
After every 16:00 | the real estate financing of financial institutions continued to "double up" month-on-month and year-on-year in November; the previous period: promoted the listing of shipping indexes, liquefied natural gas and other varieties; Hainan duty-free shopping out of new regulations

author:National Business Daily

Per Editor: Yuan Dong

1丨 In November, the real estate financing of financial institutions continued to "double up" month-on-month and year-on-year

Every AI express, according to the reporter from the financial management department and a number of banks, the real estate loan investment in November continued to maintain a month-on-month and year-on-year double-up trend on the basis of the sharp recovery in October, and the initial expectation was about 200 billion yuan more than that of the same period last year. According to statistics, the amount of domestic bonds issued by real estate enterprises in November was 47.1 billion yuan, an increase of 84% from the previous month. With the gradual clarification of the short-term impact of the Evergrande incident, the industry is expected to further improve, and the financing behavior of financial institutions for real estate enterprises has returned to normal. (SSE)

2丨The previous issue: promote the listing of shipping index, liquefied natural gas and other varieties, and study and explore the internationalization of gold futures

Every AI express, on December 5, Wang Fenghai, general manager of the previous period, said at the 17th China (Shenzhen) International Futures Conference in 2021 held today that in terms of domestic and foreign market linkage, the previous period will promote the listing of more open varieties such as shipping index, liquefied natural gas, naphtha and other open varieties, and study and explore the internationalization of gold futures. (Coupons)

3丨Di Gang, deputy director of the Institute of Digital Research of the Central Bank: Blockchain helps the high-quality development of digital finance Can break the situation from eight aspects such as core technology and standard support

According to the AI newsletter, Di Gang, deputy director of the Digital Currency Research Institute of Chinese Min Bank, said at the 18th Global Annual Meeting of the International Financial Forum (IFF) on December 5 that although blockchain technology has expanded many application scenarios in the global digital finance field, it still faces technical challenges in six aspects, including architecture, privacy protection, information security, regulatory audit, integration and standard system. (SSE)

4丨 Hainan duty-free shopping out of the new regulations! Those with these circumstances will be entered into the list of seriously untrustworthy entities

According to the AI newsletter, recently, the "Several Provisions on punishment for duty-free shopping untrustworthiness in Hainan Free Trade Port" was published on the official website of the Standing Committee of the Hainan Provincial People's Congress, and came into force on January 1, 2022. The "Provisions" propose that natural persons included in the list of seriously untrustworthy entities in duty-free shopping shall be disqualified from their qualifications such as appraisal, appraisal, honorary title, and recommendation for further education during the publicity period. (CCTV News)

5丨 Major security incidents in other provinces of Central Africa Frequent Our embassies in Central Africa issued consular reminders

Every AI newsletter, on December 3, our Embassy in the Central African Republic issued a consular reminder reminding Chinese institutions and citizens not to travel outside Bangui, the capital of Central Africa. Since the government of the Central African Republic declared a unilateral ceasefire on 15 October 2021, armed groups in Central Africa have continued to attack civilians frequently in other provinces, especially in the north-western region of Central Africa. (CCTV News)

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