
The 15th Annual Meeting of the Ophthalmologist Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association was grandly opened

author:International Ophthalmology News
The 15th Annual Meeting of the Ophthalmologist Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association was grandly opened

Editor's note: The 15th Annual Meeting of the Ophthalmologist Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, sponsored by the Chinese Medical Doctor Association and the Ophthalmologist Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, was held on November 19, 2021. Affected by the epidemic, this conference adopts the form of online live broadcast, with the theme of "Striving for a Century-old Road to Illuminate the Humanistic Light", focusing on the purpose of "service, coordination, self-discipline, rights protection, supervision and management" of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, continuing to innovate, disseminating and exchanging new technologies and new theories in the field of ophthalmology, paying attention to the needs and development of ophthalmologists, and exchanging and sharing with domestic colleagues in terms of skills training, humanistic quality improvement, comprehensive quality training, etc., multi-angle, all-round norms, experiences and experiences of ophthalmology and visual science.

Big coffee speeches opened the academic feast

Professor Fan Xianqun of the Ninth People's Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine presided over the opening ceremony, announced the official opening of the 15th Annual Meeting of the Ophthalmologist Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, and expressed a warm welcome to all the colleagues who participated in the online meeting.

The 15th Annual Meeting of the Ophthalmologist Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association was grandly opened

Professor Wang Ningli, Chairman of the Conference: "Good things come in pairs", and the conference was successfully held

The Ophthalmologist Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association has been established for 17 years, in line with the purpose of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, always adhere to the academic, humanistic, cultivation, self-discipline, rights protection policy, from small to large, from weak to strong, after 17 years of ups and downs, forge ahead. On the occasion of the opening of the conference, there are two good news to share with you:

First, the new Museum of Chinese Ophthalmology in Nantong was officially opened! The establishment of the new museum has brought new opportunities for the development of the Chinese Eye Museum, and I would like to express my gratitude to the seniors who have contributed to the establishment and development of the museum: thank you to Professor Zhao Jialiang, the initiator of the establishment of the museum, professor Guan Huaijin for leading the team to do a lot of work, thank you for the support of the Nantong Municipal Government for the project, and thank you for the dedication of historical relics, equipment and various exhibits in the ophthalmology community. It is believed that under the leadership of Professor Guan, the Ophthalmology Museum will be able to bloom the charm of ophthalmology with its characteristic development route.

Second, Professor Fan Xianqun, vice president of the Ophthalmology Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, vice president of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and vice dean of medicine of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering this year. This is the third time that the Chinese ophthalmology community has been elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the first is academician Li Shaozhen of the Zhongshan Eye Center, the second is academician Xie Lixin of the Shandong Provincial Eye Research Institute, and the third is Professor Fan Xianqun. Academician is not only an academic title, but also a recognition of its academic status. It is believed that with the election of the new academician, the discourse power and development space of the ophthalmology field in China's scientific and technological circles will be further enhanced. Professor Fan has made great contributions to the academic aspects of orbital diseases, eye tumors and so on, and his election as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering is well deserved, we are happy and proud of this, and once again congratulate Professor Fan on his election, and hope that after Professor Fan is elected as an academician, he can make higher and better contributions to the development of Chinese ophthalmology.

The 15th Annual Meeting of the Ophthalmologist Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association was grandly opened

Professor Yao Ke, Chairman of the Ophthalmology Branch of the Chinese Medical Association: Do medical treatment with temperature and strive for two centenary goals

The theme of this conference is "Striving for a Hundred Years, Illuminating the Humanistic Light", and the theme of the annual meeting of the Ophthalmologist Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association for two consecutive years emphasizes humanistic care, which is also very in line with the new requirements for the medical service industry in the new era, and to do medical treatment with temperature. As ophthalmologists, we must continue to win the trust of patients with superb medical skills, enhance their sense of security, trust the light to us with confidence, and at the same time give patients more care and warmth in the spiritual and psychological aspects, so that patients can enjoy medical services and get more happiness at the same time.

At present, all walks of life are working hard for the two centenary goals, as ophthalmologists, we must also actively participate in this great cause, closely rely on the medical association, strive to improve ourselves, promote the association to better play the role of service, coordination, self-discipline, rights protection, supervision and management, and make its own contribution to the realization of a healthy China!

The 15th Annual Meeting of the Ophthalmologist Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association was grandly opened

Shi Liying, Secretary-General of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association: Carrying forward the past and forging ahead with courage and determination, writing a glorious chapter in the new era

Due to the epidemic situation, the conference could not be held in Xi'an as originally planned, and we still have to express our sincere gratitude to the Shaanxi Provincial Health Commission, the Shaanxi Provincial Medical Doctor Association, and the Shaanxi Provincial Eye Hospital for their support in the preparatory work of the conference. Although the holding of the annual meeting in the past two years has been affected by the epidemic, the format of the online conference has provided time and space for speakers and audiences, so that more doctors have the opportunity to participate.

The content of this annual meeting is wonderful, coinciding with the centenary of the Communist Party of China, the special lecture on the history of ophthalmology development specially set up at this meeting encourages the young generation of ophthalmologists to learn from the rigorous and realistic scientific attitude of the older generation of ophthalmologists, the meticulous and realistic work style, and the professional spirit of diligent study and selfless dedication. While focusing on the new developments in the field of ophthalmology, the conference also added lectures on medical quality and safety, law and ethics, which can be described as forward-looking and practical, academic and humanistic. It is believed that the convening of this conference will surely have a positive role in promoting the development of the ophthalmology industry.

In the future, it is hoped that the Ophthalmology Branch will continue to carry forward the humanitarian professionalism of taking morality as the foundation and saving lives and helping the injured, optimize the construction of talent teams, strengthen the training of grass-roots doctors and the training of young and middle-aged doctors, and strengthen exchanges and learning with domestic and foreign counterparts. In the face of the opportunities and challenges brought by scientific and technological progress to the industry in advance layout, innovative development, I believe that under the leadership of President Wang Ningli, under the unremitting efforts of all members, the Ophthalmologist Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association will certainly be able to make greater contributions to the progress and development of the industry.

Shine with stars and listen to the academic frontiers

Under the presidency of Professor Wang Ningli of Beijing Tongren Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University, Professor Fan Xianqun of the Ninth People's Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Professor Zhao Mingwei of Peking University People's Hospital, and Professor Liu Wu of Beijing Tongren Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University, a number of ophthalmic experts delivered wonderful lectures.

The 15th Annual Meeting of the Ophthalmologist Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association was grandly opened
The 15th Annual Meeting of the Ophthalmologist Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association was grandly opened
The 15th Annual Meeting of the Ophthalmologist Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association was grandly opened

Professor Bi Hongsheng implements the innovation-driven strategy and promotes the coordinated development of medical education and research

The 15th Annual Meeting of the Ophthalmologist Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association was grandly opened

Professor Fan Xianqun innovated the talent training model and created a first-class talent team

The 15th Annual Meeting of the Ophthalmologist Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association was grandly opened

Professor Liu Yizhi Some experiences of the transformation of basic research achievements in ophthalmology

The 15th Annual Meeting of the Ophthalmologist Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association was grandly opened

Professor Lv Fan Explored the Mechanism of Myopia Prevention and Control in Ophthalmography

Professor Tang Shibo Discusses the Construction of Science and Education Innovation System in Non-public Ophthalmic Medical Institutions

Professor Xu Xun The application trend of blood flow OCT

Professor Zhao Mingwei The establishment of a professional and technical title system for optometry technology in China

Professor Yan Hong Damage of Intraocular Lens

Lip service stand, highlighting the "real kung fu"

Chaired by Professor Zhao Mingwei of Peking University People's Hospital, Professor Li Xiaoxin of Xiamen Eye Center Affiliated to Xiamen University, Professor Lv Fan of Optometry Hospital Affiliated to Wenzhou Medical University, Professor Wang Ningli of Beijing Tongren Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University, and Professor Zhao Jialiang of Peking Union Medical College Hospital were invited as guests. The Northern Team, led by Professor Wang Liqiang, vice chairman of the Youth Committee of the Ophthalmologist Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, and the Southern Team led by Professor Ding Xiaoyan of the Zhongshan Eye Center of Sun Yat-sen University, launched a fierce debate around three debate topics. The contestants were meticulous in their thinking and quick in reaction, and in the in-depth discussion and debate, they gained full of knowledge and warm applause from the audience.

As the conference schedule progresses

More exciting content will be revealed

▶▶▶ Traditional "seat calling" content: various thematic venues, debate competitions, speech competitions, entrepreneurship forums, etc., will be displayed in a variety of communication forms such as conference speeches, special seminars, case discussions and surgical demonstrations.

▶▶▶ New design "highlights" content: ophthalmology new technology training, medical quality and safety, law and ethics lectures, ophthalmology development history lectures, ophthalmologists humanistic short video exhibition, comprehensive and specialized hospital ophthalmology development strategy, public and private hospital president dialogue, etc.