
Movie Travel | Nestle in the couch and take a magical journey from the outside to the inside! 10 selections

author:Wisely live

We have selected 10 films to take you to different countries, see different landscapes, taste different cuisines, meet different people, or taste the folds, or as deep as a blade, I hope you can find the wonders of this journey of life and enjoy it. ------------

Take a movie trip

Let's Go to Nordics- Movie Travel

Northern Europe


Movie Travel | Nestle in the couch and take a magical journey from the outside to the inside! 10 selections

N0.001 "Seagull Canteen" - Go to Northern Europe for a heart-warming cup of coffee

A single girl came alone to Helsinki, Finland, in the closest European city to Japan, to open a "seagull restaurant." What she wants is that guests don't come here specifically for dinner, but come here casually for a light meal. Yukie's gentleness and nature, Xiao Green's shyness and inner show, Masako's depth and introversion, unique personality and mutual care, I think this pure film can bring people warmth. The street that people pass by by accident, the seashore where seagulls fly, the Finnish handsome guy who regularly comes to the canteen every day, the seagull canteen under the lens from the initial desertion to the later joy, showing people is always a fresh and natural picture of life.

Everyone harvests the joy they want in the seagull canteen. The reason for these pleasures is simple: an equally simple and quiet life.

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Let's Go to Japan -Movie Travel-

Movie Travel | Nestle in the couch and take a magical journey from the outside to the inside! 10 selections

Japan Travel

NO.002 "Every Day is a Good Day"


The film is about a female college student, who began to learn the tea ceremony from the age of 20, and in the time of studying the tea ceremony for 20 years, after experiencing job failure, loss of love, and parting from important life, she finally understood the essence of the four words "every day is a good day".

The tea ceremony, which seems to be far away from our lives, is a completely different world from the contemporary state of fast and convenient life, but what is understood in the tea ceremony can be applied forever in life. When boiling tea, the only sound that can be heard is the sound of running water, only enough stability, calm mind, can not touch other things and make noise, which requires continuous practice, let your hand remember every action, when your hand remembers those movements, learn the formal things, will be in a long period of study, to understand every action, every implication in the tea ceremony.

How could life not be like this? In this world, there are two things that can be understood immediately, and things that cannot be understood immediately. For things that you can't understand right away, you only need to spend a long time and pay attention slowly, and one day you will understand.

Let's Go to the U.S.-Movie Travel-

United States

Movie Travel | Nestle in the couch and take a magical journey from the outside to the inside! 10 selections

NO.003 "No Man's Land" - Wandering in a motorhome in the Great West of the United States

In the late years of the first decade of the 21st century, the economy was depressed, Fern represented many working classes in the Midwest, many factories closed, Finn laid off unemployed, no salary meant that he could not pay the mortgage, lost his home, and his husband also died of illness, for a time there was nothing, only a white pickup truck. So Finn drove the only truck and began to "wander" in the western United States. Although she left for a forced reason, on the way to the wandering, Fern's body and mind were no longer limited to a house, a job, a relationship that could not be forgotten, she met the old man with terminal cancer, the father who lost his son, the young man who could not love, and also met the vast grassland, the desolate desert, the sun, the moon and the stars, after choosing to wander, they made up the whole of Finn's life. She has nothing, so she is indestructible, living alone on the road, and does not hesitate to help the people who have been helping Pingshui to meet, and in helping each other understand and support, a huge warm force has been formed to make Finn braver. , Duration 02:05 Click the link below to view the details of the video: *Add customer service WeChat, request the full version of the movie to watch

Let's Go to India -Movie Travel-

Movie Travel | Nestle in the couch and take a magical journey from the outside to the inside! 10 selections

Travel to India

NO.004 "The Fantasy Drift of the Young Pi"

- Drifting to India with a tiger

Originally a drift at sea, it sparked a lot of thoughts about human nature and faith. Like our whole life, fluttering in the boat of fate, I don't know when the danger comes, I don't know how to live by myself, unconsciously, growth quietly comes. This movie is subtle and crazy, euphemistic and fantastical, true and false, just like our lives, it seems that everything is under our control, but in the face of the ultimate truth, it is like a mirror flower and moon, and what we see is not equal to the truth, it is just our own heart.

In fact, whether life is true or false, it is not so important, what matters is what you are willing to believe, what to follow, and what to be close to. Do you believe that man is the master, follow his desires, and get close to falsehood, or do you believe that man has Buddha nature, follows faith, and gets close to the knowledge of goodness?

Let's Go to Korea -- Movie Travel-


Movie Travel | Nestle in the couch and take a magical journey from the outside to the inside! 10 selections

NO.005 "Jin Zhiying in 82 Years"

——Go to South Korea to immerse yourself in the real married life of women

Adult women's lives seem to be made up of countless insignificant things, but in fact, every little thing can be the last straw that crushes the camel. In the narrow sense of the family, it refers to the social life unit resulting from marriage, and in the pan-Asian living context, it has been extended to the in-laws and the mother-in-law's family, and the in-laws occupy the right to speak in the family with an overwhelming advantage. The suppression of women in the workplace is also blatant. Society's unfairness to women and family's inclination to women, all things come together, and the bright light makes Zhiying confused, sometimes thinking of himself as his mother, sometimes as his grandmother. Zhiying was too tired to be herself anymore.

Fortunately, Zhiying's husband has been guarding her side, discovered her illness, did not abandon her, and actively communicated with psychologists to try to cure Zhiying's psychological diseases. Zhiying's mother also loved her daughter from beginning to end. Zhiying did not lose her last straw, she seized the help given to her by the people who loved her, began to face the problem, and made her voice out of the injustice that society gave her.

Let's Go to Tibet -Movie Travel-

Movie Travel | Nestle in the couch and take a magical journey from the outside to the inside! 10 selections

Travel to Tibet

NO.006 "Kailash"


Kailash is recognized as a sacred mountain in the world, it is not the highest mountain in the region, but only its snow-covered peak can shine strangely in the sun, which is eye-catching. It is said that the most famous Mount Meru in Buddhism refers to Kailash.

In people's hearts, this place has become the ancestor of thousands of mountains, the source of water, a collection of magic and religious charm, Kailash deserves to become the most famous religious shrine in Asia. The greatest wish of believers is to make a pilgrimage to Mount Ganges, and even if they die during the pilgrimage, it is a great happiness. Every year, many devotees from India, Nepal, Bhutan and our country travel thousands of miles to come here, turn mountains and lakes to pray for blessings, but long-cherished wishes.

The film shots of "Kailash" are calm and simple throughout, but they make our hearts fluctuate, and every small detail on the pilgrimage road is touching. This journey has experienced life and death, witnessing the purity of life. Newborns are born on the way to pilgrimage, and old people die at the foot of the holy mountain, and the beginning and end of life are so calm. Life, old age, illness and death, everyone needs to face, each of us is walking on the pilgrimage road of our own life, facing life, we are happy to greet, in the face of death, we still have to be calm and relative.

Let's Go to Bhutan - Movie Travel-


Movie Travel | Nestle in the couch and take a magical journey from the outside to the inside! 10 selections

NO.007 "Bhutan is a Classroom"

Put away your mobile phone and take a lesson in the most beautiful Bhutan The film begins with a young man who is chasing his musical dreams in Yanbu, the capital of Bhutan, his name is Ugin, born in Bhutan but does not know happiness, dreaming of going abroad to Australia to start his own singer career, but he was sent by the Ministry of Education to Runana, the most remote and isolated village in Bhutan, for three months to volunteer. It is a small village of no more than 56 people, located in the Himalayas at an altitude of more than 5,000 meters, with no blackboards, no teaching tools, only solar power generation, and extremely scarce resources. It was necessary to walk for 8 days to get there, and at first the young Ugin, like us, was extremely dependent on electronics, and when he saw the dilapidated classrooms and dormitories, Ugin broke down and immediately wanted to go back. But the enthusiasm of the villagers, the innocence of the children, the beauty of the world, and the melodious singing in the distance made Ugin, who had lost his enthusiasm for teaching, reinvigorate and try his best to create conditions for teaching. When his phone and Walkman were running out of power, he began to pay attention to the people and things happening around him. Hearing the pleasant birdsong, the entourage said that it meant that the footsteps of spring were near. I noticed that some villagers did not wear shoes, explaining that it would be closer to nature. The film begins with "Today's educated young people, in the happiest country in the world, shouldering heavy responsibilities and symbolizing the future of the country, but always want to go somewhere else to find happiness." Today's Bhutan is at a turning point in the fusion of Eastern and Western cultures, the transition of tradition and modern civilization. It reflects the pursuit and loss of happiness of modern young people. This is also a problem faced by many other places, where people inside want to come out, and people outside want to go in with their heads squeezed. What exactly are you after? Is the seemingly happy country really happy? In the first class in the film, Ugin asks a little boy what he wants to be in the future? The boy replied, "I want to be a teacher." "Why?" "Because teachers can see the future." While Ugin despised his profession, these rural children, who lacked educational resources, gave him guidance. It is thought-provoking and inspires today's teachers not to forget their original intentions. , Duration 02:42 Click the link below to view the details of the video: *Add customer service WeChat, request the full version of the video to watch

Let's Go to Space-Movie Travel--

Movie Travel | Nestle in the couch and take a magical journey from the outside to the inside! 10 selections

space travel

NO.008 "Interstellar Exploration"

If Earth can't solve your confusion, find a way to go to space

This is a movie that will disappoint science fiction fans, there is no hardcore science fiction scene, far from "Interstellar" and "2001: A Space Odyssey", it only has a vast universe, loneliness, despair, and more and more intense heartbeat from the male protagonist... This is an anti-science fiction movie, when the male protagonist is sent to space on a mission, he says the theme of the first half of the film: human beings explore the universe day after day, when the earth can not satisfy the desire, the moon becomes a second earth full of desire, the environment is destroyed, human beings create competition, class and war here, we explore what the universe is for, we fail to make the earth better, but destroy more places. This is the result of human desire, which is constantly being demanded from outside. This is the cause of our increasing emptiness in our hearts, constantly taking outwards.

The director uses extreme circumstances, the universe, to tell the story of the cycle of cause and effect in the human world. We spend our entire lives searching for answers to life, and infinite space may allow humanity to find it, or it may make humanity find nothing. Our quest never stops, but what have we been exploring for generations? After all, the universe of Hanhai cannot nourish the desert of human spirit, and the happiness of the human spirit can only be given by oneself.

Let's Experience a Journey of Life-Movie Travel-

Movie Travel | Nestle in the couch and take a magical journey from the outside to the inside! 10 selections

The journey of life

NO.009 "Psychic Journey"

Life itself is a wonderful journey

If you go all over the world and you still have a lot of confusion, it must be a problem with life itself. We may wish to follow "Spiritual Journey" to shift our eyes from the outside world back to our own hearts and look at the present. One of the most soul-washing healing movies of 2020, now that the global epidemic is raging, how to live in the face of the epidemic? In response to this question of life and death, the film gives us more thinking and explanation. The film tells the story of Joey Gouna, the male protagonist who dreams of becoming a jazz pianist, and the world-weary Soul 22, and they return to the real world hand in hand to find the meaning of life. The two protagonists in the film, Joe and 22, are like the true portrayal of our lives, they do not know how to cherish when they have it, and they lose it and regret it at the beginning. We always see other people's lives, envy other people's lives, and always feel that other people's work is good, other people's other half is better, and other people's lives are more exciting. However, we mistakenly believe that we have experienced the experiences and feelings of others. We live in a world where we watch other people live, but we haven't really lived ourselves.

The spark of the soul is not to achieve how great a goal to achieve, but to remain enthusiastic about ordinary life.

A person who truly maintains enthusiasm for life must be a person who is always sober, always observing and perceiving his heart, feeling every second of the moment truthfully, and truly living every minute and second of the moment.

When we really begin, wanting to go into our own hearts, we will open our own spiritual journey.

Let's Take a Spiritual Journey-Movie Travel-


Movie Travel | Nestle in the couch and take a magical journey from the outside to the inside! 10 selections

NO.10 "Just a Chance Trip"

Life is always a journey of practice without anything, but I don't know why I'm not happy. All of our ways of being are starting to be questioned: work, and then what? Success, and then what? Alive, and then what? Some people completely abandon themselves, they are blind and self-consistent, and they become a wandering soul who is completely numb and blind. Some people are lost, and they are forced into a chaotic primeval forest in a sick state, embarking on another inner journey. I think people must also be really enthusiastic about this kind of life, just succumbing to group pressure, afraid of falling behind their peers and times, afraid of being thrown out of social hotspots. Over time, we care about success and entertainment far more than our own minds, and we are increasingly unable to face our true selves – frequent selfie and updates cannot be regarded as "facing ourselves", and their real purpose is still to get outside recognition. So, we kept wearing wigs, so we lost ourselves. In fact, each of us is the lobster trapped in the fish tank, eager to go home, eager to find a beacon to guide the way. The protagonist represents a trapped but courageous soul who is completely open to the attachment, brokenness and darkness of their hearts. Because such nudity inevitably brings pain, bravery is such a rare but important quality. A lot of metaphors are used in the film. For example, the mysterious multicolored god shrimp has been stripped of the dye on the shell and restored to the appearance of the usual unspecified lobster. It is actually saying that we should all take off our masks and armor and become our true selves. Even if the real self is not good enough, we have to accept it. The protagonist travels a long way to the Lighthouse of Bright Island, only to learn that there is no physically real lighthouse there. It began with an unplanned encounter, it was indeed a fortuitous trip, and like life, it was all a trip after all, and we were all travelers. At the end of the movie, a Tibetan motto is uttered: When the disciple is ready, the teacher will naturally appear. Yes, we can only accept information that we can load. Unless we evolve into better people, there are channels that won't open to us. The real light has always been in our hearts and needs to be turned on by ourselves.

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