poem, the stacking technique is worth mentioning, the whole word is a total of ten sentences, and the six sentences use overlapping words, "迢迢", "Kyaukyao", "Fiber", "Zaza", "Yingying", "Pulse" and other words make the poem rhyme harmonious, very rhythmic and musical. The ingenious conception complements the beautiful rhythm, and while successfully shaping the beautiful and detached image of the woman, it also makes the expression of emotion smooth and natural, is this not the credit for the exquisite use of the rhetorical technique of stacking words?


Create with heart and live up to the time.

The years are cold, and the words are moving!

Li Yanrong