
"Courtyard Classroom", "Matsue Threesome"... Volunteer service has injected momentum into the civilized practice of Songjiang in the new era

author:Shangguan News

Residents set up "courtyard classrooms" in their homes; the theoretical propaganda brand "Songjiang Threesome" with Songjiang regional characteristics can be seen everywhere in government agencies, communities, enterprises, and colleges and universities; and towns have established new era civilization practice sites... In Songjiang, the "City of Volunteers", with the continuous expansion of the resources of the civilized practice front, the volunteer service team and network continue to grow, volunteer service is injecting a steady stream of kinetic energy into the practice of civilization in the new era, and integrating the civilized practice activities into the lives of the people.

"Courtyard Classroom", "Matsue Threesome"... Volunteer service has injected momentum into the civilized practice of Songjiang in the new era

The "courtyard classroom" allows neighbors to become alumni

Red flags flutter, melons and fruits flutter. A few days ago, in the "courtyard classroom" of Xing Jinhua's family, a resident of Xinqiao Town, songs, dances, performances, qipao shows, martial arts and other programs were staged in turn, which was very lively. "Without the Communist Party, there would be no new China..." The audience, the choir, and the saxophone band joined forces to express the patriotic feelings of the sons and daughters of China with their songs.

Four years ago, the Xinqiao Town Civilization Office and the Xinqiao Town Adult School creatively built the learning position in the homes of residents who are enthusiastic about public welfare, so that the neighbors become alumni, let lifelong learning enter the homes of ordinary people, and the "Courtyard Classroom" volunteer service project came into being. In the courtyard, a variety of themed activities attract groups of like-minded residents who have taken to the stage of the "Courtyard Classroom" to show their style in the form of volunteer service.

So far, Xinqiao Town has 10 "courtyard classroom" volunteer service family learning points, attracting nearly 10,000 residents to participate in the activities, forming 12 distinctive learning teams. From the "courtyard classroom", there has also been a Shanghai People's Learning Star, three Songjiang District People's Learning Star, one of the most beautiful elderly students in Songjiang District, and a "Most Beautiful Family on the Sea" in Shanghai.

"Courtyard Classroom", "Matsue Threesome"... Volunteer service has injected momentum into the civilized practice of Songjiang in the new era

The study and education of party history has become more vivid

Let the party's innovative theories fly into the homes of ordinary people, promote the transmission of red genes from generation to generation, and on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, various forms of volunteer service have also made the study and education of party history more vivid.

"Songjiang Three-in-One" is a theoretical propaganda brand with Regional Characteristics of Songjiang built by the Propaganda Department of the District Party Committee, and the "Songjiang Three-in-One" red legend of "Songjiang Three-person Walk" accompanied by Yun Daiying and Luo Zhanglong, the first Communist Party member of Songjiang, accompanied by Yun Daiying and Luo Zhanglong to spread Marxism in Songjiang and carry out the activities of building a party building group, in a three-person group manner, through the use of differentiated, objectified, interactive, and diversified forms of expression, to carry out theoretical study and propaganda and grass-roots activities.

"Courtyard Classroom", "Matsue Threesome"... Volunteer service has injected momentum into the civilized practice of Songjiang in the new era

Organs, communities, enterprises, colleges and universities, everywhere there are "Songjiang Three-in-Person" propaganda volunteers, steaming, grounded, popular propaganda has aroused a warm response among the masses. At present, the "Songjiang Threesome" propaganda group has a total of more than 50 teams, with a total of 144 lectures and 4297 publicity services.

Under the matchmaking of the Songjiang District New Era Civilization Practice Volunteer Service Alliance in Songjiang University, the Songjiang District Martyrs' Cemetery and the School of Art and Design of Shanghai University of Engineering Science jointly launched the "Red Inheritance under the Brush" volunteer service project. A group of university student volunteers approached the revolutionary martyrs of Songjiang to receive a vivid patriotic education in volunteer service. They gave full play to their professional expertise, and based on the relatives' photos and surviving photos of the martyrs provided by the families of the martyrs, they gradually restored the image of the martyrs through various methods such as field visits, listening to oral accounts, copying old photos, and computer simulation synthesis.

According to Wei Lin, director of the Songjiang District Martyrs' Cemetery, in the past year, the project team has successively completed the portraits of 5 martyrs, and the portraits of the two martyrs, Xia Mujin and Shen Xinzhi, have entered the later stage of revision and improvement. "At the beginning, we received a total of 10 groups of portrait requests from martyr families, and in the process of promoting the project, 5 groups of families took the initiative to contact us, which I think is also an affirmation of the volunteer service of the students." Wei Lin said.

"Courtyard Classroom", "Matsue Threesome"... Volunteer service has injected momentum into the civilized practice of Songjiang in the new era

Mortal acts of kindness gather to warm the hearts of the city

Accumulate goodness into virtue, matilda is only sweet. Up to now, there are 476,000 registered volunteers and 1,691 volunteer service organizations in the district, who have gathered the strength to warm the whole city with their selfless dedication of mortals.

There is a memorial hall of Mao Zedong's portrait in Niigata Town, one of the first new era civilization practice points in Songjiang District, and since its opening on December 26, 2010, the number of visitors has reached 100,000. Wu Jiandong is the administrator and volunteer docent of the memorial hall, building the museum at his own expense, opening it for free, and maintaining the time and energy spent in the exhibition hall, all of which is worth it in his opinion. He said: "I feel very relieved to see so many people come to visit. More than ten years of effort can be regarded as a reward. ”

"Courtyard Classroom", "Matsue Threesome"... Volunteer service has injected momentum into the civilized practice of Songjiang in the new era

Wu Jiandong's great uncle, Wu Renjie, has been engaged in youth education-related work for many years and has served in the Shanghai Hope Project Office. Because he always had love and loyalty to Chairman Mao Zedong in his heart, Wu Renjie decided to display more than 300 Mao Zedong portraits and more than 700 photos of Mao Zedong's work and life and classic works collected over the decades. Wu Jiandong said that the purpose of building this exhibition hall is to fulfill uncle Da's dream, and the second is to hope that the broad masses of the people, especially the young people, will better understand Mao Zedong's immortal contributions to China's revolutionary construction, and encourage generation after generation of young people to always listen to the party and always follow the party.

Founded in 2014, the grassroots volunteer team from Songjiang, "Sea Charity" currently has more than 300 people, all of whom are from the grassroots level. For the old service, convenient service, help the disabled, literary and artistic volunteers, "Sea Public Welfare" has a number of service teams, active in the front line of volunteer service, the most eye-catching of which is the literary and artistic volunteer service team.

"Courtyard Classroom", "Matsue Threesome"... Volunteer service has injected momentum into the civilized practice of Songjiang in the new era

At the beginning of the establishment of the literary and art volunteer service team, the funds were lacking and the staff was insufficient, and the volunteers gave full play to their screenwriting talents, directed and performed original public welfare programs, attracted a number of literary and artistic backbones to join, and thus established the "Haina Literary and Art Society". Today, "Haina Literary and Art Society" has created more than 30 original programs, covering sitcoms, sketches, allegro, fairy tale dramas, etc., and has performed more than 300 times in the community.

Wherever the masses are, civilized practice extends; what the masses need, volunteer service provides. December 5 is the 36th "International Volunteer Day", the 2021 Songjiang District New Era Civilization Practice Volunteer Service Season has begun, a series of activities will continue until March 5, 2022, the majority of volunteers in the district will continue to practice volunteerism with practical actions and pass on the power of example.

■ Courtesy of reporter Peng Lu Wen District Civilization Office

■ Text editor Zhang Youming Lu Jia

■ Column Editor-in-Charge Xue Liangliang ■ Column Editor-in-Chief Zhou Wanbo